7 changed files with 732 additions and 3 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
<div class="main" style="background-color: #000D12;"> |
<div class="main-top"> |
<!-- 左侧 --> |
<div class="main-left"> |
<div class="panel panel04" style="flex: auto;"> |
<div class="panel-hd"> |
<a href="javascript:;" class="panel-more"><svg width="18" height="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><g fill="#93FCFF" fill-rule="evenodd" opacity=".6"><path d="M0 0h18v2H0zM0 5h18v2H0zM0 10h18v2H0z"/></g></svg></a> |
</div> |
<div class="panel-bd"> |
<div id="chartHynyxf" class="chart-item"></div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="box-wrap mt"> |
<div class="panel-hd"> |
<div class="panel-tit" style="color: white;">计划完成情况</div> |
</div> |
<div class="panel-bd"> |
<div class="progress-list"> |
<div class="progress-item"> |
<div class="progress-name">本年时间进度</div> |
<div class="progress"> |
<div class="progress-num">90%</div> |
<div class="progress-bar"> |
<div style="width: 90%;" class="progress-bar-inner progress-bar-gradient"></div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="progress-item"> |
<div class="progress-name">年计划完成率</div> |
<div class="progress"> |
<div class="progress-num">88%</div> |
<div class="progress-bar"> |
<div style="width: 88%;" class="progress-bar-inner progress-bar-gradient"></div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<!-- <div class="progress-item"> |
<div class="progress-name">日历进度差</div> |
<div class="progress"> |
<div class="progress-num">82%</div> |
<div class="progress-bar"> |
<div style="width: 82%;" class="progress-bar-inner progress-bar-gradient"></div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> --> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<!-- 中间 --> |
<div class="main-center" id="chartMap" style="z-index: 99;"> |
<!-- 数量统计 --> |
<div class="number-area" id="number-area" style="z-index: 100;height: 125px;"> |
<div class="number-box"> |
<div class="number-tit" style="color: white;">预案编制总量</div> |
<ul class="count-number"> |
<li class="count-num-item"><span class="num">0</span></li> |
<li class="count-num-item"><span class="num">2</span></li> |
<li class="count-num-item"><span class="num">2</span></li> |
<li class="count-num-item"><span class="num">6</span></li> |
<li class="count-num-item"><span class="num">7</span></li> |
<li class="count-num-item"><span class="num">8</span></li> |
</ul> |
</div> |
<div class="number-item"> |
<div class="item-tit">重点单位总量</div> |
<div class="item-txt" id="number01">8036</div> |
</div> |
<div class="number-item"> |
<div class="item-tit">数据采集总量</div> |
<div class="item-txt" id="number02">6578</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<!-- 图表 --> |
<!-- <div class="panel panel06 mt-mlger"> |
<div class="panel-bd"> |
<div id="chartQusj" class="chart-item"></div> |
</div> |
</div> --> |
</div> |
<!-- 右侧 --> |
<div class="main-right"> |
<div class="box-wrap" style="height: 100px;flex: 0.7;"> |
<div class="panel-bd" style="padding-top: 5px;"> |
<div class="total-box"> |
<div class="total-item" (click)="threePlan()"> |
<div class="total-name">三维预案总数</div> |
<div class="total-num">4374</div> |
</div> |
<div class="total-item" (click)="twoPlan()"> |
<div class="total-name">二维预案总数</div> |
<div class="total-num">9693</div> |
</div> |
<div class="total-item" (click)="cardPlan()"> |
<div class="total-name">卡片预案总数</div> |
<div class="total-num">6403</div> |
</div> |
<div class="total-item" (click)="otherPlan()"> |
<div class="total-name">其他预案总数</div> |
<div class="total-num">2208</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="box-wrap mt" style="flex: auto;max-height: 340px;margin-top: 0;"> |
<div class="panel-bd"> |
<div id="chartZdgzqy" class="chart-item" style="height: 100%;"></div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="main-bottom"> |
<div class="panel panel05"> |
<div class="panel-bd"> |
<div id="chartDwsjcj" class="chart-item"></div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
@import "../../../assets/css/newStyle.css"; |
.main-center{ |
position: relative; |
} |
#chartMap{ |
margin-left: 5px; |
} |
.number-area{ |
position: absolute; |
top: 0; |
display: block; |
width:80%; |
} |
.total-item{ |
z-index: 200; |
cursor: pointer; |
} |
.total-item div{ |
height: 25px!important; |
line-height: 25px!important; |
} |
#chartZdgzqy{ |
div{ |
height: 298px!important; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing'; |
import { HomeComponent } from './home.component'; |
describe('HomeComponent', () => { |
let component: HomeComponent; |
let fixture: ComponentFixture<HomeComponent>; |
beforeEach(async(() => { |
TestBed.configureTestingModule({ |
declarations: [ HomeComponent ] |
}) |
.compileComponents(); |
})); |
beforeEach(() => { |
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(HomeComponent); |
component = fixture.componentInstance; |
fixture.detectChanges(); |
}); |
it('should create', () => { |
expect(component).toBeTruthy(); |
}); |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
import { Component, OnInit, Renderer2, ElementRef } from '@angular/core'; |
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http' |
import { Router } from '@angular/router'; |
declare var echarts: any; |
declare var AMap: any; |
declare var AMapUI: any; |
@Component({ |
selector: 'app-home', |
templateUrl: './home.component.html', |
styleUrls: ['./home.component.scss'] |
}) |
export class HomeComponent implements OnInit { |
constructor(private http:HttpClient, private render2: Renderer2,public element: ElementRef,private router: Router) { } |
map:any; //地图
ngOnInit() { |
window.setTimeout(()=>{ |
this.unitType() |
this.unitData() |
// this.teamData()
this.keyUnit() |
this.mapInit() //初始化地图
let that = this |
window.addEventListener('resize',function () { |
}) |
},0) |
} |
threePlan(){ |
// this.router.navigate(['/planManagement/entryPlan'])
} |
twoPlan(){ |
// this.router.navigate(['/planManagement/entryPlan'])
} |
cardPlan(){ |
// this.router.navigate(['/planManagement/entryPlan'])
} |
otherPlan(){ |
// this.router.navigate(['/planManagement/entryPlan'])
} |
ngOnDestroy(): void { |
this.planState.clear() |
this.planState.dispose() |
this.chartDwsjcj.clear() |
this.chartDwsjcj.dispose() |
this.chartZdgzqy.clear() |
this.chartZdgzqy.dispose() |
} |
adcode:any //行政编码
mapInit () { |
this.map = new AMap.Map('chartMap', { |
cursor: 'default', |
zooms:[8,16], |
// bubble: true
}); |
let colors = [ |
"#3366cc", "#dc3912", "#ff9900", "#109618", "#990099", "#0099c6", "#dd4477", "#66aa00", |
"#b82e2e", "#316395", "#994499", "#22aa99", "#aaaa11", "#6633cc", "#e67300", "#8b0707", |
"#651067", "#329262", "#5574a6", "#3b3eac" |
]; |
AMapUI.loadUI(['geo/DistrictExplorer'], (DistrictExplorer)=> { |
let districtExplorer = new DistrictExplorer({ |
map: this.map, |
eventSupport: true, //打开事件支持
}); |
// let adcode = this.adcode; //行政编码
let adcode |
if(sessionStorage.getItem("realName") == "上海总队"){ |
adcode = 310000 |
}else{ |
adcode = 500000 |
} |
districtExplorer.loadAreaNode(adcode, (error, areaNode)=> { |
this.map.setBounds(areaNode.getBounds(), null, null, true); |
districtExplorer.setAreaNodesForLocating(areaNode); |
districtExplorer.clearFeaturePolygons(); |
districtExplorer.renderSubFeatures(areaNode, (feature, i) =>{ |
// console.log(123,feature,i)
let fillColor = colors[i % colors.length]; |
let strokeColor = colors[colors.length - 1 - i % colors.length]; |
return { |
cursor: 'default', |
bubble: true, |
strokeColor: strokeColor, //线颜色
strokeOpacity: 1, //线透明度
strokeWeight: 1, //线宽
fillColor: fillColor, //填充色
fillOpacity: 0.5, //填充透明度
}; |
}); |
districtExplorer.renderParentFeature(areaNode, { |
cursor: 'default', |
bubble: true, |
strokeColor: 'black', //线颜色
strokeOpacity: 1, //线透明度
strokeWeight: 1, //线宽
fillColor: null, //填充色
fillOpacity: 0.5, //填充透明度
}); |
// 更新地图视野以适合区划面
this.map.setFitView(districtExplorer.getAllFeaturePolygons()); |
}); |
districtExplorer.on('featureClick', (e, feature) =>{ |
let props = feature.properties; |
adcode = props.adcode |
// console.log(props)
let fillColor2 |
if(props.level == 'city'){ |
fillColor2 = null |
}else{ |
fillColor2 = '#d0daee' |
} |
districtExplorer.loadAreaNode(adcode, (error, areaNode)=> { |
// this.map.setBounds(areaNode.getBounds(), null, null, true);
districtExplorer.setAreaNodesForLocating(areaNode); |
districtExplorer.clearFeaturePolygons(); |
districtExplorer.renderSubFeatures(areaNode, (feature, i) =>{ |
let fillColor = colors[i % colors.length]; |
// console.log(111,fillColor)
let strokeColor = colors[colors.length - 1 - i % colors.length]; |
return { |
cursor: 'default', |
bubble: true, |
strokeColor: strokeColor, //线颜色
strokeOpacity: 1, //线透明度
strokeWeight: 1, //线宽
fillColor: fillColor, //填充色
fillOpacity: 0.5, //填充透明度
}; |
}); |
districtExplorer.renderParentFeature(areaNode, { |
cursor: 'default', |
bubble: true, |
strokeColor: 'black', //线颜色
strokeOpacity: 1, //线透明度
strokeWeight: 1, //线宽
fillColor: fillColor2, //填充色
fillOpacity: 0.5, //填充透明度
}); |
// 更新地图视野以适合区划面
this.map.setFitView(districtExplorer.getAllFeaturePolygons()); |
}); |
// this.chartQusj.setOption(this.chartQusjOption2);
// this.chartYadwlx.setOption(this.chartYadwlxOption2);
// if(sessionStorage.getItem("realName") == "上海总队"){
// this.chartYapyph.setOption(this.chartYapyphOption4);
// }else{
// this.chartYapyph.setOption(this.chartYapyphOption2);
// }
// this.chartYapyph.setOption(this.chartYapyphOption2);
// this.chartYalxtj.setOption(this.chartYalxtjOption2);
// console.log(props)
// this.map.setZoomAndCenter(9.4, props.center);
// this.map.setBounds(areaNode.getBounds(), null, null, true);
// this.router.navigate([`/home/detail`],{queryParams:{'code':props.adcode,'level':props.level}})
// this.mapInit ()
// this.keyUnitNum = '666'
// this.dataNum = '456'
// this.planNum = '2,678'
}); |
districtExplorer.on('outsideClick', (e) => { |
// console.log('区域外点击');
let adcode |
if(sessionStorage.getItem("realName") == "上海总队"){ |
adcode = 310000 |
}else{ |
adcode = 500000 |
} |
districtExplorer.loadAreaNode(adcode, (error, areaNode)=> { |
// this.map.setBounds(areaNode.getBounds(), null, null, true);
districtExplorer.setAreaNodesForLocating(areaNode); |
districtExplorer.clearFeaturePolygons(); |
districtExplorer.renderSubFeatures(areaNode, (feature, i) =>{ |
let fillColor = colors[i % colors.length]; |
// console.log(111,fillColor)
let strokeColor = colors[colors.length - 1 - i % colors.length]; |
return { |
cursor: 'default', |
bubble: true, |
strokeColor: strokeColor, //线颜色
strokeOpacity: 1, //线透明度
strokeWeight: 1, //线宽
fillColor: fillColor, //填充色
fillOpacity: 0.5, //填充透明度
}; |
}); |
districtExplorer.renderParentFeature(areaNode, { |
cursor: 'default', |
bubble: true, |
strokeColor: 'black', //线颜色
strokeOpacity: 1, //线透明度
strokeWeight: 1, //线宽
fillColor: null, //填充色
fillOpacity: 0.5, //填充透明度
}); |
// 更新地图视野以适合区划面
this.map.setFitView(districtExplorer.getAllFeaturePolygons()); |
}); |
// this.chartQusj.setOption(this.chartQusjOption);
// this.chartYadwlx.setOption(this.chartYadwlxOption);
// if(sessionStorage.getItem("realName") == "上海总队"){
// this.chartYapyph.setOption(this.chartYapyphOption3);
// }else{
// this.chartYapyph.setOption(this.chartYapyphOption);
// }
// // this.chartYapyph.setOption(this.chartYapyphOption);
// this.chartYalxtj.setOption(this.chartYalxtjOption);
// this.keyUnitNum = '8,036'
// this.dataNum = '6,578'
// this.planNum = '22,678'
}) |
}); |
} |
ngAfterViewInit(): void { |
} |
planState |
unitType () { |
this.planState = echarts.init(document.getElementById('chartHynyxf'), 'skinUpp'); |
var options={ |
title: { |
text: '预案状态统计(7005份)', |
left: 'center', |
// top:-3
// textStyle:{
// fontSize:38
// }
}, |
tooltip: { |
trigger: 'item', |
formatter: '{b} : {c} ({d}%)' |
}, |
// legend: {
// orient: 'vertical',
// top:20,
// data: ['预案新增', '预案审核通过', '预案编制', '预案审核退回', '预案审核中']
// },
series: [ |
{ |
name: '访问来源', |
type: 'pie', |
radius: '65%', |
center: ['50%', '67%'], |
label:{ |
show:true, |
formatter:'{b}\n{d|{c}份}', |
rich: { |
d: { |
align: 'center', |
} |
}, |
}, |
data: [ |
{value: 1585, name: '预案新增'}, |
{value: 2000, name: '预案审核通过',itemStyle:{color:'#02A7F0'}}, |
{value: 2600, name: '预案编制'}, |
{value: 1500, name: '预案审核退回'}, |
{value: 1800, name: '预案审核中'} |
], |
emphasis: { |
itemStyle: { |
shadowBlur: 10, |
shadowOffsetX: 0, |
shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)' |
} |
} |
} |
] |
}; |
this.planState.setOption(options); |
this.planState.on("click",(params) => { |
this.router.navigate(['/statisticanalysis/statePageOne']) |
}) |
} |
chartDwsjcj |
unitData () { |
this.chartDwsjcj = echarts.init(document.getElementById('chartDwsjcj'), 'skinUpp'); |
var option = { |
color: ['#FB33C2', '#00CFF0', '#2C3DE0'], |
// 标题
title: { |
text: '新增、删除单位统计', |
left: 0, |
top: 0, |
}, |
grid: { |
left: 30, |
right: 0, |
}, |
legend: { |
top: 0, |
data: ['新增单位', '删除单位', ], |
icon: 'circle', |
itemGap: 20, |
}, |
tooltip: { |
trigger: 'axis', |
}, |
// x轴
xAxis: { |
type: 'category', |
data: [], |
axisLabel: { |
interval: 0, |
formatter:function(value){ |
var ret = "";//拼接加\n返回的类目项
var maxLength = 5;//每项显示文字个数
var valLength = value.length;//X轴类目项的文字个数
var rowN = Math.ceil(valLength / maxLength); //类目项需要换行的行数
if (rowN > 1) { //如果类目项的文字大于3,
for (var i = 0; i < rowN; i++) { |
var temp = "";//每次截取的字符串
var start = i * maxLength;//开始截取的位置
var end = start + maxLength;//结束截取的位置
temp = value.substring(start, end) + "\n"; |
ret += temp; |
} //凭借最终的字符串
return ret; |
}else { |
return value; |
} |
} //function
} |
}, |
// y轴
yAxis: { |
type: 'value', |
splitLine: { |
show: true, |
lineStyle: { |
color: 'rgba(255,255,255,.4)' |
} |
}, |
}, |
// 数据
series: [ |
{ |
name: '新增单位', |
type: 'bar', |
data: [320, 302, 301, 234, 390, 330, 320, 390, 330, 320, 390, 301, 234, 390, 330, 320, 390, ], |
label: { |
show: false, |
position: "top", |
formatter: '{c}', |
color: "#fff", |
}, |
itemStyle: { |
color: { |
type: 'linear', |
x: 0, |
y: 0, |
x2: 0, |
y2: 1, |
colorStops: [{ |
offset: 0, |
color: 'rgba(254,51,194,1)' // 0% 处的颜色
}, { |
offset: 1, |
color: 'rgba(254,51,194,.5)' // 100% 处的颜色
}], |
global: false // 缺省为 false
} |
} |
}, { |
name: '删除单位', |
type: 'bar', |
data: [300, 202, 101, 134, 290, 430, 220, 490, 430, 490, 430, 202, 101, 134, 290, 430, 220, ], |
label: { |
show: false, |
position: "top", |
formatter: '{c}', |
color: "#fff", |
}, |
itemStyle: { |
color: { |
type: 'linear', |
x: 0, |
y: 0, |
x2: 0, |
y2: 1, |
colorStops: [{ |
offset: 0, |
color: 'rgba(0,220,254,1)' // 0% 处的颜色
}, { |
offset: 1, |
color: 'rgba(1,104,191,1)' // 100% 处的颜色
}], |
globalCoord: false // 缺省为 false
}, |
} |
} |
], |
}; |
if(sessionStorage.getItem("realName") == "上海总队"){ |
option.xAxis.data = ['上海总队','浦东支队','黄浦支队','徐汇支队','长宁支队','静安支队','普陀支队','虹口支队','杨浦支队','闵行支队','宝山支队','青浦支队','松江支队','金山支队','崇明支队','滨海支队'] |
}else{ |
option.xAxis.data = ['渝北区消防救援支队', '黔江区消防救援支队', '大渡口区消防救援支队', '南岸区消防救援支队', '北培区消防救援支队', '渝中区消防救援支队', '万州区消防救援支队', '涪陵区消防救援支队', '江北区消防救援支队', '九龙仓区消防救援支队', '沙坪坝区消防救援支队', '九龙坡区消防救援支队', '长寿区消防救援支队', '巴南区消防救援支队', '江津区消防救援支队', '合川区消防救援支队', '南川区消防救援支队'] |
} |
this.chartDwsjcj.setOption(option); |
this.chartDwsjcj.on("click",(params) => { |
if(params.seriesName == "新增单位"){ |
this.router.navigate(['/statisticanalysis/addUnit_one']) |
}else{ |
this.router.navigate(['/statisticanalysis/delete_one']) |
} |
}) |
} |
chartZdgzqy |
keyUnit () { |
this.chartZdgzqy = echarts.init(document.getElementById('chartZdgzqy'), 'skinUpp'); |
let options={ |
title: { |
text: '建筑类型统计(8900家)', |
left: 'center', |
top: -3, |
// textStyle: {
// fontSize:31
// }
}, |
tooltip: { |
trigger: 'item', |
formatter: '{b} : {c}家 ({d}%)' |
}, |
// legend: {
// orient: 'vertical',
// right: 150,
// top:80,
// data: ['高层', '地下', '轨道交通', '化工生产', '储罐类' , '厂房','古建筑', '商市场', '医院', '学校', '宾馆' , '娱乐场所','餐饮业', '影剧院', '展览建筑' , '隧道']
// },
series: [ |
{ |
name: '访问来源', |
type: 'pie', |
radius: '70%', |
center: ['50%', '60%'], |
label:{ |
show:true, |
// fontSize:13,
formatter:'{b}{c}家', |
rich: { |
d: { |
align: 'center', |
} |
}, |
}, |
data: [ |
{value: 500, name: '高层'}, |
{value: 800, name: '地下'}, |
{value: 900, name: '轨道交通'}, |
{value: 800, name: '化工生产'}, |
{value: 1200, name: '储罐类'}, |
{value: 1500, name: '厂房'}, |
{value: 1400, name: '古建筑'}, |
{value: 600, name: '商市场'}, |
{value: 568, name: '医院'}, |
{value: 888, name: '学校'}, |
{value: 485, name: '宾馆'}, |
{value: 966, name: '娱乐场所'}, |
{value: 789, name: '餐饮业'}, |
{value: 500, name: '影剧院'}, |
{value: 1025, name: '展览建筑'}, |
{value: 600, name: '隧道'} |
], |
emphasis: { |
itemStyle: { |
shadowBlur: 10, |
shadowOffsetX: 0, |
shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)' |
} |
} |
} |
] |
}; |
this.chartZdgzqy.setOption(options); |
this.chartZdgzqy.on("click",(params) => { |
this.router.navigate(['/statisticanalysis/buildingType_one']) |
}) |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue