34 changed files with 1265 additions and 222 deletions
@ -1 +1,159 @@
<!-- 联动力量审核 --> |
<!-- 联动力量审核 --> |
<div class="box" style="width: 100%;height: 100%;overflow: hidden;"> |
<div class="mapbox" id="linkageForcesSwiper"> |
<div id="container"></div> |
<div class="detailsbox" *ngIf="LinkageForceDetailInfo.linkageForceType || LinkageForceDetailInfo.linkageForceType == '0'"> |
<div class="masklayer" *ngIf="isMasklayer"> |
<mat-spinner [diameter]='30'></mat-spinner> |
<span>请等待...</span> |
</div> |
<div class="masklayer" *ngIf="isMasklayerDownload"> |
<mat-progress-bar class="progressbar" mode="determinate" [value]="progressBarValue"></mat-progress-bar> |
<span>下载中...({{progressBarValue}}%)</span> |
</div> |
<div class="tabsbox"> |
<div class="tabs"> |
<div (click)="selectedTab(1)" [ngClass]="{'selectedBtn': tabIndex == 1}"> |
<span>详情</span> |
</div> |
<div (click)="selectedTab(2)" [ngClass]="{'selectedBtn': tabIndex == 2}"> |
<span>相关资料</span> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<!-- 详情 --> |
<div class="contant" *ngIf="tabIndex == 1"> |
<div> |
<p>基本信息</p> |
<mat-grid-list cols="6" rowHeight="40px"> |
<mat-grid-tile colspan='3' rowspan='1'> |
<span> |
<span style="color: red;">*</span> |
类型: |
</span> |
<select disabled style="width: 67.7%;" [(ngModel)]="LinkageForceDetailInfo.linkageForceType"> |
<option *ngFor="let item of checkBoxList" [value]="item.id">{{item.name}}</option> |
</select> |
</mat-grid-tile> |
<mat-grid-tile colspan='3' rowspan='1'> |
<span> |
<span style="color: red;">*</span> |
名称: |
</span> |
<input readonly type="text" style="width: 63%;" [(ngModel)]="LinkageForceDetailInfo.name"> |
</mat-grid-tile> |
<mat-grid-tile colspan='3' rowspan='1'> |
<span> |
单位联系电话: |
</span> |
<input readonly type="text" [(ngModel)]="LinkageForceDetailInfo.phoneNumber"> |
</mat-grid-tile> |
<mat-grid-tile colspan='3' rowspan='1'> |
<span> |
单位传真: |
</span> |
<input readonly type="text" [(ngModel)]="LinkageForceDetailInfo.faxNumber"> |
</mat-grid-tile> |
<mat-grid-tile colspan='6' rowspan='2'> |
<span> |
备注: |
</span> |
<textarea readonly [(ngModel)]="LinkageForceDetailInfo.remark" style="height: 80%;width: 84.5%;" name="" id="" cols="30" rows="10"></textarea> |
</mat-grid-tile> |
</mat-grid-list> |
<p>位置信息</p> |
<mat-grid-list cols="6" rowHeight="40px"> |
<mat-grid-tile colspan='3' rowspan='1'> |
<span> |
行政区: |
</span> |
<input readonly type="text" style="width: 26%;margin-right: 6%;" [(ngModel)]="LinkageForceDetailInfo.administrativeRegion"> |
<span> |
地址: |
</span> |
<input readonly type="text" style="width: 26%;margin-right: 6%;" [(ngModel)]="LinkageForceDetailInfo.address"> |
</mat-grid-tile> |
<mat-grid-tile colspan='3' rowspan='1'> |
<span> |
经度: |
</span> |
<input readonly [(ngModel)]="LinkageForceDetailInfo.location.x" disabled type="text" style="width: 26%;margin-right: 6%;"> |
<span> |
纬度: |
</span> |
<input readonly [(ngModel)]="LinkageForceDetailInfo.location.y" disabled type="text" style="width: 26%;margin-right: 6%;"> |
</mat-grid-tile> |
</mat-grid-list> |
<p>联系人</p> |
<mat-grid-list cols="6" rowHeight="40px"> |
<mat-grid-tile colspan='2' rowspan='1'> |
<span> |
联系人: |
</span> |
<input readonly type="text" [(ngModel)]="LinkageForceDetailInfo.contactName"> |
</mat-grid-tile> |
<mat-grid-tile colspan='2' rowspan='1'> |
<span> |
职务: |
</span> |
<input readonly type="text" [(ngModel)]="LinkageForceDetailInfo.contactTitle"> |
</mat-grid-tile> |
<mat-grid-tile colspan='2' rowspan='1'> |
<span> |
电话: |
</span> |
<input readonly type="text" [(ngModel)]="LinkageForceDetailInfo.contactPhone"> |
</mat-grid-tile> |
</mat-grid-list> |
<p>应急信息</p> |
<mat-grid-list cols="6" rowHeight="40px"> |
<mat-grid-tile colspan='3' rowspan='2'> |
<span> |
服务内容: |
</span> |
<textarea readonly style="height: 80%;width: 70%;" name="" id="" cols="30" rows="10" [(ngModel)]="LinkageForceDetailInfo.serviceContent"></textarea> |
</mat-grid-tile> |
<mat-grid-tile colspan='3' rowspan='2'> |
<span> |
资源说明: |
</span> |
<textarea readonly style="height: 80%;width: 70%;" name="" id="" cols="30" rows="10" [(ngModel)]="LinkageForceDetailInfo.resourceRemark"></textarea> |
</mat-grid-tile> |
</mat-grid-list> |
</div> |
</div> |
<!-- 相关资料 --> |
<div class="contant" *ngIf="tabIndex == 2"> |
<div class="fileDivBox" *ngFor="let item of AttachmentArr" > |
<div class="imgbox"> |
<img *ngIf="item.fileName.split('.')[item.fileName.split('.').length-1] == 'png' |
|| item.fileName.split('.')[item.fileName.split('.').length-1] == 'jpg' |
|| item.fileName.split('.')[item.fileName.split('.').length-1] == 'JPG'" |
class="thumbnailImg" src="/api/Objects/PlanPlatform/{{item.objectName}}" alt=""> |
<img *ngIf="item.fileName.split('.')[item.fileName.split('.').length-1] == 'docx' |
|| item.fileName.split('.')[item.fileName.split('.').length-1] == 'doc'" |
class="thumbnailImg" src="/assets/images/word.jpg" alt=""> |
<img *ngIf="item.fileName.split('.')[item.fileName.split('.').length-1] == 'pdf'" |
class="thumbnailImg" src="/assets/images/pdf.jpg" alt=""> |
<img *ngIf="item.fileName.split('.')[item.fileName.split('.').length-1] == 'txt'" |
class="thumbnailImg" src="/assets/images/txt.jpg" alt=""> |
<img *ngIf="item.fileName.split('.')[item.fileName.split('.').length-1] == 'mp4'" |
class="thumbnailImg" src="/assets/images/vedio.jpg" alt=""> |
</div> |
<span [title]="item.fileName">{{item.fileName}}</span> |
<button (click)="clickFile(item)" class="btn btn1" mat-flat-button color="primary">查看</button> |
<button (click)="download (item)" class="btn btn2" mat-flat-button color="primary">下载</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div id="viewerjs" style="display:none"> |
</div> |
@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
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Reference in new issue