@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import { MatSnackBar, MatSnackBarConfig } from '@angular/material/snack-bar';
import { filter } from 'rxjs/operators'; |
import { TabbarAndScoreService } from '../http-interceptors/tabbar-and-score.service'; |
@Component({ |
selector: 'app-tabbar', |
templateUrl: './tabbar.component.html', |
@ -29,158 +28,239 @@ export class TabbarComponent implements OnInit {
this.toggleDarkTheme.emit(eventValue); |
} |
constructor(private tabbarService: TabbarAndScoreService,private http:HttpClient,private router:Router,private route:ActivatedRoute,public token:CacheTokenService,public dialog: MatDialog, |
public snackBar: MatSnackBar) { } |
grade = null //单位完整度得分
title:any = "数字化预案编制管理平台" |
planName:any = null |
routerEventsListener //监测路由变化
integrityData:any |
companyIntegrityScore:any |
ngOnInit() {
this.routerEventsListener = this.router.events.pipe( |
filter(event => event instanceof NavigationEnd) |
).subscribe((e) => { |
this.title = "数字化预案编制管理平台" |
this.planName = null |
this.grade = null |
if(this.router.url.indexOf("editunitinfo") == -1 || this.router.url.indexOf("viewunitinfoplan") == -1){//如果url地址是从录入预案跳转
this.companyIntegrityScore = '' |
} |
}) |
constructor(private tabbarService: TabbarAndScoreService,private http:HttpClient,private router:Router,private route:ActivatedRoute,public token:CacheTokenService,public dialog: MatDialog,public snackBar: MatSnackBar) { } |
if(this.router.url.indexOf("editunitinfo") != -1 || this.router.url.indexOf("viewunitinfoplan") != -1){//如果url地址是从录入预案跳转
this.title = sessionStorage.getItem("companyName") |
this.planName = sessionStorage.getItem("planName") |
} |
if(this.router.url.indexOf("editplaninfo") != -1 || (this.router.url.indexOf("viewunitinfo") != -1 && this.router.url.indexOf("viewunitinfoplan") == -1)){//如果url地址是从重点单位跳转
this.title = sessionStorage.getItem("companyName") |
// let obj = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem(this.route.snapshot.queryParams.id))
// this.companyIntegrityScore = obj
grade = null //单位完整度得分
title:any = "数字化预案编制管理平台" |
planName:any = null |
routerEventsListener //监测路由变化
integrityData:any |
companyIntegrityScore:any |
ngOnInit() {
this.routerEventsListener = this.router.events.pipe( |
filter(event => event instanceof NavigationEnd) |
).subscribe((e) => { |
this.title = "数字化预案编制管理平台" |
this.planName = null |
this.grade = null |
if(this.router.url.indexOf("editunitinfo") == -1 || this.router.url.indexOf("viewunitinfoplan") == -1){//如果url地址是从录入预案跳转
this.companyIntegrityScore = '' |
} |
}) |
if(this.router.url.indexOf("editunitinfo") != -1 || this.router.url.indexOf("viewunitinfoplan") != -1){//如果url地址是从录入预案跳转
this.title = sessionStorage.getItem("companyName") |
this.planName = sessionStorage.getItem("planName") |
} |
if(this.router.url.indexOf("editplaninfo") != -1 || (this.router.url.indexOf("viewunitinfo") != -1 && this.router.url.indexOf("viewunitinfoplan") == -1)){//如果url地址是从重点单位跳转
this.title = sessionStorage.getItem("companyName") |
// let obj = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem(this.route.snapshot.queryParams.id))
// this.companyIntegrityScore = obj
this.getIntegrityScore() |
this.tabbarService.getMessage().subscribe((message: any)=>{ |
console.log(789,message);//send a message
this.getIntegrityScore() |
this.tabbarService.getMessage().subscribe((message: any)=>{ |
console.log(789,message);//send a message
this.getIntegrityScore() |
}); |
} |
this.getUserInfo() |
}); |
} |
this.getUserInfo() |
} |
getIntegrityScore(){ |
let params:any = { |
USCI : this.route.snapshot.queryParams.usci |
} |
this.http.get('/api/Companies',{params:params}).subscribe((data:any) => { |
this.companyIntegrityScore = data.items[0].companyIntegrityScore
isSpinner:boolean = false//下载帮助文档进度
downloadHelpFile () { |
this.getFileMSG() |
} |
helpFile:any = 'api/ObjectMetadata/help/数字化预案编制管理平台手册.pdf'; //下载文件的url地址
download:any; //下载的文件
getFileMSG () { |
this.isSpinner = true |
this.http.get(`${this.helpFile}`).subscribe(data=>{ |
this.download = data |
this.downloadFile() |
},err=>{ |
let config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'bottom'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.snackBar.open('下载失败','确定',config); |
}) |
} |
downloadFile () { |
let file = this.download |
let fileSize = file.fileLength//下载文件的总大小
let shardSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024 //文件大小是否大于10MB
if (file && fileSize<=shardSize) { //<=10MB时直接下载
this.http.get(`/api/Objects/help/${file.objectName}`,{responseType: 'blob'},).subscribe(data=>{ |
let url = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([data])); //createObjectURL创建一个下载Blob的url地址
let link = document.createElement("a"); |
link.style.display = "none"; |
link.href = url; |
link.setAttribute("download", '数字化预案编制管理平台手册.pdf'); |
document.body.appendChild(link); |
link.click(); |
this.isSpinner = false |
},err=>{ |
let config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'bottom'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.snackBar.open('下载失败','确定',config); |
}) |
} else if (file && fileSize>shardSize) { //>10MB时分块下载
this.blockingDownload() //分段下载
} |
ngOnDestroy(){ |
this.routerEventsListener.unsubscribe() |
} |
} |
async blockingDownload () { |
let file = this.download |
let fileSize = file.fileLength //下载文件的总大小
let shardSize = 3 * 1024 * 1024 //3MB一个分片
let allSlice = Math.ceil(fileSize / shardSize) //总文件/3MB===共分多少段
let allFile:any = [] //所有的file分段
integrityDetails(width,zong){ |
let style:any = {} |
style.width = (width/zong)*100 +'%'; |
return style |
} |
scoringRuleImg:boolean = false |
scoringRule(){ |
this.scoringRuleImg = !this.scoringRuleImg |
} |
closebtn(){ |
this.scoringRuleImg = false |
} |
boxed(css){ |
const Element = document.body; |
Element.style.width = '1200px' |
} |
for (let i=0;i<allSlice;i++) { |
let start = i * shardSize //每次下载文件开始位置
let end = Math.min(fileSize, start + shardSize-1); //每次下载文件结束为止
standard(){ |
const Element = document.body; |
Element.style.width = '100%' |
} |
let result = await new Promise ((result,reject)=>{ |
this.http.get(`/api/Objects/help/${file.objectName}`,{headers:{'range':`bytes= ${start}-${end}`},responseType:'blob'}).subscribe(data=>{ |
result(data) })
}) |
allFile.push(result) |
isfullscreen:boolean = false; |
fullscreenToggle(){ |
const docElmWithBrowsersFullScreenFunctions = document.documentElement as HTMLElement & { |
mozRequestFullScreen(): Promise<void>; |
webkitRequestFullscreen(): Promise<void>; |
msRequestFullscreen(): Promise<void>; |
}; |
if (docElmWithBrowsersFullScreenFunctions.requestFullscreen) { |
docElmWithBrowsersFullScreenFunctions.requestFullscreen(); |
} else if (docElmWithBrowsersFullScreenFunctions.mozRequestFullScreen) { /* Firefox */ |
docElmWithBrowsersFullScreenFunctions.mozRequestFullScreen(); |
} else if (docElmWithBrowsersFullScreenFunctions.webkitRequestFullscreen) { /* Chrome, Safari and Opera */ |
docElmWithBrowsersFullScreenFunctions.webkitRequestFullscreen(); |
} else if (docElmWithBrowsersFullScreenFunctions.msRequestFullscreen) { /* IE/Edge */ |
docElmWithBrowsersFullScreenFunctions.msRequestFullscreen(); |
if (allFile.length === allSlice) { //合并文件输出给浏览器
let url = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob(allFile)); //createObjectURL创建一个下载Blob的url地址
let link = document.createElement("a"); |
link.style.display = "none"; |
link.href = url; |
link.setAttribute("download", '数字化预案编制管理平台手册.pdf'); |
document.body.appendChild(link); |
link.click(); |
this.isSpinner = false |
} |
this.isfullscreen = true; |
} //for循环
} |
getIntegrityScore(){ |
let params:any = { |
USCI : this.route.snapshot.queryParams.usci |
} |
closefullscreen(){ |
const docWithBrowsersExitFunctions = document as Document & { |
mozCancelFullScreen(): Promise<void>; |
webkitExitFullscreen(): Promise<void>; |
msExitFullscreen(): Promise<void>; |
this.http.get('/api/Companies',{params:params}).subscribe((data:any) => { |
this.companyIntegrityScore = data.items[0].companyIntegrityScore
}) |
} |
ngOnDestroy(){ |
this.routerEventsListener.unsubscribe() |
} |
integrityDetails(width,zong){ |
let style:any = {} |
style.width = (width/zong)*100 +'%'; |
return style |
} |
scoringRuleImg:boolean = false |
scoringRule(){ |
this.scoringRuleImg = !this.scoringRuleImg |
} |
closebtn(){ |
this.scoringRuleImg = false |
} |
boxed(css){ |
const Element = document.body; |
Element.style.width = '1200px' |
} |
standard(){ |
const Element = document.body; |
Element.style.width = '100%' |
} |
isfullscreen:boolean = false; |
fullscreenToggle(){ |
const docElmWithBrowsersFullScreenFunctions = document.documentElement as HTMLElement & { |
mozRequestFullScreen(): Promise<void>; |
webkitRequestFullscreen(): Promise<void>; |
msRequestFullscreen(): Promise<void>; |
}; |
if (docWithBrowsersExitFunctions.exitFullscreen) { |
docWithBrowsersExitFunctions.exitFullscreen(); |
} else if (docWithBrowsersExitFunctions.mozCancelFullScreen) { /* Firefox */ |
docWithBrowsersExitFunctions.mozCancelFullScreen(); |
} else if (docWithBrowsersExitFunctions.webkitExitFullscreen) { /* Chrome, Safari and Opera */ |
docWithBrowsersExitFunctions.webkitExitFullscreen(); |
} else if (docWithBrowsersExitFunctions.msExitFullscreen) { /* IE/Edge */ |
docWithBrowsersExitFunctions.msExitFullscreen(); |
} |
this.isfullscreen = false; |
if (docElmWithBrowsersFullScreenFunctions.requestFullscreen) { |
docElmWithBrowsersFullScreenFunctions.requestFullscreen(); |
} else if (docElmWithBrowsersFullScreenFunctions.mozRequestFullScreen) { /* Firefox */ |
docElmWithBrowsersFullScreenFunctions.mozRequestFullScreen(); |
} else if (docElmWithBrowsersFullScreenFunctions.webkitRequestFullscreen) { /* Chrome, Safari and Opera */ |
docElmWithBrowsersFullScreenFunctions.webkitRequestFullscreen(); |
} else if (docElmWithBrowsersFullScreenFunctions.msRequestFullscreen) { /* IE/Edge */ |
docElmWithBrowsersFullScreenFunctions.msRequestFullscreen(); |
} |
this.isfullscreen = true; |
} |
closefullscreen(){ |
const docWithBrowsersExitFunctions = document as Document & { |
mozCancelFullScreen(): Promise<void>; |
webkitExitFullscreen(): Promise<void>; |
msExitFullscreen(): Promise<void>; |
}; |
if (docWithBrowsersExitFunctions.exitFullscreen) { |
docWithBrowsersExitFunctions.exitFullscreen(); |
} else if (docWithBrowsersExitFunctions.mozCancelFullScreen) { /* Firefox */ |
docWithBrowsersExitFunctions.mozCancelFullScreen(); |
} else if (docWithBrowsersExitFunctions.webkitExitFullscreen) { /* Chrome, Safari and Opera */ |
docWithBrowsersExitFunctions.webkitExitFullscreen(); |
} else if (docWithBrowsersExitFunctions.msExitFullscreen) { /* IE/Edge */ |
docWithBrowsersExitFunctions.msExitFullscreen(); |
} |
this.isfullscreen = false; |
} |
realName:any; //登录用户信息
getUserInfo () { |
this.http.get("/api/Account/Profiles").subscribe((data:any)=>{ |
this.realName = data.realName |
}) |
} |
realName:any; //登录用户信息
getUserInfo () { |
this.http.get("/api/Account/Profiles").subscribe((data:any)=>{ |
this.realName = data.realName |
}) |
} |
signOut = () => { |
let out = confirm("您确定要退出吗") |
if(out) { |
this.http.post('/api/Account/SignOut',{}).subscribe( |
data=> { |
this.token.delete() |
sessionStorage.clear() |
window.localStorage.clear() |
this.router.navigate(['/login']) |
const config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'bottom'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.snackBar.open('成功退出','确定',config); |
} |
) |
} |
signOut = () => { |
let out = confirm("您确定要退出吗") |
if(out) { |
this.http.post('/api/Account/SignOut',{}).subscribe( |
data=> { |
this.token.delete() |
sessionStorage.clear() |
window.localStorage.clear() |
this.router.navigate(['/login']) |
const config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'bottom'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.snackBar.open('成功退出','确定',config); |
} |
) |
} |
} |
changpsw() { |
let dialogRef = this.dialog.open(ChangepasswordComponent,
{width:'348px'}); |
changpsw() { |
let dialogRef = this.dialog.open(ChangepasswordComponent,
{width:'348px'}); |
} |
} |
} |