@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'; |
import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; |
import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild, ViewContainerRef } from '@angular/core'; |
import { FormBuilder, FormGroup } from '@angular/forms'; |
import { TreeService } from 'src/app/service/tree.service'; |
import { fromEvent, Subject } from 'rxjs'; |
import { debounceTime } from 'rxjs/operators'; // 引入debounceTime、Subject
import { NzFormatEmitEvent, NzTreeNodeOptions } from 'ng-zorro-antd/tree'; |
import { NzMessageService } from 'ng-zorro-antd/message'; |
import { NzModalService } from 'ng-zorro-antd/modal'; |
import { EditOrComponent } from './edit-or/edit-or.component'; |
@Component({ |
selector: 'app-zhi-indicators', |
templateUrl: './zhi-indicators.component.html', |
@ -13,50 +16,114 @@ import { NzFormatEmitEvent, NzTreeNodeOptions } from 'ng-zorro-antd/tree';
export class ZhiIndicatorsComponent implements OnInit { |
validateForm!: FormGroup; |
constructor(private fb: FormBuilder, private http: HttpClient, private toTree: TreeService) { } |
constructor(private fb: FormBuilder, private http: HttpClient, private toTree: TreeService, private message: NzMessageService, private modal: NzModalService, private viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef) { } |
private valueChange = new Subject<string>(); |
ngOnInit(): void { |
this.getAllOrganization() |
this.getCompanies() |
this.valueChange.pipe(debounceTime(1000)).subscribe(data => { |
console.log(data); |
}); |
} |
saveItem() { |
this.valueChange.next('xxxx'); |
} |
months = [ |
{ name: '1月', isable: true }, |
{ name: '2月', isable: true }, |
{ name: '3月', isable: true }, |
{ name: '4月', isable: true }, |
{ name: '5月', isable: true }, |
{ name: '6月', isable: true }, |
{ name: '7月', isable: true }, |
{ name: '8月', isable: true }, |
{ name: '9月', isable: true }, |
{ name: '10月', isable: true }, |
{ name: '11月', isable: true }, |
{ name: '12月', isable: true } |
{ id: 1, name: '1月', isable: true }, |
{ id: 2, name: '2月', isable: true }, |
{ id: 3, name: '3月', isable: true }, |
{ id: 4, name: '4月', isable: true }, |
{ id: 5, name: '5月', isable: true }, |
{ id: 6, name: '6月', isable: true }, |
{ id: 7, name: '7月', isable: true }, |
{ id: 8, name: '8月', isable: true }, |
{ id: 9, name: '9月', isable: true }, |
{ id: 10, name: '10月', isable: true }, |
{ id: 11, name: '11月', isable: true }, |
{ id: 12, name: '12月', isable: true } |
] |
selectedMonth |
selectedYear = 2022 |
selectedTime |
selectMonth(item) { |
this.selectedMonth = item.name |
this.selectedMonth = item.id |
this.initializeData() |
this.getTaskList('投诉举报') |
this.getTaskList('行政许可') |
} |
selectYear(e) { |
this.selectedYear = e |
this.initializeData() |
this.getTaskList('投诉举报') |
this.getTaskList('行政许可') |
} |
initializeData() { |
this.complaint.isExpand = true |
this.complaint.isPopover = false |
this.complaint.isLoading = false |
this.complaint.search1 = '' |
this.complaint.search1Value = [] |
this.complaint.search2 = '' |
this.complaint.search2Value = [] |
this.complaint.selectedMenu = 1 |
this.complaint.data = [] |
this.permission.isExpand = true |
this.permission.isPopover = false |
this.permission.isLoading = false |
this.permission.search1 = '' |
this.permission.search1Value = [] |
this.permission.search2 = '' |
this.permission.search2Value = [] |
this.permission.selectedMenu = 1 |
this.permission.data = [] |
} |
complaint = { |
name: '投诉举报', |
allocated: 0, |
isExpand: true,//卡片展开
isPopover: false,//选择单位气泡卡片
isLoading: false, |
search1: '',//选择单位气泡卡片---单位选择列表
search1Value: [], |
search2: '',//选择单位气泡卡片---组织选择列表
search2Value: [], |
searchAll: [], |
selectedMenu: 1,//选择单位气泡卡片
data: [ |
nodes: [], |
unitList: [] |
} |
permission = { |
name: '行政许可', |
allocated: 0, |
isExpand: true,//卡片展开
isPopover: false,//选择单位气泡卡片
isLoading: false, |
search1: '',//选择单位气泡卡片---单位选择列表
search1Value: [], |
search2: '',//选择单位气泡卡片---组织选择列表
search2Value: [], |
searchAll: [], |
selectedMenu: 1,//选择单位气泡卡片
data: [],//表格数据
nodes: [], |
unitList: [] |
} |
// 双随机
doubleRandom = { |
name: '双随机', |
allocated: 0, |
isExpand: true,//卡片展开
isPopover: false,//选择单位气泡卡片
isLoading: false, |
search1: '',//选择单位气泡卡片---单位选择列表
search1Value: [], |
search2: '',//选择单位气泡卡片---组织选择列表
search2Value: [], |
searchAll: [], |
selectedMenu: 1,//选择单位气泡卡片
data: [ |
{ explain: '' } |
@ -67,41 +134,25 @@ export class ZhiIndicatorsComponent implements OnInit {
// 熟悉演练
rehearsal = { |
isExpand: false,//卡片展开
name: '熟悉演练', |
allocated: 0, |
isExpand: true,//卡片展开
isPopover: false,//选择单位气泡卡片
isLoading: false, |
search1: '',//选择单位气泡卡片---单位选择列表
search1Value: [], |
search2: '',//选择单位气泡卡片---组织选择列表
search2Value: [], |
searchAll: [], |
selectedMenu: 1,//选择单位气泡卡片
data: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],//表格数据
data: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],//表格数据
nodes: [], |
unitList: [] |
} |
PageNumber = 1 |
PageSize = 50 |
totalCount: number |
getCompanies(CompanyName?: string) { |
let params = { |
CompanyName: CompanyName, |
PageNumber: this.PageNumber, |
PageSize: this.PageSize |
} |
this.http.get('/api/Companies', { |
params: params |
}).subscribe((data: any) => { |
console.log(data); |
this.totalCount = data.totalCount |
data.items.forEach(element => { |
element.label = element.companyName |
element.value = element.id |
}); |
this.doubleRandom.unitList = this.doubleRandom.unitList.concat(data.items); |
this.doubleRandom.unitList = [...this.doubleRandom.unitList] |
}) |
} |
PageNumber |
moreData() { |
this.PageNumber += 1 |
this.getCompanies() |
@ -116,15 +167,31 @@ export class ZhiIndicatorsComponent implements OnInit {
data.search1Value = arr |
} |
isPopover(data) { |
console.log(data) |
data.isPopover = !data.isPopover |
data.unitList.forEach(element => { |
element.checked = false |
// data.data.forEach(item => {
// if (element.id == item.company.id) {
// element.checked = true
// }
// })
}); |
} |
submitForm(data): void { |
data.unitList = [] |
this.PageNumber = 1 |
this.getCompanies(data.search1) |
this.getCompanies(data) |
} |
// 弹出 tab
popoverMenuSelect(data, type) { |
data.selectedMenu = type |
@ -134,64 +201,281 @@ export class ZhiIndicatorsComponent implements OnInit {
} |
totalCount: number |
unitList = [] |
async getCompanies(incomingData?: any) { |
let params = { |
CompanyName: incomingData ? incomingData.search1 : '', |
PageNumber: 1, |
PageSize: 99999 |
} |
let p = new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => { |
this.http.get('/api/Companies', { |
params: params |
}).subscribe((data: any) => { |
this.totalCount = data.totalCount |
data.items.forEach(element => { |
element.label = element.companyName |
element.value = element.id |
element.parentId = element.organizationId |
element.key = element.id |
element.title = element.companyName |
element.level = 4 |
}); |
this.unitList = data.items |
nzExpandAll = false; |
if (incomingData && incomingData.name == '投诉举报') { |
this.complaint.unitList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.unitList)) |
} else if (incomingData && incomingData.name == '行政许可') { |
this.permission.unitList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.unitList)) |
} else if (incomingData && incomingData.name == '双随机') { |
this.doubleRandom.unitList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.unitList)) |
} else if (incomingData && incomingData.name == '熟悉演练') { |
this.rehearsal.unitList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.unitList)) |
} else { |
this.complaint.unitList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.unitList)) |
this.permission.unitList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.unitList)) |
this.doubleRandom.unitList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.unitList)) |
this.rehearsal.unitList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.unitList)) |
} |
// this.complaint.unitList = this.complaint.unitList.concat(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data.items)));
// this.complaint.unitList = [...this.complaint.unitList]
// this.permission.unitList = this.permission.unitList.concat(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data.items)));
// this.permission.unitList = [...this.permission.unitList]
// this.doubleRandom.unitList = this.doubleRandom.unitList.concat(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data.items)));
// this.doubleRandom.unitList = [...this.doubleRandom.unitList]
// this.rehearsal.unitList = this.rehearsal.unitList.concat(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data.items)));
// this.rehearsal.unitList = [...this.rehearsal.unitList]
resolve(data) |
}) |
}) |
return p |
} |
allOrList: any |
nodes |
getAllOrganization() { |
async getAllOrganization() { |
let params = { |
ContainsChildren: true, |
pageSize: 9999 |
} |
this.http.get('/api/Organizations', { |
params: params |
}).subscribe((data: any) => { |
data.items.forEach(element => { |
element.key = element.id |
element.title = element.name |
element.selectable = false |
}); |
this.allOrList = data.items |
this.nodes = [...this.toTree.toTree(data.items)] |
this.doubleRandom.nodes = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.nodes)) |
this.rehearsal.nodes = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.nodes)) |
return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => { |
this.http.get('/api/Organizations', { |
params: params |
}).subscribe((data: any) => { |
console.log(9999999) |
data.items.forEach(element => { |
element.key = element.id |
element.title = element.name |
element.selectable = false |
element.disableCheckbox = true |
}); |
this.allOrList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data.items)) |
resolve(data) |
}) |
}) |
} |
users |
async getUsers() { |
return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => { |
let params = { |
OrganizationId: this.OrganizationId, |
OrganizationLevel: 'squadron', |
ContainsChildren: true, |
PageNumber: 1, |
PageSize: 9999 |
} |
this.http.get('/api/Users', { |
params: params |
}).subscribe((data: any) => { |
console.log('用户列表', data.items) |
data.items.forEach(element => { |
element.key = element.id |
element.title = element.name |
element.parentId = element.organizationId |
}); |
this.users = data.items |
resolve(data) |
}) |
}) |
} |
editOr(incomingData, item) { |
const modal = this.modal.create({ |
nzTitle: '修改协助机构', |
nzContent: EditOrComponent, |
nzViewContainerRef: this.viewContainerRef, |
nzWidth: 660, |
nzMaskClosable: false, |
nzComponentParams: { |
selectedData: item.supervisorIds, |
organizationList: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.allOrList)), |
users: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.users)), |
}, |
nzOnOk: async () => { |
if (instance.validateForm.valid) { |
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { |
let body = { |
supervisorIds: instance.validateForm.value.organization, |
} |
this.http.patch(`/api/PlanTasks/${item.id}`, body).subscribe({ |
next: async (data: any) => { |
this.message.create('success', '修改成功'); |
incomingData.name == '投诉举报' ? this.getTaskList('投诉举报') : null |
incomingData.name == '行政许可' ? this.getTaskList('行政许可') : null |
resolve(data) |
}, |
error: (err) => { |
this.message.create('warning', '修改失败'); |
reject(err) |
} |
}) |
}) |
} else { |
this.message.create('warning', '请填写完整!'); |
return false |
} |
} |
}); |
const instance = modal.getContentComponent(); |
modal.afterOpen.subscribe(() => console.log('[afterOpen] emitted!')); |
modal.afterClose.subscribe(result => console.log('[afterClose] The result is:', result)); |
} |
orcheckbox(data, $event, node) { |
if ($event) { |
data.search2Value.push(node.origin.name) |
data.search2Value.push(node.origin.id) |
} else { |
for (let index = 0; index < data.search2Value.length; index++) { |
const element = data.search2Value[index]; |
if (element == node.origin.name) { |
if (element == node.origin.id) { |
data.search2Value.splice(index, 1) |
index-- |
} |
} |
} |
console.log(data.search2Value) |
} |
OrganizationId |
ngOnInit(): void { |
this.OrganizationId = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('userData')).organizationId |
this.selectedMonth = new Date().getMonth() + 1 |
this.valueChange.pipe(debounceTime(1000)).subscribe((item: any) => { |
let body = { |
description: item.description, |
} |
return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => { |
this.http.patch(`/api/PlanTasks/${item.id}`, body).subscribe({ |
next: async (data: any) => { |
this.message.create('success', '实时保存成功'); |
resolve(data) |
}, |
error: (err) => { |
this.message.create('warning', '保存失败'); |
reject(err) |
} |
}) |
}) |
}); |
this.getUsers() |
Promise.all([this.getCompanies(), this.getAllOrganization()]) |
.then((results) => { |
let arr = [...JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.allOrList)), ...JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.unitList))] |
this.nodes = [...this.toTree.toTree(arr)] |
this.complaint.nodes = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.nodes)) |
this.permission.nodes = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.nodes)) |
this.doubleRandom.nodes = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.nodes)) |
this.rehearsal.nodes = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.nodes)) |
}); |
this.getTaskList('投诉举报') |
this.getTaskList('行政许可') |
} |
//选择单位 确认按钮
selectedUnit(data, type) { |
let arr = [...data.search1Value, ...data.search2Value] |
let arrSet = [...new Set(arr)] |
data.isLoading = true |
this.http.post(`/api/PlanTasks/Many`, null, { |
params: { |
companyIds: arrSet, |
taskType: type |
} |
}).subscribe({ |
next: (item) => { |
data.isLoading = false |
data.isPopover = false |
this.message.create('success', '派发成功'); |
type == '投诉举报' ? this.getTaskList('投诉举报', data) : null |
type == '行政许可' ? this.getTaskList('行政许可', data) : null |
}, |
error: (err) => { |
this.message.create('warning', '派发失败'); |
} |
}) |
} |
async getTaskList(TaskType, carddata?: any) { |
carddata ? carddata.isLoading = true : null |
let selectedTime = this.selectedYear + '-' + this.selectedMonth + '-' + '01' |
let params = { |
Month: selectedTime, |
OrganizationId: this.OrganizationId, |
TaskType: TaskType, |
PageNumber: 1, |
PageSize: 99999 |
} |
var p = await new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => { |
this.http.get('/api/PlanTasks', { |
params: params |
}).subscribe((data: any) => { |
TaskType == '投诉举报' ? this.complaint.allocated = 0 : null |
TaskType == '行政许可' ? this.permission.allocated = 0 : null |
carddata ? carddata.isLoading = false : null |
console.log(TaskType + '任务列表', data.items); |
TaskType == '投诉举报' ? this.complaint.data = data.items : null |
TaskType == '行政许可' ? this.permission.data = data.items : null |
data.items.forEach(item => { |
if (item.supervisorIds.length != 0) { |
TaskType == '投诉举报' ? this.complaint.allocated += 1 : null |
TaskType == '行政许可' ? this.permission.allocated += 1 : null |
} |
}); |
resolve(data) |
}) |
}) |
return p |
} |
// this.valueChange.next('xxxx');
async taskDescChange(incomingData, item) { |
this.valueChange.next(item); |
} |
ngOnDestroy(): void { |
//Called once, before the instance is destroyed.
//Add 'implements OnDestroy' to the class.
console.log('毁灭了') |
this.doubleRandom.isPopover = false |
} |
nzEvent(event: NzFormatEmitEvent): any { |
console.log(event); |
// load child async
if(event.node.origin.companyName){ |
if (event.node.origin.companyName) { |
return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => { |
reject() |
resolve() |
}) |
} |
if (event.node.origin.level === 3 && !event.node.origin.companyName) { |
if (event.node.origin.level === 'squadron' && !event.node.origin.companyName) { |
const node = event.node; |
console.log(node?.getChildren()) |
console.log(888) |
if (node?.getChildren().length === 0) { |
this.loadNode(event.node.origin.id).then(data => { |
node.addChildren(data); |