@ -4,55 +4,77 @@
<!-- 基本信息 -->
< div class = "publicBox baseInfo" * ngIf = "beforeFence === 0 && baseInfo" >
< div class = "interval" >
< p class = "title" > {{baseInfo.stationName || '暂无数据'}}< button class = "titleBotton" > < label * ngIf = "baseInfo.stationType == 0" > 自营< / label > < label * ngIf = "baseInfo.stationType == 1" > 加盟< / label > < label * ngIf = "baseInfo.stationType != 0 && baseInfo.stationType != 1" > 其他< / label > < / button > < / p >
< p class = "text" > < img src = "../../../assets/images/baseInfo/position.png" class = "textIcon" > {{baseInfo.address || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > < img src = "../../../assets/images/baseInfo/building.png" class = "textIcon" > {{baseInfo.locationName || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > < img src = "../../../assets/images/baseInfo/date.png" class = "textIcon" > {{baseInfo.openTime | date:"yyyy/MM/dd" || ''}} 开业< / p >
< p class = "text" > < img src = "../../../assets/images/baseInfo/road.png" class = "textIcon" > {{baseInfo.laneCount || '0'}} 车道< / p >
< p class = "text" > 公司名称: {{baseInfo.companyName || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > 联系人: {{baseInfo.leaderName || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > 联系电话: {{baseInfo.leaderContact || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > 油站等级: {{baseInfo.stationLevel || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > 经营品种: {{baseInfo.sellVariety || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > 油机数量: {{baseInfo.gasStationCount || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > 油罐容积: {{baseInfo.tankVolume || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "title" > {{baseInfo.stationName || '暂无数据'}}< button class = "titleBotton" > < label
*ngIf="baseInfo.stationType == 0">自营< / label > < label * ngIf = "baseInfo.stationType == 1" > 加盟< / label > < label
*ngIf="baseInfo.stationType != 0 & & baseInfo.stationType != 1">其他< / label > < / button > < / p >
< p class = "text" > < img src = "../../../assets/images/baseInfo/position.png" class = "textIcon" > {{baseInfo.address ||
'暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > < img src = "../../../assets/images/baseInfo/building.png" class = "textIcon" > {{baseInfo.locationName
|| '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > < img src = "../../../assets/images/baseInfo/date.png" class = "textIcon" > {{baseInfo.openTime |
date:"yyyy/MM/dd" || ''}} 开业< / p >
< p class = "text" > < img src = "../../../assets/images/baseInfo/road.png" class = "textIcon" > {{baseInfo.laneCount ||
'0'}} 车道< / p >
< p class = "text" > 公司名称: {{baseInfo.companyName || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > 联系人: {{baseInfo.leaderName || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > 联系电话: {{baseInfo.leaderContact || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > 油站等级: {{baseInfo.stationLevel || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > 经营品种: {{baseInfo.sellVariety || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > 油机数量: {{baseInfo.gasStationCount || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > 油罐容积: {{baseInfo.tankVolume || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< / div >
< div class = "interval" * ngIf = "baseInfo.govUnitDetail && baseInfo.govUnitDetail.policeStation" >
< p class = "title" > 辖区派出所< / p >
< p class = "text" > < img src = "../../../assets/images/baseInfo/police.png" class = "textIcon" > {{baseInfo.govUnitDetail.policeStation.name || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > < img src = "../../../assets/images/baseInfo/position.png" class = "textIcon" > {{baseInfo.govUnitDetail.policeStation.address || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > < img src = "../../../assets/images/baseInfo/phone.png" class = "textIcon" > {{baseInfo.govUnitDetail.policeStation.contactInformation || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > < img src = "../../../assets/images/baseInfo/road.png" class = "textIcon" > {{baseInfo.govUnitDetail.policeStation.distance || '0公里'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > < img src = "../../../assets/images/baseInfo/police.png"
class="textIcon">{{baseInfo.govUnitDetail.policeStation.name || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > < img src = "../../../assets/images/baseInfo/position.png"
class="textIcon">{{baseInfo.govUnitDetail.policeStation.address || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > < img src = "../../../assets/images/baseInfo/phone.png"
class="textIcon">{{baseInfo.govUnitDetail.policeStation.contactInformation || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > < img src = "../../../assets/images/baseInfo/road.png"
class="textIcon">{{baseInfo.govUnitDetail.policeStation.distance || '0公里'}}< / p >
< / div >
< div class = "interval" * ngIf = "baseInfo.govUnitDetail && baseInfo.govUnitDetail.hospital" >
< p class = "title" > 辖区医院< / p >
< p class = "text" > < img src = "../../../assets/images/baseInfo/hospital.png" class = "textIcon" > {{baseInfo.govUnitDetail.hospital.name || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > < img src = "../../../assets/images/baseInfo/position.png" class = "textIcon" > {{baseInfo.govUnitDetail.hospital.address || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > < img src = "../../../assets/images/baseInfo/phone.png" class = "textIcon" > {{baseInfo.govUnitDetail.hospital.contactInformation || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > < img src = "../../../assets/images/baseInfo/road.png" class = "textIcon" > {{baseInfo.govUnitDetail.hospital.distance || '0公里'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > < img src = "../../../assets/images/baseInfo/hospital.png"
class="textIcon">{{baseInfo.govUnitDetail.hospital.name || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > < img src = "../../../assets/images/baseInfo/position.png"
class="textIcon">{{baseInfo.govUnitDetail.hospital.address || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > < img src = "../../../assets/images/baseInfo/phone.png"
class="textIcon">{{baseInfo.govUnitDetail.hospital.contactInformation || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > < img src = "../../../assets/images/baseInfo/road.png"
class="textIcon">{{baseInfo.govUnitDetail.hospital.distance || '0公里'}}< / p >
< / div >
< div class = "interval" * ngIf = "baseInfo.govUnitDetail && baseInfo.govUnitDetail.fireBrigade" >
< p class = "title" > 辖区消防队< / p >
< p class = "text" > < img src = "../../../assets/images/baseInfo/police.png" class = "textIcon" > {{baseInfo.govUnitDetail.fireBrigade.name || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > < img src = "../../../assets/images/baseInfo/position.png" class = "textIcon" > {{baseInfo.govUnitDetail.fireBrigade.address || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > < img src = "../../../assets/images/baseInfo/phone.png" class = "textIcon" > {{baseInfo.govUnitDetail.fireBrigade.contactInformation || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > < img src = "../../../assets/images/baseInfo/road.png" class = "textIcon" > {{baseInfo.govUnitDetail.fireBrigade.distance || '0公里'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > < img src = "../../../assets/images/baseInfo/police.png"
class="textIcon">{{baseInfo.govUnitDetail.fireBrigade.name || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > < img src = "../../../assets/images/baseInfo/position.png"
class="textIcon">{{baseInfo.govUnitDetail.fireBrigade.address || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > < img src = "../../../assets/images/baseInfo/phone.png"
class="textIcon">{{baseInfo.govUnitDetail.fireBrigade.contactInformation || '暂无数据'}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > < img src = "../../../assets/images/baseInfo/road.png"
class="textIcon">{{baseInfo.govUnitDetail.fireBrigade.distance || '0公里'}}< / p >
< / div >
< div class = "interval baseInfoImg" * ngIf = "baseInfo.businessLicenseImage" >
< p class = "title" > 营业执照< / p >
< p class = "text" * ngIf = "baseInfo.validityStartTime && baseInfo.validityEndTime" > 有效时间: {{baseInfo.validityStartTime | date:"yyyy/MM/dd"}} - {{baseInfo.validityEndTime | date:"yyyy/MM/dd"}}< / p >
< p class = "text" * ngIf = "baseInfo.validityStartTime && baseInfo.validityEndTime" > 有效时间:
{{baseInfo.validityStartTime | date:"yyyy/MM/dd"}} - {{baseInfo.validityEndTime | date:"yyyy/MM/dd"}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > 提前预警时间天数: {{baseInfo.validityTermDays}}天< / p >
< p class = "textImage" > < img [ src ] = " baseInfo . businessLicenseImage " > < / p >
< / div >
< div class = "interval baseInfoImg" * ngIf = "baseInfo.dangerousChemicalLicenseImage" >
< p class = "title" > 危险化学品经营许可证< / p >
< p class = "text" * ngIf = "baseInfo.dangerousStartTime && baseInfo.dangerousEndTime" > 有效时间: {{baseInfo.dangerousStartTime | date:"yyyy/MM/dd"}} - {{baseInfo.dangerousEndTime | date:"yyyy/MM/dd"}}< / p >
< p class = "text" * ngIf = "baseInfo.dangerousStartTime && baseInfo.dangerousEndTime" > 有效时间:
{{baseInfo.dangerousStartTime | date:"yyyy/MM/dd"}} - {{baseInfo.dangerousEndTime | date:"yyyy/MM/dd"}}< / p >
