19 changed files with 799 additions and 31 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
<div class="box applymodel"> |
<p>任务名称: 熟悉演练</p> |
<p>单位名称: 上海雅特酒店管理有限公司济南泺文路分公司</p> |
<p>协助机构: 历下区A消防救援站</p> |
</div> |
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ |
import { Component, OnInit, Input } from '@angular/core'; |
import { NzModalRef } from 'ng-zorro-antd/modal'; |
import { FormBuilder, FormGroup, Validators } from '@angular/forms'; |
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'; |
import { TreeService } from 'src/app/service/tree.service'; |
@Component({ |
selector: 'app-apply-look', |
templateUrl: './apply-look.component.html', |
styleUrls: ['./apply-look.component.scss'] |
}) |
export class ApplyLookComponent implements OnInit { |
@Input() title?: string; |
@Input() subtitle?: string; |
validateForm!: FormGroup; |
constructor(private modal: NzModalRef, private fb: FormBuilder, private http: HttpClient, private toTree: TreeService) { } |
ngOnInit(): void { |
this.validateForm = this.fb.group({ |
taskname: [true, [Validators.required]], |
unitname: [null, [Validators.required]], |
organization: [null, [Validators.required]] |
}); |
this.getAllOrganization() |
} |
destroyModal(): void { |
this.modal.destroy({ data: 'this the result data' }); |
} |
nodes: any = [] |
getAllOrganization() { |
// let OrganizationUnitId = sessionStorage.getItem('isGasStation') == 'true' ? JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('userdataOfgasstation')).organization.id : JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('userdata')).organization.id
// let params = {
// OrganizationUnitId: OrganizationUnitId,
// IsContainsChildren: "true"
// }
// this.http.get('/api/services/app/Organization/GetAll', {
// params: params
// }).subscribe((data: any) => {
// data.result.items.forEach(element => {
// if (element.id == OrganizationUnitId) {
// element.parentId = null
// }
// element.key = element.id
// element.title = element.displayName
// });
// this.nodes = [...this.toTree.toTree(data.result.items)]
// })
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ |
<div class="box applymodel"> |
<form nz-form [formGroup]="validateForm"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSm]="6" [nzXs]="24" nzRequired nzFor="账号">任务名称</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control> |
<label nz-radio formControlName="taskname">熟悉演练</label> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSm]="6" [nzXs]="24" nzRequired nzFor="单位名称">单位名称</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control> |
<nz-input-group> |
<input nz-input type="text" formControlName="unitname" placeholder="请输入单位名称" /> |
</nz-input-group> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSm]="6" [nzXs]="24" nzRequired nzFor="协助机构">协助机构</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control> |
<nz-tree-select [nzShowSearch]='true' [nzDropdownClassName]="'maxHeightTreeSelect'" |
formControlName="organization" [nzNodes]="nodes" nzPlaceHolder="请选择协助机构" |
[nzExpandedIcon]="multiExpandedIconTpl"> |
</nz-tree-select> |
<ng-template #multiExpandedIconTpl let-node let-origin="origin"> |
<ng-container *ngIf="node.children.length == 0; else elseTemplate"> |
</ng-container> |
<ng-template #elseTemplate> |
<i nz-icon [nzType]="node.isExpanded ? 'caret-down' : 'caret-right'" |
class="ant-tree-switcher-line-icon"></i> |
</ng-template> |
</ng-template> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</form> |
</div> |
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ |
import { Component, OnInit, Input } from '@angular/core'; |
import { NzModalRef } from 'ng-zorro-antd/modal'; |
import { FormBuilder, FormGroup, Validators } from '@angular/forms'; |
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'; |
import { TreeService } from 'src/app/service/tree.service'; |
@Component({ |
selector: 'app-apply', |
templateUrl: './apply.component.html', |
styleUrls: ['./apply.component.scss'] |
}) |
export class ApplyComponent implements OnInit { |
@Input() title?: string; |
@Input() subtitle?: string; |
validateForm!: FormGroup; |
constructor(private modal: NzModalRef, private fb: FormBuilder, private http: HttpClient, private toTree: TreeService) { } |
ngOnInit(): void { |
this.validateForm = this.fb.group({ |
taskname: [true, [Validators.required]], |
unitname: [null, [Validators.required]], |
organization: [null, [Validators.required]] |
}); |
this.getAllOrganization() |
} |
destroyModal(): void { |
this.modal.destroy({ data: 'this the result data' }); |
} |
nodes: any = [] |
getAllOrganization() { |
// let OrganizationUnitId = sessionStorage.getItem('isGasStation') == 'true' ? JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('userdataOfgasstation')).organization.id : JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('userdata')).organization.id
// let params = {
// OrganizationUnitId: OrganizationUnitId,
// IsContainsChildren: "true"
// }
// this.http.get('/api/services/app/Organization/GetAll', {
// params: params
// }).subscribe((data: any) => {
// data.result.items.forEach(element => {
// if (element.id == OrganizationUnitId) {
// element.parentId = null
// }
// element.key = element.id
// element.title = element.displayName
// });
// this.nodes = [...this.toTree.toTree(data.result.items)]
// })
} |
} |
@ -1 +1,72 @@ |
<p>station-task-apply works!</p> |
<!-- <p>任务申请</p> --> |
<div class="box"> |
<div class="fffbox"> |
<div class="header"> |
<span> |
任务申请 |
</span> |
<span style="font-size: 14px; color: #42B983;"> |
<i nz-icon nzType="info-circle" nzTheme="outline"></i> |
任务申请已开始!剩余时间 3天13小时 / 生成周计划已开始!剩余时间 23:54:03 |
</span> |
</div> |
<div class="searchbox"> |
<div class="search"> |
<input type="text" nz-input placeholder="任务名称" [(ngModel)]="searchForm.taskname" /> |
<input type="text" nz-input placeholder="单位名称" [(ngModel)]="searchForm.unitname" /> |
<input type="text" nz-input placeholder="单位级别" [(ngModel)]="searchForm.unitlevel" /> |
<input type="text" nz-input placeholder="协助机构" [(ngModel)]="searchForm.or" /> |
<button nz-button nzType="primary"><i nz-icon nzType="search" nzTheme="outline"></i>查询</button> |
<button nz-button nzType="default"><i nz-icon nzType="reload" nzTheme="outline"></i>重置</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="content"> |
<div class="applybtn"> |
<button (click)="apply()" nz-button nzType="primary"><i nz-icon nzType="form" nzTheme="outline"></i>申请</button> |
</div> |
<div class="tablebox"> |
<nz-table nzBordered #basicTable [nzLoading]="loading" [nzData]="usersLIst" [nzShowPagination]='false' |
[nzPageSize]='16'> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th [width]="'15%'">任务名称</th> |
<th [width]="'20%'">单位名称</th> |
<th>单位级别</th> |
<th>协助机构</th> |
<th>结果</th> |
<th [width]="'8%'">操作</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr *ngFor="let item of basicTable.data"> |
<td>监督检查</td> |
<td nzBreakWord> |
上海雅特酒店管理有限公司济南泺文路分公司 |
</td> |
<td> |
一般单位 |
</td> |
<td> |
历下区A消防救援站 |
</td> |
<td> |
未发现违法违规情况 |
</td> |
<td class="operation"> |
<a class="blue" (click)="look(item)">查看</a> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</nz-table> |
</div> |
<div class="pagination"> |
<nz-pagination [nzHideOnSinglePage]="false" [nzPageIndex]="1" [nzTotal]="usersNum" [nzPageSize]="16" |
[nzShowTotal]="totalTemplate" nzShowQuickJumper (nzPageIndexChange)="pageChange($event)"> |
</nz-pagination> |
<ng-template #totalTemplate let-total> 16条/页,共{{usersNum}}条 </ng-template> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ |
.box { |
width: 100%; |
height: 100%; |
color: #303133; |
box-sizing: border-box; |
padding: 18px; |
.fffbox { |
width: 100%; |
height: 100%; |
background: #FFFFFF; |
box-shadow: 0px 3px 8px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0800); |
border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px; |
opacity: 1; |
border: 1px solid #E4E7EC; |
display: flex; |
flex-direction: column; |
} |
.header { |
width: 100%; |
height: 56px; |
display: flex; |
justify-content: space-between; |
align-items: center; |
padding: 0 20px; |
border-bottom: 1px solid #E4E7EC; |
span { |
color: #303133; |
font-weight: 500; |
font-size: 16px; |
} |
} |
.searchbox { |
height: 70px; |
display: flex; |
justify-content: space-between; |
padding: 0 20px; |
align-items: center; |
border-bottom: 1px solid #E4E7EC; |
.search { |
width: 80%; |
display: flex; |
input { |
margin-right: 16px; |
} |
button { |
margin-right: 16px; |
} |
} |
} |
.content { |
flex: 1; |
box-sizing: border-box; |
padding: 18px; |
padding-top: 0px; |
display: flex; |
flex-direction: column; |
.applybtn { |
align-self: flex-start; |
margin: 18px 0; |
} |
.operation { |
a { |
margin-right: 16px; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1 +1,70 @@ |
<p>station-task-execution works!</p> |
<!-- <p>任务执行!</p> --> |
<div class="box"> |
<div class="fffbox"> |
<div class="header"> |
<span> |
任务执行 |
</span> |
<span style="font-size: 14px; color: #42B983;"> |
<i nz-icon nzType="info-circle" nzTheme="outline"></i> |
任务申请已开始!剩余时间 3天13小时 / 生成周计划已开始!剩余时间 23:54:03 |
</span> |
</div> |
<div class="searchbox"> |
<div class="search"> |
<input type="text" nz-input placeholder="任务名称" [(ngModel)]="searchForm.taskname" /> |
<input type="text" nz-input placeholder="单位名称" [(ngModel)]="searchForm.unitname" /> |
<input type="text" nz-input placeholder="单位级别" [(ngModel)]="searchForm.unitlevel" /> |
<input type="text" nz-input placeholder="协助机构" [(ngModel)]="searchForm.or" /> |
<input type="text" nz-input placeholder="时间" [(ngModel)]="searchForm.tasktime" /> |
<button nz-button nzType="primary"><i nz-icon nzType="search" nzTheme="outline"></i>查询</button> |
<button nz-button nzType="default"><i nz-icon nzType="reload" nzTheme="outline"></i>重置</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="content"> |
<div class="tablebox"> |
<nz-table nzBordered #basicTable [nzLoading]="loading" [nzData]="usersLIst" [nzShowPagination]='false' |
[nzPageSize]='16'> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th [width]="'15%'">任务名称</th> |
<th [width]="'10%'">时间</th> |
<th [width]="'20%'">单位名称</th> |
<th>单位级别</th> |
<th>协助机构</th> |
<th>检查结果</th> |
<th [width]="'8%'">操作</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr *ngFor="let item of basicTable.data"> |
<td>监督检查</td> |
<td>2022.07.20 14:00</td> |
<td nzBreakWord> |
上海雅特酒店管理有限公司济南泺文路分公司 |
</td> |
<td> |
一般单位 |
</td> |
<td> |
历下区A消防救援站 |
</td> |
<td> |
未发现违法违规情况 |
</td> |
<td class="operation"> |
<a class="blue">查看</a> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</nz-table> |
</div> |
<div class="pagination"> |
<nz-pagination [nzHideOnSinglePage]="false" [nzPageIndex]="1" [nzTotal]="usersNum" [nzPageSize]="16" |
[nzShowTotal]="totalTemplate" nzShowQuickJumper (nzPageIndexChange)="pageChange($event)"> |
</nz-pagination> |
<ng-template #totalTemplate let-total> 16条/页,共{{usersNum}}条 </ng-template> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ |
.box { |
width: 100%; |
height: 100%; |
color: #303133; |
box-sizing: border-box; |
padding: 18px; |
.fffbox { |
width: 100%; |
height: 100%; |
background: #FFFFFF; |
box-shadow: 0px 3px 8px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0800); |
border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px; |
opacity: 1; |
border: 1px solid #E4E7EC; |
display: flex; |
flex-direction: column; |
} |
.header { |
width: 100%; |
height: 56px; |
display: flex; |
justify-content: space-between; |
align-items: center; |
padding: 0 20px; |
border-bottom: 1px solid #E4E7EC; |
span { |
color: #303133; |
font-weight: 500; |
font-size: 16px; |
} |
} |
.searchbox { |
height: 70px; |
display: flex; |
justify-content: space-between; |
padding: 0 20px; |
align-items: center; |
.search { |
width: 100%; |
display: flex; |
input { |
margin-right: 16px; |
} |
button { |
margin-right: 16px; |
} |
} |
} |
.content { |
flex: 1; |
box-sizing: border-box; |
padding: 18px; |
padding-top: 0px; |
.operation { |
a { |
margin-right: 16px; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1 +1,60 @@ |
<p>station-weekly-plan works!</p> |
<!-- <p>生成周计划</p> --> |
<div class="box weeklyplan"> |
<div class="fffbox"> |
<div class="header"> |
<span> |
申请周计划 |
</span> |
<span style="font-size: 14px; color: #42B983;"> |
<i nz-icon nzType="info-circle" nzTheme="outline"></i> |
任务申请已开始!剩余时间 3天13小时 / 生成周计划已开始!剩余时间 23:54:03 |
</span> |
</div> |
<div class="content"> |
<div class="tablebox"> |
<nz-table nzBordered #basicTable [nzLoading]="loading" [nzData]="usersLIst" [nzShowPagination]='false' |
[nzPageSize]='16'> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th [width]="'10%'">任务类型</th> |
<th [width]="'25%'">单位名称</th> |
<th>单位级别</th> |
<th>检查人</th> |
<th>消防负责人</th> |
<th>联系电话</th> |
<th [width]="'15%'">操作</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr *ngFor="let item of basicTable.data"> |
<td>双随机</td> |
<td nzBreakWord>上海雅特酒店管理有限公司济南泺文路分公司</td> |
<td> |
一般单位 |
</td> |
<td> |
张三三 |
</td> |
<td> |
张三三 |
</td> |
<td> |
15022667845 |
</td> |
<td class="operation"> |
<!-- <span>检查时间 </span> --> |
<nz-date-picker nzPlaceHolder="请选择检查日期" nzBorderless></nz-date-picker> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</nz-table> |
</div> |
<div class="pagination"> |
<nz-pagination [nzHideOnSinglePage]="false" [nzPageIndex]="1" [nzTotal]="usersNum" [nzPageSize]="16" |
[nzShowTotal]="totalTemplate" nzShowQuickJumper (nzPageIndexChange)="pageChange($event)"> |
</nz-pagination> |
<ng-template #totalTemplate let-total> 16条/页,共{{usersNum}}条 </ng-template> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ |
.box { |
width: 100%; |
height: 100%; |
color: #303133; |
box-sizing: border-box; |
padding: 18px; |
.fffbox { |
width: 100%; |
height: 100%; |
background: #FFFFFF; |
box-shadow: 0px 3px 8px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0800); |
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opacity: 1; |
border: 1px solid #E4E7EC; |
display: flex; |
flex-direction: column; |
} |
.header { |
width: 100%; |
height: 56px; |
display: flex; |
justify-content: space-between; |
align-items: center; |
padding: 0 20px; |
border-bottom: 1px solid #E4E7EC; |
span { |
color: #303133; |
font-weight: 500; |
font-size: 16px; |
} |
} |
.content { |
flex: 1; |
box-sizing: border-box; |
padding: 18px; |
padding-top: 0px; |
margin-top: 18px; |
.operation { |
nz-date-picker { |
width: 140px; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue