@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
< / div >
< div class = "inputbox" style = "width: 700px;" >
< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span >
< span > 辖区中队 :< / span >
< span > 消防救援站 :< / span >
< mat-form-field style = "width: 538px;" >
< input matInput id = "organization" name = "organization" type = 'text'
required minlength="1"
@ -163,406 +163,590 @@
<!-- body -->
< div class = "bottombox" style = "flex: 70%;overflow-y: auto;" >
< div class = "houseinfobox" style = "height: 100%; overflow-y: auto;padding-bottom: 64px; box-sizing:border-box" >
< button type = "button" mat-icon-button ( click ) = " addhouseinfo ( ) " class = "addhouseinfo" > < mat-icon style = "font-size: 38px;" > add_circle_outline< / mat-icon > < / button >
< mat-tab-group style = "height: 100%;;" ( focusChange ) = " selecttab ( $ event ) " >
< mat-tab [ label ] = " item . username " * ngFor = "let item of houses;let key = index" >
< form style = "height: 100%; overflow-y:auto; display: block;" ( ngSubmit ) = " onSubmit2 ( form . value , item , key , form . invalid ) " # form = "ngForm" class = "example-container" >
< div class = "houseinfobox" style = "height: 100%; overflow-y: auto;padding-bottom: 64px; box-sizing:border-box" >
<!-- 创建建筑按钮 -->
< button type = "button" mat-icon-button ( click ) = " addhouseinfo ( ) " class = "addhouseinfo" > < mat-icon style = "font-size: 38px;" > add_circle_outline< / mat-icon > < / button >
< mat-tab-group style = "height: 100%;;" ( focusChange ) = " selecttab ( $ event ) " >
< mat-tab [ label ] = " item . username " * ngFor = "let item of houses;let key = index" >
< form style = "height: 100%; overflow-y:auto; display: block;" ( ngSubmit ) = " onSubmit2 ( form . value , item , key , form . invalid ) " # form = "ngForm" class = "example-container" >
<!-- 正常建筑 -->
< div class = "highinfo" * ngIf = "item.tongyong" >
< div class = "houseinfoinput" >
< span > 建筑名称:< / span >
< mat-form-field >
< input matInput id = "housename" name = "housename" type = 'text'
minlength="1" [(ngModel)]="item.name"
< / mat-form-field >
< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span >
< / div >
< div class = "houseinfoinput" >
< span > 建筑类型:< / span >
< mat-form-field >
< mat-select name = "unittype" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . buildtype " >
< mat-option [ value ] = " n . name " * ngFor = "let n of allunittype" ( click ) = " templatebuildtype ( n , item , key ) " > {{n.name}}< / mat-option >
< / mat-select >
< / mat-form-field >
< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span >
< / div >
< div * ngFor = "let item of item.buildingBasicGroups;let www = index" style = "float: left;" >
< h1 style = "font-size: 22px;" > {{item.name}}< / h1 >
< div class = "houseinfoinput" * ngFor = "let i of item.propertyInfos" style = "float: left;margin-left: 250px;position: relative;" >
< span > {{i.propertyName}}< span * ngIf = "i.physicalUnit" > ({{i.physicalUnit}})< / span > :< / span >
<!-- 如果类型是文本 -->
< mat-form-field * ngIf = "i.propertyType == 0 && i.propertyName != '耐火等级'" >
< input matInput id = "floorspace" name = "{{i.propertyName}}{{www}}" type = 'text'
required="{{ i.required==true ? 'true' : 'false' }}"
< / mat-form-field >
<!-- 如果类型是数字 -->
< mat-form-field * ngIf = "i.propertyType == 2 && i.propertyName != '耐火等级'" >
< input matInput id = "floorspace" name = "{{i.propertyName}}{{www}}" type = 'number'
required="{{ i.required==true ? 'true' : 'false' }}"
<!-- <mat - error *ngIf="isshowrule">{{rulevalue}}</mat - error> -->
< / mat-form-field >
<!-- 如果类型是耐火等级 -->
< mat-form-field * ngIf = "i.propertyName == '耐火等级'" >
< mat-select name = "{{i.propertyName}}{{www}}" required = "{{ i.required==true ? 'true' : 'false' }}" placeholder = "请选择耐火等级" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " i . propertyValue " >
< mat-option value = "0" > 1级< / mat-option >
< mat-option value = "1" > 2级< / mat-option >
< mat-option value = "2" > 3级< / mat-option >
< mat-option value = "3" > 其它< / mat-option >
< / mat-select >
< / mat-form-field >
<!-- 如果类型是多行文本 -->
< textarea * ngIf = "i.propertyType == 1 && i.propertyName != '耐火等级'" style = "width: 180px;height: 60px;" required = "{{ i.required==true ? 'true' : 'false' }}" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " i . propertyValue " name = "{{i.propertyName}}{{key}}" > < / textarea >
< span style = "color: red;" * ngIf = "i.required" > *< / span >
< div * ngIf = "i.isshowrule" style = "position: absolute ;
left: 205px;
top: 45px;
font-size: 11px;
color: red;">
< span > {{i.rulevalue}}< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
<!-- 正常建筑 -->
< div class = "highinfo" * ngIf = "item.tongyong" >
< div class = "houseinfoinput" >
< div class = "CustomData" style = "width: 200px;" >
< mat-checkbox ( change ) = " checkCustomData ( $ event ) " name = "checkbuilding" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . isCustomData " style = "float: left;margin-right: 10px;" > < / mat-checkbox >
< h1 style = "font-size: 22px;width: 200px;" > 自定义信息< / h1 >
< / div >
< div * ngIf = "item.isCustomData" style = "position: relative;" >
< button style = "position: absolute;left: 0;" type = "button" mat-icon-button ( click ) = " addCustomData ( item ) " class = "addCustomData" > < mat-icon style = "font-size: 38px;" > add_circle_outline< / mat-icon > < / button >
< button style = "position: absolute;left:60px;" type = "button" mat-icon-button ( click ) = " deleteCustomData ( item ) " class = "deleteCustomData" > < mat-icon style = "font-size: 38px;" > remove_circle_outline< / mat-icon > < / button >
< div class = "houseinfoinput" style = "float: left;margin-left: 250px;" * ngFor = "let i of item.buildingCustomData.customProperties;let key = index" >
< mat-form-field >
< input matInput type = 'text' name = "{{key}}1CustomData"
< / mat-form-field >
< span > :< / span >
< mat-form-field >
< input matInput type = 'text' name = "{{key}}2CustomData"
< / mat-form-field >
< span style = "color: red;" * ngIf = "i.required" > *< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
<!-- 石油化工 -->
< div class = "highinfo" * ngIf = "item.isshiyou;let bigkey = index" >
< div class = "basicinfobox" >
< div class = "houseinfoinput" >
< span > 建筑名称:< / span >
< mat-form-field >
< input matInput id = "housename" name = "housename" type = 'text'
minlength="1" [(ngModel)]="item.name"
required minlength="1" [(ngModel)]="item.name"
< / mat-form-field >
< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span >
< / div >
< div class = "houseinfoinput" >
< div class = "houseinfoinput" >
< span > 建筑类型:< / span >
< mat-form-field >
< mat-select name = "unittype" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . buildtype " >
< mat-option [ value ] = " n . name " * ngFor = "let n of allunittype" ( click ) = " templatebuildtype ( n , item , key ) " > {{n.name}}< / mat-option >
< mat-select required name = "unittype" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . buildtype " >
< mat-option [ value ] = " n . name " * ngFor = "let n of allunittype" ( click ) = " templatebuildtype ( n , item , key ) " > {{n.name}}< / mat-option >
< / mat-select >
< / mat-form-field >
< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span >
< / div >
< h1 style = "font-size: 22px;" > {{item.buildingBasicGroups[0].name}}< / h1 >
< div class = "houseinfoinput" * ngFor = "let i of item.buildingBasicGroups[0].propertyInfos;let smkey = index" style = "float: left;margin-left: 250px;position: relative;" >
< span > {{i.propertyName}} < span * ngIf = "i.physicalUnit" > ({{i.physicalUnit}})< / span > :< / span >
<!-- 如果类型是文本 -->
< mat-form-field * ngIf = "i.propertyType == 0 && i.propertyName != '耐火等级'" >
< input matInput id = "floorspace" name = "{{i.propertyName}}" type = 'text'
required="{{ i.required==true ? 'true' : 'false' }}"
< / mat-form-field >
< div * ngFor = "let item of item.buildingBasicGroups;let www = index" style = "float: left;" >
< h1 style = "font-size: 22px;" > {{item.name}}< / h1 >
< div class = "houseinfoinput" * ngFor = "let i of item.propertyInfos" style = "float: left;margin-left: 250px;position: relative;" >
< span > {{i.propertyName}}< span * ngIf = "i.physicalUnit" > ({{i.physicalUnit}})< / span > :< / span >
<!-- 如果类型是文本 -->
< mat-form-field * ngIf = "i.propertyType == 0 && i.propertyName != '耐火等级'" >
< input matInput id = "floorspace" name = "{{i.propertyName}}{{www}}" type = 'text'
required="{{ i.required==true ? 'true' : 'false' }}"
< / mat-form-field >
<!-- 如果类型是数字 -->
< mat-form-field * ngIf = "i.propertyType == 2 && i.propertyName != '耐火等级'" >
< input matInput id = "floorspace" name = "{{i.propertyName}}{{www}}" type = 'number'
required="{{ i.required==true ? 'true' : 'false' }}"
<!-- <mat - error *ngIf="isshowrule">{{rulevalue}}</mat - error> -->
< / mat-form-field >
<!-- 如果类型是耐火等级 -->
< mat-form-field * ngIf = "i.propertyName == '耐火等级'" >
< mat-select name = "{{i.propertyName}}{{www}}" required = "{{ i.required==true ? 'true' : 'false' }}" placeholder = "请选择耐火等级" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " i . propertyValue " >
< mat-option value = "0" > 1级< / mat-option >
< mat-option value = "1" > 2级< / mat-option >
< mat-option value = "2" > 3级< / mat-option >
< mat-option value = "3" > 其它< / mat-option >
< / mat-select >
< / mat-form-field >
<!-- 如果类型是多行文本 -->
< textarea * ngIf = "i.propertyType == 1 && i.propertyName != '耐火等级'" style = "width: 180px;height: 60px;" required = "{{ i.required==true ? 'true' : 'false' }}" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " i . propertyValue " name = "{{i.propertyName}}{{key}}" > < / textarea >
< span style = "color: red;" * ngIf = "i.required" > *< / span >
< div * ngIf = "i.isshowrule" style = "position: absolute ;
left: 205px;
top: 45px;
font-size: 11px;
color: red;">
< span > {{i.rulevalue}}< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
<!-- 如果类型是数字 -->
< mat-form-field * ngIf = "i.propertyType == 2 && i.propertyName != '耐火等级'" >
< input matInput id = "floorspace" name = "{{i.propertyName}}" type = 'number'
required="{{ i.required==true ? 'true' : 'false' }}"
<!-- <mat - error *ngIf="isshowrule">{{rulevalue}}</mat - error> -->
< / mat-form-field >
<!-- 如果类型是耐火等级 -->
< mat-form-field * ngIf = "i.propertyName == '耐火等级'" >
< mat-select name = "{{i.propertyName}}" required = "{{ i.required==true ? 'true' : 'false' }}" placeholder = "请选择耐火等级" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " i . propertyValue " >
< mat-option value = "0" > 1级< / mat-option >
< mat-option value = "1" > 2级< / mat-option >
< mat-option value = "2" > 3级< / mat-option >
< mat-option value = "3" > 其它< / mat-option >
< / mat-select >
< / mat-form-field >
<!-- 如果类型是多行文本 -->
< textarea * ngIf = "i.propertyType == 1 && i.propertyName != '耐火等级'" style = "width: 180px;height: 60px;" required = "{{ i.required==true ? 'true' : 'false' }}" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " i . propertyValue " name = "{{i.propertyName}}" > < / textarea >
< span style = "color: red;" * ngIf = "i.required" > *< / span >
< div * ngIf = "i.isshowrule" style = "position: absolute ;
left: 205px;
top: 45px;
font-size: 11px;
color: red;">
< span > {{i.rulevalue}}< / span >
< / div >
< div class = "CustomData" style = "width: 200px;" >
< mat-checkbox ( change ) = " checkCustomData ( $ event ) " name = "checkbuilding" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . isCustomData " style = "float: left;margin-right: 10px;" > < / mat-checkbox >
< h1 style = "font-size: 22px;width: 200px;" > 自定义信息< / h1 >
< / div >
< div * ngIf = "item.isCustomData" style = "position: relative;" >
< button style = "position: absolute;left: 0;" type = "button" mat-icon-button ( click ) = " addCustomData ( item ) " class = "addCustomData" > < mat-icon style = "font-size: 38px;" > add_circle_outline< / mat-icon > < / button >
< button style = "position: absolute;left:60px;" type = "button" mat-icon-button ( click ) = " deleteCustomData ( item ) " class = "deleteCustomData" > < mat-icon style = "font-size: 38px;" > remove_circle_outline< / mat-icon > < / button >
< div class = "houseinfoinput" style = "float: left;margin-left: 250px;" * ngFor = "let i of item.buildingCustomData.customProperties;let key = index" >
< mat-form-field >
< input matInput type = 'text' name = "{{key}}1CustomData"
< / mat-form-field >
< span > :< / span >
< mat-form-field >
< input matInput type = 'text' name = "{{key}}2CustomData"
< / mat-form-field >
< span style = "color: red;" * ngIf = "i.required" > *< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
<!-- 石油化工 -->
< div class = "highinfo" * ngIf = "item.isshiyou;let bigkey = index" >
<!-- 装置信息 -->
< div class = "deviceinfo" >
< div style = "width: 200px;" >
< mat-checkbox ( change ) = " checkboxchange ( item . buildingBasicGroups [ 1 ] . submitted , $ event ) " name = "item.buildingBasicGroups[1].name" * ngIf = "item.buildingBasicGroups[1].isOptional" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . buildingBasicGroups [ 1 ] . submitted " style = "float: left;margin-right: 10px;" > < / mat-checkbox >
< h1 style = "font-size: 22px;width: 200px;" > {{item.buildingBasicGroups[1].name}}< / h1 >
< / div >
< div class = "basicinfobox" >
< div class = "houseinfoinput" >
< span > 建筑名称:< / span >
< mat-form-field >
< input matInput id = "housename" name = "housename" type = 'text'
required minlength="1" [(ngModel)]="item.name"
< / mat-form-field >
< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span >
< / div >
< div class = "houseinfoinput" >
< span > 建筑类型:< / span >
< mat-form-field >
< mat-select required name = "unittype" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . buildtype " >
< mat-option [ value ] = " n . name " * ngFor = "let n of allunittype" ( click ) = " templatebuildtype ( n , item , key ) " > {{n.name}}< / mat-option >
< / mat-select >
< / mat-form-field >
< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span >
< / div >
< h1 style = "font-size: 22px;" > {{item.buildingBasicGroups[0].name}}< / h1 >
< div class = "houseinfoinput" * ngFor = "let i of item.buildingBasicGroups[0].propertyInfos;let smkey = index" style = "float: left;margin-left: 250px;position: relative;" >
< span > {{i.propertyName}} < span * ngIf = "i.physicalUnit" > ({{i.physicalUnit}})< / span > :< / span >
< table mat-table [ dataSource ] = " devicedataSourcebox [ item . buildingId ] " class = "mat-elevation-z8" * ngIf = "item.buildingBasicGroups[1].submitted" >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "name" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef >
< button style = "width: 24px;" type = "button" mat-icon-button class = "adddeviceinfo2" ( click ) = " adddeviceinfo ( item ) " > < mat-icon > add_circle_outline< / mat-icon > < / button >
< button style = "width: 24px;" type = "button" mat-icon-button class = "removedeviceinfo" ( click ) = " removedeviceinfo ( item ) " > < mat-icon > remove_circle_outline< / mat-icon > < / button >
装置区名称< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span > < / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< textarea style = "width: 100px;" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " element . name " name = "{{key}}1" required > < / textarea >
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "flow" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 工艺流程< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span > < / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< textarea [ ( ngModel ) ] = " element . flow " name = "{{key}}2" required > < / textarea >
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "danger" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 火灾危险性< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span > < / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< textarea [ ( ngModel ) ] = " element . danger " name = "{{key}}3" required > < / textarea >
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "payattentionto" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 灭火注意事项< / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< textarea style = "width: 100px;" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " element . payattentionto " name = "{{key}}4" > < / textarea >
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< tr mat-header-row * matHeaderRowDef = "displayedColumns" > < / tr >
< tr mat-row * matRowDef = "let row; columns: displayedColumns;" > < / tr >
< / table >
< / div >
<!-- 如果类型是文本 -->
< mat-form-field * ngIf = "i.propertyType == 0 && i.propertyName != '耐火等级'" >
< input matInput id = "floorspace" name = "{{i.propertyName}}" type = 'text'
required="{{ i.required==true ? 'true' : 'false' }}"
< / mat-form-field >
<!-- 储罐信息 -->
< div style = "width: 200px;" >
< mat-checkbox ( change ) = " checkboxchange ( item , $ event ) " * ngIf = "item.buildingBasicGroups[2].isOptional" name = "item.buildingBasicGroups[2].name" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . buildingBasicGroups [ 2 ] . submitted " style = "float: left;margin-right: 10px;" > < / mat-checkbox >
< h1 style = "font-size: 22px;width: 200px;" > 储罐信息< / h1 >
< / div >
< button * ngIf = "item.buildingBasicGroups[2].submitted" type = "button" mat-raised-button color = "primary" ( click ) = " addtankbox ( item , ' 石油化工类 ' ) " style = "margin-top: 30px;margin-right: 5px;" > 添加储罐< / button >
< button * ngIf = "item.buildingBasicGroups[2].submitted" type = "button" mat-raised-button color = "warn" ( click ) = " removetankbox ( item , bigkey ) " style = "margin-top: 30px;" matTooltip = "会将此建筑处于末尾的储罐移除" > 移除末尾储罐< / button >
< div * ngIf = "item.buildingBasicGroups[2].submitted" style = "margin-top: 30px;" >
< div class = "tankinfo" * ngFor = "let x of item.bigfor;let www = index" >
<!-- 罐区基本信息 -->
< p style = "font-size: 22px; width: 200px;" > {{x[0].name}}< / p >
< div class = "basicinfobox" >
< div class = "houseinfoinput" * ngFor = "let i of x[0].propertyInfos;let key = index" style = "line-height: 65px;" >
< span > {{i.propertyName}} {{i.physicalUnit}}:< / span >
< mat-form-field * ngIf = "i.propertyType == 0" >
< input matInput id = "floorspace" name = "{{www+2}}-tanker-{{key}}" type = 'text'
required="{{ i.required==true ? 'true' : 'false' }}"
< / mat-form-field >
< textarea style = "width: 180px;height: 45px;" * ngIf = "i.propertyType == 1" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " i . propertyValue " name = "{{www+2}}-tanker-{{key}}" > < / textarea >
< span style = "color: red;" * ngIf = "i.required" > *< / span >
< / div >
<!-- 如果类型是数字 -->
< mat-form-field * ngIf = "i.propertyType == 2 && i.propertyName != '耐火等级'" >
< input matInput id = "floorspace" name = "{{i.propertyName}}" type = 'number'
required="{{ i.required==true ? 'true' : 'false' }}"
<!-- <mat - error *ngIf="isshowrule">{{rulevalue}}</mat - error> -->
< / mat-form-field >
<!-- 如果类型是耐火等级 -->
< mat-form-field * ngIf = "i.propertyName == '耐火等级'" >
< mat-select name = "{{i.propertyName}}" required = "{{ i.required==true ? 'true' : 'false' }}" placeholder = "请选择耐火等级" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " i . propertyValue " >
< mat-option value = "0" > 1级< / mat-option >
< mat-option value = "1" > 2级< / mat-option >
< mat-option value = "2" > 3级< / mat-option >
< mat-option value = "3" > 其它< / mat-option >
< / mat-select >
< / mat-form-field >
<!-- 如果类型是多行文本 -->
< textarea * ngIf = "i.propertyType == 1 && i.propertyName != '耐火等级'" style = "width: 180px;height: 60px;" required = "{{ i.required==true ? 'true' : 'false' }}" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " i . propertyValue " name = "{{i.propertyName}}" > < / textarea >
< span style = "color: red;" * ngIf = "i.required" > *< / span >
< div * ngIf = "i.isshowrule" style = " position: absolute ;
left: 205px;
top: 45px;
font-size: 11px;
color: red;">
< span > {{i.rulevalue}}< / span >
< / div >
<!-- 罐区储罐信息 -->
< p style = "font-size: 22px; width: 200px;" > {{x[1].name}}< / p >
< div class = "tankdetailinfo" >
< table # table mat-table [ dataSource ] = " x [ 1 ] . propertyInfos " class = "mat-elevation-z8" style = "position: relative;" >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "tank" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef >
< button type = "button" mat-icon-button class = "adddeviceinfo" ( click ) = " adddeviceinfo2 ( www , item , ' 石油化工类 ' ) " style = "position: absolute;left: 0;" > < mat-icon > add_circle_outline< / mat-icon > < / button >
< button type = "button" mat-icon-button class = "removedeviceinfo" ( click ) = " removedeviceinfo3 ( www , item ) " > < mat-icon > remove_circle_outline< / mat-icon > < / button >
罐区 < / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.tank}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "tankid" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 储罐编号< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span > < / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.tankid}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "tankmedium" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 储存介质< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span > < / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.tankmedium}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "tanktype" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 储罐类型< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span > < / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.tanktype}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "tankcapacity" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 容量(m³)< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span > < / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.tankcapacity}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "tankdiameter" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 直径(m)< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span > < / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.tankdiameter}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "tankheight" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 高度(m)< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span > < / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.tankheight}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "tanktectum" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 顶盖形式< / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.tanktectum}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "tanktexture" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 浮盘材质< / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.tanktexture}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "platetype" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 浮盘类型< / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.platetype}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "foamgeneratorid" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 泡沫产生器型号< / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.foamgeneratorid}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "foamgeneratortype" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 泡沫产生器形式< / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.foamgeneratortype}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "isprotect" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 是否设置氮封惰化保护装置< / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.isprotect}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "fendinggroyneheight" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 防护堤高度(m)< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span > < / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.fendinggroyneheight}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "portnum" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 半固定泡沫灭火接口数量< / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.portnum}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "else" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 其它设施< / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.else}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< tr mat-header-row * matHeaderRowDef = "displayedColumns2" > < / tr >
< tr mat-row * matRowDef = "let row; columns: displayedColumns2;" > < / tr >
< / table >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "deviceinfo" >
< div style = "width: 200px;" >
< mat-checkbox ( change ) = " checkboxchange ( item . buildingBasicGroups [ 1 ] . submitted , $ event ) " name = "item.buildingBasicGroups[1].name" * ngIf = "item.buildingBasicGroups[1].isOptional" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . buildingBasicGroups [ 1 ] . submitted " style = "float: left;margin-right: 10px;" > < / mat-checkbox >
< h1 style = "font-size: 22px;width: 200px;" > {{item.buildingBasicGroups[1].name}}< / h1 >
< / div >
< table mat-table [ dataSource ] = " devicedataSourcebox [ item . buildingId ] " class = "mat-elevation-z8" * ngIf = "item.buildingBasicGroups[1].submitted" >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "name" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef >
< button style = "width: 24px;" type = "button" mat-icon-button class = "adddeviceinfo2" ( click ) = " adddeviceinfo ( item ) " > < mat-icon > add_circle_outline< / mat-icon > < / button >
< button style = "width: 24px;" type = "button" mat-icon-button class = "removedeviceinfo" ( click ) = " removedeviceinfo ( item ) " > < mat-icon > remove_circle_outline< / mat-icon > < / button >
装置区名称< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span > < / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< textarea style = "width: 100px;" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " element . name " name = "{{key}}1" required > < / textarea >
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "flow" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 工艺流程< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span > < / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< textarea [ ( ngModel ) ] = " element . flow " name = "{{key}}2" required > < / textarea >
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "danger" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 火灾危险性< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span > < / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< textarea [ ( ngModel ) ] = " element . danger " name = "{{key}}3" required > < / textarea >
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "payattentionto" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 灭火注意事项< / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< textarea style = "width: 100px;" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " element . payattentionto " name = "{{key}}4" > < / textarea >
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< tr mat-header-row * matHeaderRowDef = "displayedColumns" > < / tr >
< tr mat-row * matRowDef = "let row; columns: displayedColumns;" > < / tr >
< / table >
< / div >
< div class = "CustomData" style = "width: 200px;margin-top: 60px;" >
< mat-checkbox ( change ) = " checkCustomData ( $ event ) " name = "checkbuilding" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . isCustomData " style = "float: left;margin-right: 10px;" > < / mat-checkbox >
< h1 style = "font-size: 22px;width: 200px;" > 自定义信息< / h1 >
< / div >
< div * ngIf = "item.isCustomData" style = "position: relative;" >
< button style = "position: absolute;left: 0;font-size: 11px;" type = "button" mat-icon-button ( click ) = " addCustomData ( item ) " class = "addCustomData" > < mat-icon style = "font-size: 38px;" > add_circle_outline< / mat-icon > < / button >
< button style = "position: absolute;left:60px;" type = "button" mat-icon-button ( click ) = " deleteCustomData ( item ) " class = "deleteCustomData" > < mat-icon style = "font-size: 38px;" > remove_circle_outline< / mat-icon > < / button >
< div class = "houseinfoinput" style = "float: left;margin-left: 250px;" * ngFor = "let i of item.buildingCustomData.customProperties;let key = index" >
< mat-form-field >
< input matInput type = 'text' name = "{{key}}1CustomData"
< / mat-form-field >
< span > :< / span >
< mat-form-field >
< input matInput type = 'text' name = "{{key}}2CustomData"
< / mat-form-field >
< span style = "color: red;" * ngIf = "i.required" > *< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
<!-- 加油站 -->
< div class = "highinfo" * ngIf = "item.jiayou;let bigkey = index" >
< div class = "basicinfobox" >
< div class = "houseinfoinput" >
< span > 建筑名称:< / span >
< mat-form-field >
< input matInput id = "housename" name = "housename" type = 'text'
required minlength="1" [(ngModel)]="item.name"
< / mat-form-field >
< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span >
< / div >
< div class = "houseinfoinput" >
< span > 建筑类型:< / span >
< mat-form-field >
< mat-select required name = "unittype" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . buildtype " >
< mat-option [ value ] = " n . name " * ngFor = "let n of allunittype" ( click ) = " templatebuildtype ( n , item , key ) " > {{n.name}}< / mat-option >
< / mat-select >
< / mat-form-field >
< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span >
< / div >
< h1 style = "font-size: 22px;" > {{item.buildingBasicGroups[0].name}}< / h1 >
< div class = "houseinfoinput" * ngFor = "let i of item.buildingBasicGroups[0].propertyInfos;let smkey = index" style = "float: left;margin-left: 250px;position: relative;" >
< span > {{i.propertyName}} < span * ngIf = "i.physicalUnit" > ({{i.physicalUnit}})< / span > :< / span >
<!-- 如果类型是文本 -->
< mat-form-field * ngIf = "i.propertyType == 0 && i.propertyName != '耐火等级'" >
< input matInput id = "floorspace" name = "{{i.propertyName}}" type = 'text'
required="{{ i.required==true ? 'true' : 'false' }}"
< / mat-form-field >
< div style = "width: 200px;" >
< mat-checkbox ( change ) = " checkboxchange ( item , $ event ) " * ngIf = "item.buildingBasicGroups[2].isOptional" name = "item.buildingBasicGroups[2].name" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . buildingBasicGroups [ 2 ] . submitted " style = "float: left;margin-right: 10px;" > < / mat-checkbox >
< h1 style = "font-size: 22px;width: 200px;" > 储罐信息< / h1 >
<!-- 如果类型是数字 -->
< mat-form-field * ngIf = "i.propertyType == 2 && i.propertyName != '耐火等级'" >
< input matInput id = "floorspace" name = "{{i.propertyName}}" type = 'number'
required="{{ i.required==true ? 'true' : 'false' }}"
<!-- <mat - error *ngIf="isshowrule">{{rulevalue}}</mat - error> -->
< / mat-form-field >
<!-- 如果类型是耐火等级 -->
< mat-form-field * ngIf = "i.propertyName == '耐火等级'" >
< mat-select name = "{{i.propertyName}}" required = "{{ i.required==true ? 'true' : 'false' }}" placeholder = "请选择耐火等级" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " i . propertyValue " >
< mat-option value = "0" > 1级< / mat-option >
< mat-option value = "1" > 2级< / mat-option >
< mat-option value = "2" > 3级< / mat-option >
< mat-option value = "3" > 其它< / mat-option >
< / mat-select >
< / mat-form-field >
<!-- 如果类型是多行文本 -->
< textarea * ngIf = "i.propertyType == 1 && i.propertyName != '耐火等级'" style = "width: 180px;height: 60px;" required = "{{ i.required==true ? 'true' : 'false' }}" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " i . propertyValue " name = "{{i.propertyName}}" > < / textarea >
< span style = "color: red;" * ngIf = "i.required" > *< / span >
< div * ngIf = "i.isshowrule" style = "position: absolute ;
left: 205px;
top: 45px;
font-size: 11px;
color: red;">
< span > {{i.rulevalue}}< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
<!-- 装置信息 -->
< button * ngIf = "item.buildingBasicGroups[2].submitted" type = "button" mat-raised-button color = "primary" ( click ) = " addtankbox ( item , bigkey ) " style = "margin-top: 30px;margin-right: 5px;" > 添加储罐< / button >
< button * ngIf = "item.buildingBasicGroups[2].submitted" type = "button" mat-raised-button color = "warn" ( click ) = " removetankbox ( item , bigkey ) " style = "margin-top: 30px;" matTooltip = "会将此建筑处于末尾的储罐移除" > 移除末尾储罐< / button >
<!-- 储罐信息 -->
< div style = "width: 200px;" >
< mat-checkbox ( change ) = " checkboxchange ( item , $ event ) " * ngIf = "item.buildingBasicGroups[2].isOptional" name = "item.buildingBasicGroups[2].name" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . buildingBasicGroups [ 2 ] . submitted " style = "float: left;margin-right: 10px;" > < / mat-checkbox >
< h1 style = "font-size: 22px;width: 200px;" > 储罐信息< / h1 >
< / div >
< button * ngIf = "item.buildingBasicGroups[2].submitted" type = "button" mat-raised-button color = "primary" ( click ) = " addtankbox ( item , ' 加油站 ' ) " style = "margin-top: 30px;margin-right: 5px;" > 添加储罐< / button >
< button * ngIf = "item.buildingBasicGroups[2].submitted" type = "button" mat-raised-button color = "warn" ( click ) = " removetankbox ( item , bigkey ) " style = "margin-top: 30px;" matTooltip = "会将此建筑处于末尾的储罐移除" > 移除末尾储罐< / button >
< div * ngIf = "item.buildingBasicGroups[2].submitted" style = "margin-top: 30px;" >
< div class = "tankinfo" * ngFor = "let x of item.bigfor;let www = index" >
< p style = "font-size: 22px; width: 200px;" > {{x[0].name}}< / p >
< div class = "basicinfobox" >
< div class = "houseinfoinput" * ngFor = "let i of x[0].propertyInfos;let key = index" style = "line-height: 65px;" >
< span > {{i.propertyName}} {{i.physicalUnit}}:< / span >
< mat-form-field * ngIf = "i.propertyType == 0" >
< input matInput id = "floorspace" name = "{{www+2}}-tanker-{{key}}" type = 'text'
required="{{ i.required==true ? 'true' : 'false' }}"
< / mat-form-field >
< textarea style = "width: 180px;height: 45px;" * ngIf = "i.propertyType == 1" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " i . propertyValue " name = "{{www+2}}-tanker-{{key}}" > < / textarea >
< span style = "color: red;" * ngIf = "i.required" > *< / span >
< / div >
< div * ngIf = "item.buildingBasicGroups[2].submitted" style = "margin-top: 30px;" >
< div class = "tankinfo" * ngFor = "let x of item.bigfor;let www = index" >
<!-- 罐区基本信息 -->
< p style = "font-size: 22px; width: 200px;" > {{x[0].name}}< / p >
< div class = "basicinfobox" >
< div class = "houseinfoinput" * ngFor = "let i of x[0].propertyInfos;let key = index" style = "line-height: 65px;" >
< span > {{i.propertyName}} {{i.physicalUnit}}:< / span >
< mat-form-field * ngIf = "i.propertyType == 0" >
< input matInput id = "floorspace" name = "{{www+2}}-tanker-{{key}}" type = 'text'
required="{{ i.required==true ? 'true' : 'false' }}"
< / mat-form-field >
< textarea style = "width: 180px;height: 45px;" * ngIf = "i.propertyType == 1" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " i . propertyValue " name = "{{www+2}}-tanker-{{key}}" > < / textarea >
< span style = "color: red;" * ngIf = "i.required" > *< / span >
< / div >
< p style = "font-size: 22px; width: 200px;" > {{x[1].name}}< / p >
< div class = "tankdetailinfo" >
< table # table mat-table [ dataSource ] = " x [ 1 ] . propertyInfos " class = "mat-elevation-z8" style = "position: relative;" >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "tank" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef >
< button type = "button" mat-icon-button class = "adddeviceinfo" ( click ) = " adddeviceinfo2 ( www , item ) " style = "position: absolute;left: 0;" > < mat-icon > add_circle_outline< / mat-icon > < / button >
< / div >
<!-- 罐区储罐信息 -->
< p style = "font-size: 22px; width: 200px;" > {{x[1].name}}< / p >
< div class = "tankdetailinfo" >
< table # table mat-table [ dataSource ] = " x [ 1 ] . propertyInfos " class = "mat-elevation-z8" style = "position: relative;" >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "tankid" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef >
< button type = "button" mat-icon-button class = "adddeviceinfo" ( click ) = " adddeviceinfo2 ( www , item , ' 加油站 ' ) " style = "position: absolute;left: 0;" > < mat-icon > add_circle_outline< / mat-icon > < / button >
< button type = "button" mat-icon-button class = "removedeviceinfo" ( click ) = " removedeviceinfo3 ( www , item ) " > < mat-icon > remove_circle_outline< / mat-icon > < / button >
罐区 < / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.tank}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "tankid" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 罐区编号< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span > < / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.tankid}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "tankmedium" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 储存介质< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span > < / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.tankmedium}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "tanktype" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 储罐类型< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span > < / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.tanktype}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "tankcapacity" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 容量(m³)< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span > < / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.tankcapacity}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "tankdiameter" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 直径(m)< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span > < / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.tankdiameter}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "tankheight" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 高度(m)< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span > < / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.tankheight}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "tanktectum" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 顶盖形式< / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.tanktectum}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "tanktexture" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 浮盘材质< / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.tanktexture}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "platetype" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 浮盘类型< / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.platetype}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "foamgeneratorid" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 泡沫产生器型号< / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.foamgeneratorid}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "foamgeneratortype" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 泡沫产生器形式< / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.foamgeneratortype}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "isprotect" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 是否设置氮封惰化保护装置< / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.isprotect}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "fendinggroyneheight" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 防护堤高度(m)< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span > < / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.fendinggroyneheight}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "portnum" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 半固定泡沫灭火接口数量< / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.portnum}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
储罐编号< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span > < / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.tankid}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "tankmedium" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 储存介质< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span > < / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.tankmedium}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "tanktype" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 储罐类型< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span > < / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.tanktype}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "tankcapacity" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 容量(m³)< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span > < / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.tankcapacity}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "tankdiameter" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 直径(m)< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span > < / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.tankdiameter}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "tankheight" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 高度(m)< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span > < / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.tankheight}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "else" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 其它设施< / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.else}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< tr mat-header-row * matHeaderRowDef = "displayedColumns3" > < / tr >
< tr mat-row * matRowDef = "let row; columns: displayedColumns3;" > < / tr >
< / table >
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< ng-container matColumnDef = "else" >
< th mat-header-cell * matHeaderCellDef > 其它设施< / th >
< td mat-cell * matCellDef = "let element;let key = index" >
< input style = "height:45px" class = "tankinfo" name = "{{www}}{{element.else}}tank{{key}}" type = 'text'
< / td >
< / ng-container >
< tr mat-header-row * matHeaderRowDef = "displayedColumns2" > < / tr >
< tr mat-row * matRowDef = "let row; columns: displayedColumns2;" > < / tr >
< / table >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "CustomData" style = "width: 200px;margin-top: 60px;" >
< mat-checkbox ( change ) = " checkCustomData ( $ event ) " name = "checkbuilding" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . isCustomData " style = "float: left;margin-right: 10px;" > < / mat-checkbox >
< h1 style = "font-size: 22px;width: 200px;" > 自定义信息< / h1 >
< / div >
< div * ngIf = "item.isCustomData" style = "position: relative;" >
< button style = "position: absolute;left: 0;font-size: 11px;" type = "button" mat-icon-button ( click ) = " addCustomData ( item ) " class = "addCustomData" > < mat-icon style = "font-size: 38px;" > add_circle_outline< / mat-icon > < / button >
< button style = "position: absolute;left:60px;" type = "button" mat-icon-button ( click ) = " deleteCustomData ( item ) " class = "deleteCustomData" > < mat-icon style = "font-size: 38px;" > remove_circle_outline< / mat-icon > < / button >
< div class = "houseinfoinput" style = "float: left;margin-left: 250px;" * ngFor = "let i of item.buildingCustomData.customProperties;let key = index" >
< mat-form-field >
< input matInput type = 'text' name = "{{key}}1CustomData"
< / mat-form-field >
< span > :< / span >
< mat-form-field >
< input matInput type = 'text' name = "{{key}}2CustomData"
< / mat-form-field >
< span style = "color: red;" * ngIf = "i.required" > *< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "CustomData" style = "width: 200px;margin-top: 60px;" >
< mat-checkbox ( change ) = " checkCustomData ( $ event ) " name = "checkbuilding" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . isCustomData " style = "float: left;margin-right: 10px;" > < / mat-checkbox >
< h1 style = "font-size: 22px;width: 200px;" > 自定义信息< / h1 >
< / div >
< div class = "infobtnbox" >
< button type = "submit()" mat-button mat-raised-button color = "primary" > 保存< / button >
< button type = "button" mat-raised-button ( click ) = " deletedbuilding ( item ) " color = "warn" > 删除< / button >
< div * ngIf = "item.isCustomData" style = "position: relative;" >
< button style = "position: absolute;left: 0;font-size: 11px;" type = "button" mat-icon-button ( click ) = " addCustomData ( item ) " class = "addCustomData" > < mat-icon style = "font-size: 38px;" > add_circle_outline< / mat-icon > < / button >
< button style = "position: absolute;left:60px;" type = "button" mat-icon-button ( click ) = " deleteCustomData ( item ) " class = "deleteCustomData" > < mat-icon style = "font-size: 38px;" > remove_circle_outline< / mat-icon > < / button >
< div class = "houseinfoinput" style = "float: left;margin-left: 250px;" * ngFor = "let i of item.buildingCustomData.customProperties;let key = index" >
< mat-form-field >
< input matInput type = 'text' name = "{{key}}1CustomData"
< / mat-form-field >
< span > :< / span >
< mat-form-field >
< input matInput type = 'text' name = "{{key}}2CustomData"
< / mat-form-field >
< span style = "color: red;" * ngIf = "i.required" > *< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / form >
< / mat-tab >
< / mat-tab-group >
< / div >
< div class = "infobtnbox" >
< button type = "submit()" mat-button mat-raised-button color = "primary" > 保存< / button >
< button type = "button" mat-raised-button ( click ) = " deletedbuilding ( item ) " color = "warn" > 删除< / button >
< / div >
< / form >
< / mat-tab >
< / mat-tab-group >
< / div >
< / div >