< p class = "text" > 提前预警时间天数: {{baseInfo.dangerousTermDays}}天< / p >
< p class = "textImage" > < img [ src ] = " baseInfo . dangerousChemicalLicenseImage " > < / p >
< / div >
< div class = "interval baseInfoImg" * ngIf = "baseInfo.gasSellLicenseImage" >
< p class = "title" > 成品油零售经营许可证< / p >
< p class = "text" * ngIf = "baseInfo.sellLicenseStartTime && baseInfo.sellLicenseEndTime" > 有效时间: {{baseInfo.sellLicenseStartTime | date:"yyyy/MM/dd"}} - {{baseInfo.sellLicenseEndTime | date:"yyyy/MM/dd"}}< / p >
< p class = "text" * ngIf = "baseInfo.sellLicenseStartTime && baseInfo.sellLicenseEndTime" > 有效时间:
{{baseInfo.sellLicenseStartTime | date:"yyyy/MM/dd"}} - {{baseInfo.sellLicenseEndTime | date:"yyyy/MM/dd"}}
< / p >
< p class = "text" > 提前预警时间天数: {{baseInfo.sellLicenseTermDays}}天< / p >
< p class = "textImage" > < img [ src ] = " baseInfo . gasSellLicenseImage " > < / p >
< / div >
@ -60,8 +82,10 @@
<!-- 基本信息 -->
<!-- 加油机 -->
< div class = "publicBox refueller" * ngIf = "beforeFence === 1" >
< div class = "interval" * ngFor = "let item of FacilityList | facilitySort" ( click ) = " selectFacility ( $ event , item ) " [ ngClass ] = " { ' selectFacility ' : selectFacilityId = == item . getID ( ) } " >
< p class = "title" > < input type = "text" class = "tableInput" [ disabled ] = " ! editMode " [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . name " ( click ) = " stopBubbling ( $ event ) " > < / p >
< div class = "interval" * ngFor = "let item of FacilityList | facilitySort" ( click ) = " selectFacility ( $ event , item ) "
[ngClass]="{'selectFacility': selectFacilityId === item.getID()}">
< p class = "title" > < input type = "text" class = "tableInput" [ disabled ] = " ! editMode "
[(ngModel)]="item.getPropertyData().name" (click)="stopBubbling($event)">< / p >
< div class = "table" >
< div class = "tableHeader" >
< p > 品牌< / p >
@ -69,11 +93,18 @@
< p > 油品品号< / p >
< p class = "overflowP" id = "title{{item.modelInfo.key}}" > 油枪编号< / p >
< / div >
< div class = "tableContent" >
< p [ title ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . brand " > < input type = "text" class = "tableInput" [ disabled ] = " ! editMode " [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . brand " ( click ) = " stopBubbling ( $ event ) " > < / p >
< p [ title ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . oilGunNum " > < input type = "text" class = "tableInput" [ disabled ] = " ! editMode " [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . oilGunNum " ( click ) = " stopBubbling ( $ event ) " > < / p >
< p [ title ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . oilProductNo " > < input type = "text" class = "tableInput" [ disabled ] = " ! editMode " [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . oilProductNo " ( click ) = " stopBubbling ( $ event ) " > < / p >
< p [ title ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . oilGunNo " class = "overflowP" id = "content{{item.modelInfo.key}}" > < textarea nz-input nzAutosize id = "num{{item.modelInfo.key}}" [ disabled ] = " ! editMode " [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . oilGunNo " ( click ) = " stopBubbling ( $ event ) " ( input ) = " textInput ( item ) " > < / textarea > < / p >
< div class = "tableContent" >
< p [ title ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . brand " > < input type = "text" class = "tableInput" [ disabled ] = " ! editMode "
[(ngModel)]="item.getPropertyData().brand" (click)="stopBubbling($event)">< / p >
< p [ title ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . oilGunNum " > < input type = "text" class = "tableInput" [ disabled ] = " ! editMode "
[(ngModel)]="item.getPropertyData().oilGunNum" (click)="stopBubbling($event)">< / p >
< p [ title ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . oilProductNo " > < input type = "text" class = "tableInput"
[disabled]="!editMode" [(ngModel)]="item.getPropertyData().oilProductNo" (click)="stopBubbling($event)">
< / p >
< p [ title ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . oilGunNo " class = "overflowP" id = "content{{item.modelInfo.key}}" > < textarea
nz-input nzAutosize id="num{{item.modelInfo.key}}" [disabled]="!editMode"
[(ngModel)]="item.getPropertyData().oilGunNo" (click)="stopBubbling($event)"
(input)="textInput(item)">< / textarea > < / p >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
@ -81,8 +112,10 @@
<!-- 加油机 -->
<!-- 油罐设备 -->
< div class = "publicBox refueller" * ngIf = "beforeFence === 2" >
< div class = "interval" * ngFor = "let item of FacilityList | facilitySort" ( click ) = " selectFacility ( $ event , item ) " [ ngClass ] = " { ' selectFacility ' : selectFacilityId = == item . getID ( ) } " >
< p class = "title" > < input type = "text" class = "tableInput" [ disabled ] = " ! editMode " [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . name " ( click ) = " stopBubbling ( $ event ) " > < / p >
< div class = "interval" * ngFor = "let item of FacilityList | facilitySort" ( click ) = " selectFacility ( $ event , item ) "
[ngClass]="{'selectFacility': selectFacilityId === item.getID()}">
< p class = "title" > < input type = "text" class = "tableInput" [ disabled ] = " ! editMode "
[(ngModel)]="item.getPropertyData().name" (click)="stopBubbling($event)">< / p >
< div class = "table" >
< div class = "tableHeader" >
< p > 油品品号< / p >
@ -93,18 +126,28 @@
< p > 油泵类型< / p >
< / div >
< div class = "tableContent" >
< p [ title ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . oilProductNo " > < input type = "text" class = "tableInput" [ disabled ] = " ! editMode " [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . oilProductNo " ( click ) = " stopBubbling ( $ event ) " > < / p >
< p [ title ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . oilGunNo " class = "overflowP" id = "content{{item.modelInfo.key}}" > < textarea nz-input nzAutosize id = "num{{item.modelInfo.key}}" [ disabled ] = " ! editMode " [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . oilGunNo " ( click ) = " stopBubbling ( $ event ) " ( input ) = " textInput ( item ) " > < / textarea > < / p >
< p [ title ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . oilTankVolume " > < input type = "text" class = "tableInput" [ disabled ] = " ! editMode " [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . oilTankVolume " ( click ) = " stopBubbling ( $ event ) " > < / p >
< p [ title ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . safeVolume " > < input type = "text" class = "tableInput" [ disabled ] = " ! editMode " [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . safeVolume " ( click ) = " stopBubbling ( $ event ) " > < / p >
< p [ title ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . oilProductNo " > < input type = "text" class = "tableInput"
[disabled]="!editMode" [(ngModel)]="item.getPropertyData().oilProductNo" (click)="stopBubbling($event)">
< / p >
< p [ title ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . oilGunNo " class = "overflowP" id = "content{{item.modelInfo.key}}" > < textarea
nz-input nzAutosize id="num{{item.modelInfo.key}}" [disabled]="!editMode"
[(ngModel)]="item.getPropertyData().oilGunNo" (click)="stopBubbling($event)"
(input)="textInput(item)">< / textarea > < / p >
< p [ title ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . oilTankVolume " > < input type = "text" class = "tableInput"
[disabled]="!editMode" [(ngModel)]="item.getPropertyData().oilTankVolume"
(click)="stopBubbling($event)">< / p >
< p [ title ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . safeVolume " > < input type = "text" class = "tableInput" [ disabled ] = " ! editMode "
[(ngModel)]="item.getPropertyData().safeVolume" (click)="stopBubbling($event)">< / p >
< p style = "padding-left: 8px;" ( click ) = " stopBubbling ( $ event ) " >
< nz-select class = "tableSelect" [ nzBorderless ] = " true " [ nzDisabled ] = " ! editMode " [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . oilTankType " >
< nz-select class = "tableSelect" [ nzBorderless ] = " true " [ nzDisabled ] = " ! editMode "
< nz-option nzValue = "双层罐" nzLabel = "双层罐" > < / nz-option >
< nz-option nzValue = "单层罐+防渗罐池" nzLabel = "单层罐+防渗罐池" > < / nz-option >
< / nz-select >
< / p >
< p style = "padding-left: 8px;" ( click ) = " stopBubbling ( $ event ) " >
< nz-select class = "tableSelect" [ nzBorderless ] = " true " [ nzDisabled ] = " ! editMode " [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . oilPumpType " >
< nz-select class = "tableSelect" [ nzBorderless ] = " true " [ nzDisabled ] = " ! editMode "
< nz-option nzValue = "自吸泵" nzLabel = "自吸泵" > < / nz-option >
< nz-option nzValue = "潜油泵" nzLabel = "潜油泵" > < / nz-option >
< / nz-select >
@ -118,40 +161,54 @@
< div class = "publicBox fireFacilities" * ngIf = "beforeFence === 3" >
< nz-tree [ nzData ] = " treeData " [ nzTreeTemplate ] = " nzTreeTemplate " ( nzClick ) = " nzClick ( $ event ) " > < / nz-tree >
< ng-template # nzTreeTemplate let-node let-origin = "origin" >
< div class = "treeRow" > < p > {{node.title}}< / p > < p > < i nz-icon nzType = "eye" nzTheme = "outline" * ngIf = "node.isSelected" > < / i > {{getFacilityNum(node.key)}}< / p > < / div >
< div class = "treeRow" >
< p > {{node.title}}< / p >
< p > < i nz-icon nzType = "eye" nzTheme = "outline" * ngIf = "node.isSelected" > < / i > {{getFacilityNum(node.key)}}< / p >
< / div >
< / ng-template >
< / div >
<!-- 消防设施 -->
<!-- 输油管线 -->
< div class = "publicBox refueller" * ngIf = "beforeFence === 5" >
< div class = "interval" * ngFor = "let item of FacilityList" ( click ) = " selectFacility ( $ event , item ) " [ ngClass ] = " { ' selectFacility ' : selectFacilityId = == item . getID ( ) } " >
< p class = "title" > < input type = "text" class = "tableInput" [ disabled ] = " ! editMode " [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . name " ( click ) = " stopBubbling ( $ event ) " > < / p >
< div class = "interval" * ngFor = "let item of FacilityList" ( click ) = " selectFacility ( $ event , item ) "
[ngClass]="{'selectFacility': selectFacilityId === item.getID()}">
< p class = "title" > < input type = "text" class = "tableInput" [ disabled ] = " ! editMode "
[(ngModel)]="item.getPropertyData().name" (click)="stopBubbling($event)">< / p >
< div class = "table" >
< div class = "tableHeader" style = "flex: 50%;" >
< p > 连接的加油机< / p >
< p > 连接的油罐< / p >
< / div >
< div class = "tableContent" style = "flex: 50%;" >
< p [ title ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . linkJYJ " > < input type = "text" class = "tableInput" [ disabled ] = " ! editMode " [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . linkJYJ " ( click ) = " stopBubbling ( $ event ) " > < / p >
< p [ title ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . linkYG " > < input type = "text" class = "tableInput" [ disabled ] = " ! editMode " [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . linkYG " ( click ) = " stopBubbling ( $ event ) " > < / p >
< p [ title ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . linkJYJ " > < input type = "text" class = "tableInput" [ disabled ] = " ! editMode "
[(ngModel)]="item.getPropertyData().linkJYJ" (click)="stopBubbling($event)">< / p >
< p [ title ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . linkYG " > < input type = "text" class = "tableInput" [ disabled ] = " ! editMode "
[(ngModel)]="item.getPropertyData().linkYG" (click)="stopBubbling($event)">< / p >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "propertyImage" id = "pipelineViewer{{item.getID()}}" >
< p class = "imgTitle" > 设计图纸< / p >
< img [ hidden ] = " ! item . getPropertyData ( ) . img " [ src ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . img " [ attr . data-original ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . img " >
< div class = "positionHandleImgVideo" style = "width: 120px;" * ngIf = "editMode && item.getPropertyData().img" ( click ) = " stopBubbling ( $ event ) " >
< a href = "javascript:;" class = "imgAndVideoUpload" > < input type = "file" accept = "image/*" ( change ) = ' uploadLeftDomainImg ( $ event , item ) ' > < i nz-icon nzType = "upload" nzTheme = "outline" > < / i > < / a >
< img [ hidden ] = " ! item . getPropertyData ( ) . img " [ src ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . img "
< div class = "positionHandleImgVideo" style = "width: 120px;" * ngIf = "editMode && item.getPropertyData().img"
< a href = "javascript:;" class = "imgAndVideoUpload" > < input type = "file" accept = "image/*"
(change)='uploadLeftDomainImg($event, item)'>< i nz-icon nzType = "upload" nzTheme = "outline" > < / i > < / a >
< i nz-icon nzType = "delete" nzTheme = "outline" ( click ) = " deleteImg ( item ) " > < / i >
< / div >
< a href = "javascript:;" class = "bottomPlanUpload uploadImgBox" * ngIf = "editMode && !item.getPropertyData().img" ( click ) = " stopBubbling ( $ event ) " > < input type = "file" accept = "image/*" ( change ) = ' uploadLeftDomainImg ( $ event , item ) ' > < i nz-icon nzType = "plus" nzTheme = "outline" > < / i > < / a >
< a href = "javascript:;" class = "bottomPlanUpload uploadImgBox" * ngIf = "editMode && !item.getPropertyData().img"
(click)="stopBubbling($event)">< input type = "file" accept = "image/*"
(change)='uploadLeftDomainImg($event, item)'>< i nz-icon nzType = "plus" nzTheme = "outline" > < / i > < / a >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
<!-- 输油管线 -->
<!-- 油气回收 -->
< div class = "publicBox refueller" * ngIf = "beforeFence === 6" >
< div class = "interval" * ngFor = "let item of FacilityList" ( click ) = " selectFacility ( $ event , item ) " [ ngClass ] = " { ' selectFacility ' : selectFacilityId = == item . getID ( ) } " >
< p class = "title" > < input type = "text" class = "tableInput" [ disabled ] = " ! editMode " [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . name " ( click ) = " stopBubbling ( $ event ) " > < / p >
< div class = "interval" * ngFor = "let item of FacilityList" ( click ) = " selectFacility ( $ event , item ) "
[ngClass]="{'selectFacility': selectFacilityId === item.getID()}">
< p class = "title" > < input type = "text" class = "tableInput" [ disabled ] = " ! editMode "
[(ngModel)]="item.getPropertyData().name" (click)="stopBubbling($event)">< / p >
< div class = "table" >
< div class = "tableHeader orvrTableHeader" style = "flex: 58%;" >
< p class = "overflowP" id = "orvrTitle{{item.modelInfo.key}}" > 一次油气回收系统类型< / p >
@ -161,26 +218,41 @@
< p class = "overflowP" id = "title{{item.modelInfo.key}}" > 油气回收在线监测装置< / p >
< / div >
< div class = "tableContent orvrTableContent" style = "flex: 42%;" >
< p [ title ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . VRUType " class = "overflowP" id = "orvrContent{{item.modelInfo.key}}" > < textarea nz-input nzAutosize id = "orvrNum{{item.modelInfo.key}}" [ disabled ] = " ! editMode " [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . VRUType " ( click ) = " stopBubbling ( $ event ) " ( input ) = " textInput ( item ) " > < / textarea > < / p >
< p [ title ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . VRUType " class = "overflowP" id = "orvrContent{{item.modelInfo.key}}" >
< textarea nz-input nzAutosize id = "orvrNum{{item.modelInfo.key}}" [ disabled ] = " ! editMode "
[(ngModel)]="item.getPropertyData().VRUType" (click)="stopBubbling($event)"
(input)="textInput(item)">< / textarea > < / p >
< p style = "padding-left: 8px;" ( click ) = " stopBubbling ( $ event ) " >
< nz-select class = "tableSelect" [ nzBorderless ] = " true " [ nzDisabled ] = " ! editMode " [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . VRUType_2 " >
< nz-select class = "tableSelect" [ nzBorderless ] = " true " [ nzDisabled ] = " ! editMode "
< nz-option nzValue = "分散式" nzLabel = "分散式" > < / nz-option >
< nz-option nzValue = "集中式" nzLabel = "集中式" > < / nz-option >
< / nz-select >
< / p >
< p [ title ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . VRUPumpType " > < input type = "text" class = "tableInput" [ disabled ] = " ! editMode " [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . VRUPumpType " ( click ) = " stopBubbling ( $ event ) " > < / p >
< p [ title ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . VRUPumpDevice " > < input type = "text" class = "tableInput" [ disabled ] = " ! editMode " [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . VRUPumpDevice " ( click ) = " stopBubbling ( $ event ) " > < / p >
< p [ title ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . MonitoringDevice " class = "overflowP" id = "content{{item.modelInfo.key}}" > < textarea nz-input nzAutosize id = "num{{item.modelInfo.key}}" [ disabled ] = " ! editMode " [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . MonitoringDevice " ( click ) = " stopBubbling ( $ event ) " ( input ) = " textInput ( item ) " > < / textarea > < / p >
< p [ title ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . VRUPumpType " > < input type = "text" class = "tableInput" [ disabled ] = " ! editMode "
[(ngModel)]="item.getPropertyData().VRUPumpType" (click)="stopBubbling($event)">< / p >
< p [ title ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . VRUPumpDevice " > < input type = "text" class = "tableInput"
[disabled]="!editMode" [(ngModel)]="item.getPropertyData().VRUPumpDevice"
(click)="stopBubbling($event)">< / p >
< p [ title ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . MonitoringDevice " class = "overflowP" id = "content{{item.modelInfo.key}}" >
< textarea nz-input nzAutosize id = "num{{item.modelInfo.key}}" [ disabled ] = " ! editMode "
[(ngModel)]="item.getPropertyData().MonitoringDevice" (click)="stopBubbling($event)"
(input)="textInput(item)">< / textarea > < / p >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "propertyImage" id = "orvrViewer{{item.getID()}}" >
< p class = "imgTitle" > 设计图纸< / p >
< img [ hidden ] = " ! item . getPropertyData ( ) . img " [ src ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . img " [ attr . data-original ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . img " >
< div class = "positionHandleImgVideo" style = "width: 120px;" * ngIf = "editMode && item.getPropertyData().img" ( click ) = " stopBubbling ( $ event ) " >
< a href = "javascript:;" class = "imgAndVideoUpload" > < input type = "file" accept = "image/*" ( change ) = ' uploadLeftDomainImg ( $ event , item ) ' > < i nz-icon nzType = "upload" nzTheme = "outline" > < / i > < / a >
< img [ hidden ] = " ! item . getPropertyData ( ) . img " [ src ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . img "
< div class = "positionHandleImgVideo" style = "width: 120px;" * ngIf = "editMode && item.getPropertyData().img"
< a href = "javascript:;" class = "imgAndVideoUpload" > < input type = "file" accept = "image/*"
(change)='uploadLeftDomainImg($event, item)'>< i nz-icon nzType = "upload" nzTheme = "outline" > < / i > < / a >
< i nz-icon nzType = "delete" nzTheme = "outline" ( click ) = " deleteImg ( item ) " > < / i >
< / div >
< a href = "javascript:;" class = "bottomPlanUpload uploadImgBox" * ngIf = "editMode && !item.getPropertyData().img" ( click ) = " stopBubbling ( $ event ) " > < input type = "file" accept = "image/*" ( change ) = ' uploadLeftDomainImg ( $ event , item ) ' > < i nz-icon nzType = "plus" nzTheme = "outline" > < / i > < / a >
< a href = "javascript:;" class = "bottomPlanUpload uploadImgBox" * ngIf = "editMode && !item.getPropertyData().img"
(click)="stopBubbling($event)">< input type = "file" accept = "image/*"
(change)='uploadLeftDomainImg($event, item)'>< i nz-icon nzType = "plus" nzTheme = "outline" > < / i > < / a >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
@ -188,7 +260,8 @@
<!-- 处置预案 -->
< div class = "publicBox disposalPlan" * ngIf = "beforeFence === 8 && allMarkPlanData" id = "disposalPlan" >
< nz-collapse >
< nz-collapse-panel * ngFor = "let item of allMarkPlanData.datas;let key = index;" [ nzHeader ] = " extraTpl " nzActive = "true" nzShowArrow = "false" >
< nz-collapse-panel * ngFor = "let item of allMarkPlanData.datas;let key = index;" [ nzHeader ] = " extraTpl "
nzActive="true" nzShowArrow="false">
< ng-template # extraTpl >
< div class = "publicDisposal disposalHeader" >
< span > {{item.name}}< / span >
@ -201,8 +274,12 @@
< / ng-template >
< ul >
< li class = "publicDisposal disposalContent" * ngFor = "let items of item.nodes;let keys = index;" >
< span nz-popconfirm nzPopconfirmTitle = "切换节点后,没保存的信息将会丢失!" [ nzCondition ] = " ! editMode " ( nzOnConfirm ) = " selectNode ( item , items , keys ) " [ ngClass ] = " { ' selectNode ' : selectNodeId = = items . id & & selectPlanId = = item . id } " > {{items.name}}< / span >
< label * ngIf = "editMode" > < i nz-icon nzType = "save" nzTheme = "outline" ( click ) = " saveDisposal ( item . id , items . id ) " > < / i > < i nz-icon nzType = "delete" nzTheme = "outline" ( click ) = " deleteDisposal ( $ event , item , items ) " > < / i > < / label >
< span nz-popconfirm nzPopconfirmTitle = "切换节点后,没保存的信息将会丢失!" [ nzCondition ] = " ! editMode "
[ngClass]="{'selectNode': selectNodeId == items.id & & selectPlanId == item.id}">{{items.name}}< / span >
< label * ngIf = "editMode" > < i nz-icon nzType = "save" nzTheme = "outline"
(click)="saveDisposal(item.id,items.id)">< / i > < i nz-icon nzType = "delete" nzTheme = "outline"
(click)="deleteDisposal($event,item,items)">< / i > < / label >
< / li >
< / ul >
< / nz-collapse-panel >
@ -211,29 +288,36 @@
<!-- 处置预案 -->
<!-- 阀门 -->
< div class = "publicBox refueller" * ngIf = "beforeFence === 7" >
< div class = "interval" * ngFor = "let item of FacilityList" ( click ) = " selectFacility ( $ event , item ) " [ ngClass ] = " { ' selectFacility ' : selectFacilityId = == item . getID ( ) } " >
< p class = "title" > < input type = "text" class = "tableInput" [ disabled ] = " ! editMode " [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . name " ( click ) = " stopBubbling ( $ event ) " > < / p >
< div class = "interval" * ngFor = "let item of FacilityList" ( click ) = " selectFacility ( $ event , item ) "
[ngClass]="{'selectFacility': selectFacilityId === item.getID()}">
< p class = "title" > < input type = "text" class = "tableInput" [ disabled ] = " ! editMode "
[(ngModel)]="item.getPropertyData().name" (click)="stopBubbling($event)">< / p >
< div class = "table" >
< div class = "tableHeader" >
< p class = "overflowP" id = "title{{item.modelInfo.key}}" style = "text-align: center; padding: 0;" > 描述< / p >
< / div >
< div class = "tableContent" >
< p [ title ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . describe " class = "overflowP" id = "content{{item.modelInfo.key}}" > < textarea nz-input nzAutosize id = "num{{item.modelInfo.key}}" [ disabled ] = " ! editMode " [ ( ngModel ) ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . describe " ( click ) = " stopBubbling ( $ event ) " ( input ) = " textInput ( item ) " > < / textarea > < / p >
< div class = "tableContent" >
< p [ title ] = " item . getPropertyData ( ) . describe " class = "overflowP" id = "content{{item.modelInfo.key}}" > < textarea
nz-input nzAutosize id="num{{item.modelInfo.key}}" [disabled]="!editMode"
[(ngModel)]="item.getPropertyData().describe" (click)="stopBubbling($event)"
(input)="textInput(item)">< / textarea > < / p >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
<!-- 阀门 -->
<!-- 弹窗 -->
< nz-modal nzClassName = "baseInfoDialog" [ ( nzVisible ) ] = " isShowBaseDialog " nzFooter = "null" ( nzOnCancel ) = " closeBaseInfoDialog ( ) " nzWidth = "70%" >
< nz-modal nzClassName = "baseInfoDialog" [ ( nzVisible ) ] = " isShowBaseDialog " nzFooter = "null"
(nzOnCancel)="closeBaseInfoDialog()" nzWidth="70%">
< app-oil-station-info * ngIf = "isShowBaseDialog" > < / app-oil-station-info >
< / nz-modal >
< nz-modal [ ( nzVisible ) ] = " addDisposalPop | | addNodePop " nzTitle = "创建预案/节点" ( nzOnCancel ) = " addDisposalPop = false; addNodePop = null;" ( nzOnOk ) = " addDisposal ( form . value ) " >
< nz-modal [ ( nzVisible ) ] = " addDisposalPop | | addNodePop " nzTitle = "创建预案/节点"
(nzOnCancel)="addDisposalPop = false; addNodePop = null;" (nzOnOk)="addDisposal(form.value)">
< form nz-form # form = 'ngForm' >
< nz-form-item >
< nz-form-label [ nzSpan ] = " 6 " > 预案/节点名称< / nz-form-label >
< nz-form-control [ nzSpan ] = " 18 " nzErrorTip = "请输入必填项" >
< input nz-input # nodeName = 'ngModel' ngModel name = "name" / >
< input nz-input # nodeName = 'ngModel' ngModel name = "name" / >
< / nz-form-control >
< / nz-form-item >
< nz-form-item * ngIf = "addDisposalPop" >
@ -253,7 +337,7 @@
< nz-form-item >
< nz-form-label [ nzSpan ] = " 6 " > 预案名称< / nz-form-label >
< nz-form-control [ nzSpan ] = " 18 " nzErrorTip = "请输入必填项" >
< input nz-input # name = 'ngModel' [ ( ngModel ) ] = " editDisposalName " name = "name" required / >
< input nz-input # name = 'ngModel' [ ( ngModel ) ] = " editDisposalName " name = "name" required / >
< / nz-form-control >
< / nz-form-item >
< / form >
@ -263,23 +347,25 @@
< button nz-button nzType = "primary" ( click ) = " editDisposal ( editForm . value ) " > 确定< / button >
< / div >
< / nz-modal >
< nz-modal [ ( nzVisible ) ] = " saveDisposalDialog " nzTitle = "处置节点保存" ( nzOnCancel ) = " saveDisposalDialog = false;" [ nzFooter ] = " null " >
< nz-modal [ ( nzVisible ) ] = " saveDisposalDialog " nzTitle = "处置节点保存" ( nzOnCancel ) = " saveDisposalDialog = false;"
< div class = "submitBottom" >
< button ( click ) = ' saveNode ( true ) ' > 新建节点并保存< / button > < button ( click ) = ' saveNode ( false ) ' > 保存到已有节点< / button >
< / div >
< / nz-modal >
< nz-modal [ ( nzVisible ) ] = " saveType " [ nzTitle ] = " saveType = == 1 ? ' 新建节点并保存 ' : ' 保存到已有节点 ' " ( nzOnCancel ) = " saveType = null;" ( nzOnOk ) = " saveDisposalNode ( saveForm . value ) " >
< nz-modal [ ( nzVisible ) ] = " saveType " [ nzTitle ] = " saveType = == 1 ? ' 新建节点并保存 ' : ' 保存到已有节点 ' " ( nzOnCancel ) = " saveType = null;"
< form nz-form # saveForm = 'ngForm' >
< nz-form-item * ngIf = "saveType === 1" >
< nz-form-label [ nzSpan ] = " 6 " > 节点名称< span style = "color: red;" > *< / span > < / nz-form-label >
< nz-form-control [ nzSpan ] = " 18 " nzErrorTip = "请输入必填项" >
< input nz-input # name = 'ngModel' ngModel name = "name" required / >
< input nz-input # name = 'ngModel' ngModel name = "name" required / >
< / nz-form-control >
< / nz-form-item >
< nz-form-item * ngIf = "saveType === 1" >
< nz-form-label [ nzSpan ] = " 6 " > < span > 根< / span > 节点< / nz-form-label >
< nz-form-control [ nzSpan ] = " 18 " nzErrorTip = "请选择节点" >
< nz-select # root = 'ngModel' ngModel name = "root" required >
< nz-select # root = 'ngModel' ngModel name = "root" required >
< nz-option * ngFor = "let item of allNodeList" [ nzValue ] = " item " [ nzLabel ] = " item . name " > < / nz-option >
< / nz-select >
< / nz-form-control >
@ -287,7 +373,7 @@
< nz-form-item * ngIf = "saveType === 2" >
< nz-form-label [ nzSpan ] = " 6 " > 节点< / nz-form-label >
< nz-form-control [ nzSpan ] = " 18 " nzErrorTip = "请选择节点" >
< nz-select # node = 'ngModel' ngModel name = "node" required >
< nz-select # node = 'ngModel' ngModel name = "node" required >
< nz-option * ngFor = "let item of allNodeList" [ nzValue ] = " item " [ nzLabel ] = " item . name " > < / nz-option >
< / nz-select >
< / nz-form-control >
@ -302,4 +388,4 @@
< button ( click ) = " deriveExcel ( ) " > < i nz-icon nzType = "file-excel" nzTheme = "outline" > < / i > 导出Excel< / button >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >