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import { Angle, AnimationGroup, Axis, Mesh, MeshBuilder, Quaternion, Scene, SceneLoader, Space, TransformNode, Vector3 } from "@babylonjs/core";
import { Event_MarkInfoChange, MarkInfoChangeType } from "./event-manager/events/event-mark-info-change";
import { EventManager } from "./event-manager/event-manager";
import { ChildNodeData, MarkData, MarkType } from "../model/data/mark/mark-data";
import { ModelInfo_mark } from "../model/info/mark/model-info-mark";
export enum ArmActionState {
export enum LTState {
export class InputController {
private targetPoint: Vector3 = null;
public rotateSpeed: number = 1; // 旋转速度
public moveBiSpeed: number = 5;// 展臂速度
public animation: AnimationGroup;
// 选中的对象
public selectedObject: Mesh = null; // Y轴旋转
// 选中的类型
private markType: MarkType = null;
public Bi: Mesh = null; // Y轴旋转
public Bi1: Mesh = null;// X轴旋转
public Bi2: Mesh = null;// 伸臂
public Bi3: Mesh = null;// 伸臂
public Bi4: Mesh = null;// 伸臂
public Bi5: Mesh = null;// 伸臂
public Bi6: Mesh = null;// X轴旋转
public PingTai: Mesh = null;// 保持水平
public PT: Mesh = null;// X轴旋转
public BaShou: Mesh = null;// X轴旋转
public Arm: Mesh = null;
public Light: Mesh = null;
public Bi1Postion: Vector3 = null;
public Bi1MaxAngle: number = -84;
public Bi1MinAngle: number = -6;
public LadderUp: TransformNode = null;
public LadderUp1: TransformNode = null;
public LadderUp2: TransformNode = null;
// 最大臂长
public maxArmlength = 15;
// 最小臂长
public minArmlength = 0;
public L6Length = 3;
public L15Length = 5;
// Bi2
public Bi2Length = 0;
// Bi3
public Bi3Length = 0;
// Bi4
public Bi4Length = 0;
// Bi5
public Bi5Length = 0;
deltaTime: number = 0.005;
private scene: Scene;
// 自动举臂状态
private armActionState: ArmActionState = ArmActionState.Bi;
private LTActionState: LTState = LTState.None;
// data
dataBi: ChildNodeData = null;
dataBi1: ChildNodeData = null;
dataBi2: ChildNodeData = null;
dataBi3: ChildNodeData = null;
dataBi4: ChildNodeData = null;
dataBi5: ChildNodeData = null;
dataBi6: ChildNodeData = null;
dataPingTai: ChildNodeData = null;
dataBaShou: ChildNodeData = null;
dataPT: ChildNodeData = null;
dataLadderUp: ChildNodeData = null;
dataLadderUp1: ChildNodeData = null;
dataLadderUp2: ChildNodeData = null;
dataArm: ChildNodeData = null;
dataLight: ChildNodeData = null;
markData: MarkData = null;
markInfo: ModelInfo_mark = null;
waterPowerSpeed: number = 50;
constructor(scene: Scene) {
this.scene = scene;
EventManager.addListener<Event_MarkInfoChange>(Event_MarkInfoChange, (eventData, eventState) => {
this.markInfo = eventData.markInfo;
if (eventData.markInfo == null) {
this.markData = eventData.markInfo.markData;
this.markType = eventData.markInfo.markData.type;
switch (eventData.eventType) {
case MarkInfoChangeType.Create:
// 数据
this.dataBi = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenDataByName("Bi");
this.dataBi1 = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenDataByName("Bi1");
this.dataBi2 = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenDataByName("Bi2");
this.dataBi3 = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenDataByName("Bi3");
this.dataBi4 = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenDataByName("Bi4");
this.dataBi5 = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenDataByName("Bi5");
this.dataBi6 = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenDataByName("Bi6");
this.dataPingTai = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenDataByName("PingTai");
this.dataBaShou = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenDataByName("BaShou");
this.dataPT = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenDataByName("PT");
this.dataLadderUp = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenDataByName("LadderUp");
this.dataLadderUp1 = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenDataByName("LadderUp1");
this.dataLadderUp2 = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenDataByName("LadderUp2");
this.dataArm = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenDataByName("Arm");
this.dataLight = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenDataByName("Light");
let playAnimation = true;
if (this.dataBi) {
this.Bi = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenByName("Bi") as Mesh;
this.Bi.rotationQuaternion = this.dataBi.transformData.rotationQuaternion;
playAnimation = false;
if (this.dataBi1) {
this.Bi1 = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenByName("Bi1") as Mesh;
this.Bi1.rotationQuaternion = this.dataBi1.transformData.rotationQuaternion;
playAnimation = false;
if (this.dataBi2) {
this.Bi2 = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenByName("Bi2") as Mesh;
this.Bi2.position = this.dataBi2.transformData.position;
playAnimation = false;
if (this.dataBi3) {
this.Bi3 = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenByName("Bi3") as Mesh;
this.Bi3.position = this.dataBi3.transformData.position;
playAnimation = false;
if (this.dataBi4) {
this.Bi4 = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenByName("Bi4") as Mesh;
this.Bi4.position = this.dataBi4.transformData.position;
playAnimation = false;
if (this.dataBi5) {
this.Bi5 = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenByName("Bi5") as Mesh;
// if (this.markType == MarkType.DGPTC) {
// this.Bi5.rotationQuaternion = this.dataBi5.transformData.rotationQuaternion;
// } else {
this.Bi5.position = this.dataBi5.transformData.position;
// }
playAnimation = false;
if (this.dataBi6) {
this.Bi6 = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenByName("Bi6") as Mesh;
this.Bi6.rotationQuaternion = this.dataBi6.transformData.rotationQuaternion;
playAnimation = false;
if (this.dataPingTai) {
// if (this.markType == MarkType.YTC) {
// this.PingTai = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenByName("pingtai") as Mesh;
// } else {
this.PingTai = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenByName("PingTai") as Mesh;
// }
this.PingTai.rotationQuaternion = this.dataPingTai.transformData.rotationQuaternion;
playAnimation = false;
if (this.dataBaShou) {
this.BaShou = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenByName("BaShou") as Mesh;
this.BaShou.rotationQuaternion = this.dataBaShou.transformData.rotationQuaternion;
playAnimation = false;
if (this.dataPT) {
this.PT = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenByName("PT") as Mesh;
this.PT.rotationQuaternion = this.dataPT.transformData.rotationQuaternion;
playAnimation = false;
if (this.dataLadderUp) {
this.LadderUp = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenByName("LadderUp_primitive0").parent as TransformNode;
this.LadderUp.position = this.dataLadderUp.transformData.position;
playAnimation = false;
if (this.dataLadderUp1) {
this.LadderUp1 = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenByName("LadderUp1_primitive0").parent as TransformNode;
this.LadderUp1.position = this.dataLadderUp1.transformData.position;
playAnimation = false;
if (this.dataLadderUp2) {
this.LadderUp2 = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenByName("LadderUp2_primitive0").parent as TransformNode;
this.LadderUp2.position = this.dataLadderUp2.transformData.position;
playAnimation = false;
if (this.dataArm) {
this.Arm = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenByName("Arm") as Mesh;
this.Arm.rotationQuaternion = this.dataArm.transformData.rotationQuaternion;
playAnimation = false;
if (this.dataLight) {
this.Light = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenByName("Light") as Mesh;
this.Light.rotationQuaternion = this.dataLight.transformData.rotationQuaternion;
playAnimation = false;
if (this.CanPlayAnimation() && playAnimation) {// 创建高喷车、登高平台车、云梯车播放默认动画
this.animation = eventData.markInfo.animationGroups[0];
case MarkInfoChangeType.Select:
// 数据
this.dataBi = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenDataByName("Bi");
this.dataBi1 = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenDataByName("Bi1");
this.dataBi2 = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenDataByName("Bi2");
this.dataBi3 = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenDataByName("Bi3");
this.dataBi4 = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenDataByName("Bi4");
this.dataBi5 = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenDataByName("Bi5");
this.dataBi6 = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenDataByName("Bi6");
this.dataPingTai = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenDataByName("PingTai");
this.dataBaShou = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenDataByName("BaShou");
this.dataPT = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenDataByName("PT");
this.dataArm = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenDataByName("PT");
this.dataLight = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenDataByName("Light");
// 如果可以忽略返回,否则设置
this.selectedObject = eventData.markInfo.modelBox as Mesh;
this.Bi = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenByName("Bi") as Mesh;
this.Bi1 = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenByName("Bi1") as Mesh;
this.Bi2 = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenByName("Bi2") as Mesh;
this.Bi2Length = this.Bi2?.position.z;
this.Bi3 = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenByName("Bi3") as Mesh;
this.Bi3Length = this.Bi3?.position.z;
this.Bi4 = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenByName("Bi4") as Mesh;
this.Bi4Length = this.Bi4?.position.z;
this.Bi5 = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenByName("Bi5") as Mesh;
this.Bi5Length = this.Bi5?.position.z;
this.Bi6 = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenByName("Bi6") as Mesh;
this.PingTai = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenByName("PingTai") as Mesh;
this.PT = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenByName("PT") as Mesh;
this.BaShou = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenByName("BaShou") as Mesh;
this.Arm = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenByName("Arm") as Mesh;
this.Light = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenByName("Light") as Mesh;
// if (this.markType === MarkType.LT6) {
// this.LTActionState = LTState.LU;
// this.LadderUp = (eventData.markInfo.getChildrenByName("LadderUp_primitive0")).parent as TransformNode;;
// console.log(this.LadderUp);
// }
// if (this.markType == MarkType.LT15) {
// this.LTActionState = LTState.LU1;
// this.LadderUp1 = (eventData.markInfo.getChildrenByName("LadderUp1_primitive0")).parent as TransformNode;
// this.LadderUp2 = (eventData.markInfo.getChildrenByName("LadderUp2_primitive0")).parent as TransformNode;;
// console.log(this.LadderUp1, this.LadderUp2);
// }
// if (this.markType == MarkType.YTC) {
// this.PingTai = eventData.markInfo.getChildrenByName("pingtai") as Mesh;
// }
case MarkInfoChangeType.UnSelect:
this.markInfo = null;
this.markData = null;
this.markType = null;
this.animation = null;
this.selectedObject = null;
this.Bi = null;
this.Bi1 = null;
this.Bi2 = null;
this.Bi3 = null;
this.Bi4 = null;
this.Bi5 = null;
this.Bi6 = null;
this.Arm = null;
this.Light = null;
this.LadderUp = null;
this.LadderUp1 = null;
this.LadderUp2 = null;
this.PT = null;
this.PingTai = null;
this.BaShou = null;
this.scene.registerBeforeRender(() => {
// 可以旋转
public CanRotateSelf(): boolean {
return this.markType != MarkType.H
&& this.markType != MarkType.SNH
&& this.markType != MarkType.YWA
&& this.markType != MarkType.YWB
&& this.markType != MarkType.JJX
// && this.markType != MarkType.SD
&& this.markType != MarkType.JGLX
&& this.markType != MarkType.CT
// && this.markType != MarkType.JJQ
&& this.markType != MarkType.QYSDA
&& this.markType != MarkType.QYSDB;
// 可以播放动画
public CanPlayAnimation(): boolean {
// return this.markType === MarkType.GPC
// || this.markType === MarkType.DGPTC
// || this.markType === MarkType.YTC
return false;
// 是消防员
public IsFiremen(): boolean {
return this.markType == MarkType.XFY
// || this.markType == MarkType.JYF
// || this.markType == MarkType.GRF
// || this.markType == MarkType.FHF
// || this.markType == MarkType.BHF
// || this.markType == MarkType.YWXFY
// 是消防车
public IsFireTruck(): boolean {
return this.markType == MarkType.XFC
// || this.markType == MarkType.SGC
// || this.markType == MarkType.GCGSC
// todo 按选择的类型处理,也方便后续拆分
// if(高喷车)
// 按键处理
// if(喷水车)
// 按键处理
// 更新
update() {
if (this.selectedObject) {
// 控制自身旋转
public RotateSelfControl() {
if (this.CanRotateSelf()) {
if (Keyboard.Instance.ArrowLeft) {
this.rotateSpeed = -1;
if (Keyboard.Instance.ArrowRight) {
this.rotateSpeed = 1;
// 控制消防员
public FiremenControl() {
if (this.IsFiremen()) {
if (Keyboard.Instance.u) {
this.rotateSpeed = -1;
if (this.dataPT == null) {
this.dataPT = new ChildNodeData();
this.dataPT.name = "PT";
this.dataPT.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.PT.rotationQuaternion;
if (Keyboard.Instance.j) {
this.rotateSpeed = 1;
if (this.dataPT == null) {
this.dataPT = new ChildNodeData();
this.dataPT.name = "PT";
this.dataPT.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.PT.rotationQuaternion;
if (Keyboard.Instance.AddKey) {
this.markInfo?.changeWaterPower(this.markData.waterPower + this.deltaTime * this.waterPowerSpeed);
if (Keyboard.Instance.SubKey) {
this.markInfo?.changeWaterPower(this.markData.waterPower - this.deltaTime * this.waterPowerSpeed);
// 控制喷水车
public FireTruckControl() {
if (this.IsFireTruck()) {
if (Keyboard.Instance.u) {
this.rotateSpeed = -1;
if (this.dataPT == null) {
this.dataPT = new ChildNodeData();
this.dataPT.name = "PT";
this.dataPT.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.PT.rotationQuaternion;
if (Keyboard.Instance.j) {
this.rotateSpeed = 1;
if (this.dataPT == null) {
this.dataPT = new ChildNodeData();
this.dataPT.name = "PT";
this.dataPT.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.PT.rotationQuaternion;
if (Keyboard.Instance.h) {
this.rotateSpeed = -1;
if (this.dataPT == null) {
this.dataPT = new ChildNodeData();
this.dataPT.name = "PT";
this.dataPT.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.PT.rotationQuaternion;
if (Keyboard.Instance.k) {
this.rotateSpeed = 1;
if (this.dataPT == null) {
this.dataPT = new ChildNodeData();
this.dataPT.name = "PT";
this.dataPT.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.PT.rotationQuaternion;
if (Keyboard.Instance.AddKey) {
this.markInfo?.changeWaterPower(this.markData.waterPower + this.deltaTime * this.waterPowerSpeed);
if (Keyboard.Instance.SubKey) {
this.markInfo?.changeWaterPower(this.markData.waterPower - this.deltaTime * this.waterPowerSpeed);
// 控制照明车
public LightTruckControl() {
// if (this.markType == MarkType.ZMC) {
// if (Keyboard.Instance.a) {
// this.rotateSpeed = 1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisZ(this.Light);
// if (this.dataLight == null) {
// this.dataLight = new ChildNodeData();
// this.dataLight.name = "Light";
// this.markData.childrenNodeData.push(this.dataLight);
// }
// this.dataLight.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.Light.rotationQuaternion;
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.d) {
// this.rotateSpeed = -1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisZ(this.Light);
// if (this.dataLight == null) {
// this.dataLight = new ChildNodeData();
// this.dataLight.name = "Light";
// this.markData.childrenNodeData.push(this.dataLight);
// }
// this.dataLight.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.Light.rotationQuaternion;
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.w) {
// this.rotateSpeed = -1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisX(this.Arm);
// if (this.dataArm == null) {
// this.dataArm = new ChildNodeData();
// this.dataArm.name = "Arm";
// this.markData.childrenNodeData.push(this.dataArm);
// }
// this.dataArm.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.Arm.rotationQuaternion;
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.s) {
// this.rotateSpeed = 1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisX(this.Arm);
// if (this.dataArm == null) {
// this.dataArm = new ChildNodeData();
// this.dataArm.name = "Arm";
// this.markData.childrenNodeData.push(this.dataArm);
// }
// this.dataArm.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.Arm.rotationQuaternion;
// }
// }
// 控制高喷车
public HighSprayCarControl() {
// if (this.markType == MarkType.GPC) {
// if (Keyboard.Instance.ArrowLeft) {
// this.rotateSpeed = -1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisY(this.selectedObject);
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.ArrowRight) {
// this.rotateSpeed = 1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisY(this.selectedObject);
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.a) {
// this.rotateSpeed = 1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisY(this.Bi);
// if (this.dataBi == null) {
// this.dataBi = new ChildNodeData();
// this.dataBi.name = "Bi";
// this.markData.childrenNodeData.push(this.dataBi);
// }
// this.dataBi.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.Bi.rotationQuaternion;
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.d) {
// this.rotateSpeed = -1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisY(this.Bi);
// if (this.dataBi == null) {
// this.dataBi = new ChildNodeData();
// this.dataBi.name = "Bi";
// this.markData.childrenNodeData.push(this.dataBi);
// }
// this.dataBi.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.Bi.rotationQuaternion;
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.w) {
// this.rotateSpeed = -1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisX(this.Bi1);
// if (this.dataBi1 == null) {
// this.dataBi1 = new ChildNodeData();
// this.dataBi1.name = "Bi1";
// this.markData.childrenNodeData.push(this.dataBi1);
// }
// this.dataBi1.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.Bi1.rotationQuaternion;
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.s) {
// this.rotateSpeed = 1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisX(this.Bi1);
// if (this.dataBi1 == null) {
// this.dataBi1 = new ChildNodeData();
// this.dataBi1.name = "Bi1";
// this.markData.childrenNodeData.push(this.dataBi1);
// }
// this.dataBi1.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.Bi1.rotationQuaternion;
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.u) {
// this.rotateSpeed = -1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisX(this.PT);
// if (this.dataPT == null) {
// this.dataPT = new ChildNodeData();
// this.dataPT.name = "PT";
// this.markData.childrenNodeData.push(this.dataPT);
// }
// this.dataPT.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.PT.rotationQuaternion;
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.j) {
// this.rotateSpeed = 1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisX(this.PT);
// if (this.dataPT == null) {
// this.dataPT = new ChildNodeData();
// this.dataPT.name = "PT";
// this.markData.childrenNodeData.push(this.dataPT);
// }
// this.dataPT.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.PT.rotationQuaternion;
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.h) {
// // this.rotateSpeed = -1;
// // this.RotateAroundAxisY(this.PT);
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.k) {
// // this.rotateSpeed = 1;
// // this.RotateAroundAxisY(this.PT);
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.W) {
// this.moveBiSpeed = 5;
// this.TranlateBiGPC();
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.S) {
// this.moveBiSpeed = -5;
// this.TranlateBiGPC();
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.U) {
// this.rotateSpeed = -1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisX(this.Bi6);
// if (this.dataBi6 == null) {
// this.dataBi6 = new ChildNodeData();
// this.dataBi6.name = "Bi6";
// this.markData.childrenNodeData.push(this.dataBi6);
// }
// this.dataBi6.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.Bi6.rotationQuaternion;
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.J) {
// this.rotateSpeed = 1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisX(this.Bi6);
// if (this.dataBi6 == null) {
// this.dataBi6 = new ChildNodeData();
// this.dataBi6.name = "Bi6";
// this.markData.childrenNodeData.push(this.dataBi6);
// }
// this.dataBi6.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.Bi6.rotationQuaternion;
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.AddKey) {
// this.markInfo?.changeWaterPower(this.markData.waterPower + this.deltaTime * this.waterPowerSpeed);
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.SubKey) {
// this.markInfo?.changeWaterPower(this.markData.waterPower - this.deltaTime * this.waterPowerSpeed);
// }
// }
// 控制云梯车
public LadderCarControl() {
// if (this.markType == MarkType.YTC) {
// var theta = Vector3.Dot(this.PingTai.forward, Vector3.Up());
// this.PingTai.rotate(Axis.X, theta, Space.WORLD);
// if (Keyboard.Instance.ArrowLeft) {
// this.rotateSpeed = -1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisY(this.selectedObject);
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.ArrowRight) {
// this.rotateSpeed = 1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisY(this.selectedObject);
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.a) {
// this.rotateSpeed = 1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisY(this.Bi);
// if (this.dataBi == null) {
// this.dataBi = new ChildNodeData();
// this.dataBi.name = "Bi";
// this.markData.childrenNodeData.push(this.dataBi);
// }
// this.dataBi.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.Bi.rotationQuaternion;
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.d) {
// this.rotateSpeed = -1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisY(this.Bi);
// if (this.dataBi == null) {
// this.dataBi = new ChildNodeData();
// this.dataBi.name = "Bi";
// this.markData.childrenNodeData.push(this.dataBi);
// }
// this.dataBi.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.Bi.rotationQuaternion;
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.w) {
// this.rotateSpeed = -1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisX(this.Bi1);
// if (this.dataBi1 == null) {
// this.dataBi1 = new ChildNodeData();
// this.dataBi1.name = "Bi1";
// this.markData.childrenNodeData.push(this.dataBi1);
// }
// this.dataBi1.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.Bi1.rotationQuaternion;
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.s) {
// this.rotateSpeed = 1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisX(this.Bi1);
// if (this.dataBi1 == null) {
// this.dataBi1 = new ChildNodeData();
// this.dataBi1.name = "Bi1";
// this.markData.childrenNodeData.push(this.dataBi1);
// }
// this.dataBi1.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.Bi1.rotationQuaternion;
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.u) {
// this.rotateSpeed = -1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisX(this.PT);
// if (this.dataPT == null) {
// this.dataPT = new ChildNodeData();
// this.dataPT.name = "PT";
// this.markData.childrenNodeData.push(this.dataPT);
// }
// this.dataPT.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.PT.rotationQuaternion;
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.j) {
// this.rotateSpeed = 1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisX(this.PT);
// if (this.dataPT == null) {
// this.dataPT = new ChildNodeData();
// this.dataPT.name = "PT";
// this.markData.childrenNodeData.push(this.dataPT);
// }
// this.dataPT.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.PT.rotationQuaternion;
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.h) {
// this.rotateSpeed = -1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisY(this.PT);
// if (this.dataPT == null) {
// this.dataPT = new ChildNodeData();
// this.dataPT.name = "PT";
// this.markData.childrenNodeData.push(this.dataPT);
// }
// this.dataPT.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.PT.rotationQuaternion;
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.k) {
// this.rotateSpeed = 1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisY(this.PT);
// if (this.dataPT == null) {
// this.dataPT = new ChildNodeData();
// this.dataPT.name = "PT";
// this.markData.childrenNodeData.push(this.dataPT);
// }
// this.dataPT.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.PT.rotationQuaternion;
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.W) {
// this.moveBiSpeed = 5;
// this.TranlateBiGPC();
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.S) {
// this.moveBiSpeed = -5;
// this.TranlateBiGPC();
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.AddKey) {
// this.markInfo?.changeWaterPower(this.markData.waterPower + this.deltaTime * this.waterPowerSpeed);
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.SubKey) {
// this.markInfo?.changeWaterPower(this.markData.waterPower - this.deltaTime * this.waterPowerSpeed);
// }
// }
// 控制登高平台车
public AscendingPlatformCarControl() {
// if (this.markType == MarkType.DGPTC) {
// var theta = Vector3.Dot(this.PingTai.forward, Vector3.Up());
// this.PingTai.rotate(Axis.X, theta, Space.WORLD);
// if (Keyboard.Instance.ArrowLeft) {
// this.rotateSpeed = -1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisY(this.selectedObject);
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.ArrowRight) {
// this.rotateSpeed = 1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisY(this.selectedObject);
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.a) {
// this.rotateSpeed = 1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisY(this.Bi);
// if (this.dataBi == null) {
// this.dataBi = new ChildNodeData();
// this.dataBi.name = "Bi";
// this.markData.childrenNodeData.push(this.dataBi);
// }
// this.dataBi.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.Bi.rotationQuaternion;
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.d) {
// this.rotateSpeed = -1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisY(this.Bi);
// if (this.dataBi == null) {
// this.dataBi = new ChildNodeData();
// this.dataBi.name = "Bi";
// this.markData.childrenNodeData.push(this.dataBi);
// }
// this.dataBi.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.Bi.rotationQuaternion;
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.w) {
// this.rotateSpeed = -1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisX(this.Bi1);
// if (this.dataBi1 == null) {
// this.dataBi1 = new ChildNodeData();
// this.dataBi1.name = "Bi1";
// this.markData.childrenNodeData.push(this.dataBi1);
// }
// this.dataBi1.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.Bi1.rotationQuaternion;
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.s) {
// this.rotateSpeed = 1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisX(this.Bi1);
// if (this.dataBi1 == null) {
// this.dataBi1 = new ChildNodeData();
// this.dataBi1.name = "Bi1";
// this.markData.childrenNodeData.push(this.dataBi1);
// }
// this.dataBi1.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.Bi1.rotationQuaternion;
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.u) {
// this.rotateSpeed = -1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisX(this.PT);
// if (this.dataPT == null) {
// this.dataPT = new ChildNodeData();
// this.dataPT.name = "PT";
// this.markData.childrenNodeData.push(this.dataPT);
// }
// this.dataPT.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.PT.rotationQuaternion;
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.j) {
// this.rotateSpeed = 1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisX(this.PT);
// if (this.dataPT == null) {
// this.dataPT = new ChildNodeData();
// this.dataPT.name = "PT";
// this.markData.childrenNodeData.push(this.dataPT);
// }
// this.dataPT.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.PT.rotationQuaternion;
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.h) {
// this.rotateSpeed = -1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisY(this.PT);
// if (this.dataPT == null) {
// this.dataPT = new ChildNodeData();
// this.dataPT.name = "PT";
// this.markData.childrenNodeData.push(this.dataPT);
// }
// this.dataPT.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.PT.rotationQuaternion;
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.k) {
// this.rotateSpeed = 1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisY(this.PT);
// if (this.dataPT == null) {
// this.dataPT = new ChildNodeData();
// this.dataPT.name = "PT";
// this.markData.childrenNodeData.push(this.dataPT);
// }
// this.dataPT.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.PT.rotationQuaternion;
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.W) {
// this.moveBiSpeed = 5;
// this.TranlateBiDGPTC();
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.S) {
// this.moveBiSpeed = -5;
// this.TranlateBiDGPTC();
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.U) {
// this.rotateSpeed = -1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisX(this.Bi5);
// if (this.dataBi5 == null) {
// this.dataBi5 = new ChildNodeData();
// this.dataBi5.name = "Bi5";
// this.markData.childrenNodeData.push(this.dataBi5);
// }
// this.dataBi5.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.Bi5.rotationQuaternion;
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.J) {
// this.rotateSpeed = 1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisX(this.Bi5);
// if (this.dataBi5 == null) {
// this.dataBi5 = new ChildNodeData();
// this.dataBi5.name = "Bi5";
// this.markData.childrenNodeData.push(this.dataBi5);
// }
// this.dataBi5.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.Bi5.rotationQuaternion;
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.AddKey) {
// this.markInfo?.changeWaterPower(this.markData.waterPower + this.deltaTime * this.waterPowerSpeed);
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.SubKey) {
// this.markInfo?.changeWaterPower(this.markData.waterPower - this.deltaTime * this.waterPowerSpeed);
// }
// }
// 水炮控制
public WaterCannonControl() {
// if (this.markType == MarkType.SP) {
// if (Keyboard.Instance.h) {
// this.rotateSpeed = -1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisY(this.selectedObject);
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.k) {
// this.rotateSpeed = 1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisY(this.selectedObject);
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.u) {
// this.rotateSpeed = -1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisX(this.PT);
// if (this.dataPT == null) {
// this.dataPT = new ChildNodeData();
// this.dataPT.name = "PT";
// this.markData.childrenNodeData.push(this.dataPT);
// }
// this.dataPT.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.PT.rotationQuaternion;
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.j) {
// this.rotateSpeed = 1;
// this.RotateAroundAxisX(this.PT);
// if (this.dataPT == null) {
// this.dataPT = new ChildNodeData();
// this.dataPT.name = "PT";
// this.markData.childrenNodeData.push(this.dataPT);
// }
// this.dataPT.transformData.rotationQuaternion = this.PT.rotationQuaternion;
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.AddKey) {
// this.markInfo?.changeWaterPower(this.markData.waterPower + this.deltaTime * this.waterPowerSpeed);
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.SubKey) {
// this.markInfo?.changeWaterPower(this.markData.waterPower - this.deltaTime * this.waterPowerSpeed);
// }
// }
// 梯子
public LadderControl() {
// if (this.markType == MarkType.LT6) {
// if (Keyboard.Instance.W) {
// this.moveBiSpeed = 5;
// this.TranslateLadder6M();
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.S) {
// this.moveBiSpeed = -5;
// this.TranslateLadder6M();
// }
// } else if (this.markType == MarkType.LT15) {
// if (Keyboard.Instance.W) {
// this.moveBiSpeed = 5;
// this.TranslateLadder15M();
// }
// if (Keyboard.Instance.S) {
// this.moveBiSpeed = -5;
// this.TranslateLadder15M();
// }
// }
// 围绕Y轴旋转
public RotateAroundAxisY(mesh: Mesh) {
mesh?.rotate(Axis.Y, this.scene.deltaTime * 0.001 * this.rotateSpeed, Space.LOCAL);
// 围绕X轴旋转
public RotateAroundAxisX(mesh: Mesh) {
mesh?.rotate(Axis.X, this.scene.deltaTime * 0.001 * this.rotateSpeed, Space.LOCAL);
// 围绕Z轴旋转
public RotateAroundAxisZ(mesh: Mesh) {
mesh?.rotate(Axis.Z, this.scene.deltaTime * 0.001 * this.rotateSpeed, Space.LOCAL);
// 高喷车展臂
public TranlateBiGPC() {
switch (this.armActionState) {
case ArmActionState.Bi3:
this.TranlateBi(this.Bi3, ArmActionState.Bi4);
if (this.dataBi3 == null) {
this.dataBi3 = new ChildNodeData();
this.dataBi3.name = "Bi3";
this.dataBi3.transformData.position = this.Bi3.position;
case ArmActionState.Bi4:
this.TranlateBi(this.Bi4, ArmActionState.Bi5);
if (this.dataBi4 == null) {
this.dataBi4 = new ChildNodeData();
this.dataBi4.name = "Bi4";
this.dataBi4.transformData.position = this.Bi4.position;
case ArmActionState.Bi5:
this.TranlateBi(this.Bi5, ArmActionState.Bi1);
if (this.dataBi5 == null) {
this.dataBi5 = new ChildNodeData();
this.dataBi5.name = "Bi5";
this.dataBi5.transformData.position = this.Bi5.position;
this.TranlateBi(this.Bi2, ArmActionState.Bi3);
if (this.dataBi2 == null) {
this.dataBi2 = new ChildNodeData();
this.dataBi2.name = "Bi2";
this.dataBi2.transformData.position = this.Bi2.position;
// 高喷车展臂
public TranlateBiYTC() {
switch (this.armActionState) {
case ArmActionState.Bi3:
this.TranlateBi(this.Bi3, ArmActionState.Bi4);
if (this.dataBi3 == null) {
this.dataBi3 = new ChildNodeData();
this.dataBi3.name = "Bi3";
this.dataBi3.transformData.position = this.Bi3.position;
case ArmActionState.Bi4:
this.TranlateBi(this.Bi4, ArmActionState.Bi5);
if (this.dataBi4 == null) {
this.dataBi4 = new ChildNodeData();
this.dataBi4.name = "Bi4";
this.dataBi4.transformData.position = this.Bi4.position;
case ArmActionState.Bi5:
this.TranlateBi(this.Bi5, ArmActionState.Bi6);
if (this.dataBi5 == null) {
this.dataBi5 = new ChildNodeData();
this.dataBi5.name = "Bi5";
this.dataBi5.transformData.position = this.Bi5.position;
case ArmActionState.Bi6:
this.TranlateBi(this.Bi6, ArmActionState.Bi1);
if (this.dataBi6 == null) {
this.dataBi6 = new ChildNodeData();
this.dataBi6.name = "Bi6";
this.dataBi6.transformData.position = this.Bi6.position;
this.TranlateBi(this.Bi2, ArmActionState.Bi3);
if (this.dataBi2 == null) {
this.dataBi2 = new ChildNodeData();
this.dataBi2.name = "Bi2";
this.dataBi2.transformData.position = this.Bi2.position;
// 登高平台车展臂
public TranlateBiDGPTC() {
switch (this.armActionState) {
case ArmActionState.Bi3:
this.TranlateBi(this.Bi3, ArmActionState.Bi4);
this.TranlateBi(this.Bi2, ArmActionState.Bi3);
// 移动6米梯子
public TranslateLadder6M() {
switch (this.LTActionState) {
this.TranlateLadder(this.LadderUp, 3, 0, LTState.None);
if (this.dataLadderUp == null) {
this.dataLadderUp = new ChildNodeData();
this.dataLadderUp.name = "LadderUp";
this.dataLadderUp.transformData.position = this.LadderUp.position;
// 移动15米梯子
public TranslateLadder15M() {
switch (this.LTActionState) {
this.TranlateLadder(this.LadderUp1, 5, 0, LTState.LU2);
if (this.dataLadderUp1 == null) {
this.dataLadderUp1 = new ChildNodeData();
this.dataLadderUp1.name = "LadderUp1";
this.dataLadderUp1.transformData.position = this.LadderUp1.position;
case LTState.LU2:
this.TranlateLadder(this.LadderUp2, 5, 0, LTState.None);
if (this.dataLadderUp2 == null) {
this.dataLadderUp2 = new ChildNodeData();
this.dataLadderUp2.name = "LadderUp2";
this.dataLadderUp2.transformData.position = this.LadderUp2.position;
// 消防车展臂
public TranlateBi(tranlateMesh: Mesh, nextState: ArmActionState) {
tranlateMesh?.translate(Axis.Z, this.scene.deltaTime * 0.001 * this.moveBiSpeed, Space.LOCAL);
if (tranlateMesh?.position.z > this.maxArmlength) {
tranlateMesh.position.z = this.maxArmlength;
this.armActionState = nextState;
} else if (tranlateMesh?.position.z < this.minArmlength) {
tranlateMesh.position.z = this.minArmlength;
this.armActionState = nextState;
// 移动梯子
public TranlateLadder(tranlateMesh: TransformNode, maxLength: number, minLength: number, nextState: LTState) {
tranlateMesh?.translate(Axis.Y, this.scene.deltaTime * 0.001 * this.moveBiSpeed, Space.LOCAL);
if (tranlateMesh?.position.y > maxLength) {
tranlateMesh.position.y = maxLength;
this.LTActionState = nextState;
} else if (tranlateMesh?.position.y < minLength) {
tranlateMesh.position.y = minLength;
this.LTActionState = nextState;
// 旋转消防车
// public RotateRoot(angle: number) {
// if (this.selectedObject) {
// this.selectedObject.rotate(Axis.Y, angle, Space.LOCAL);
// }
// }
// 旋转消防车举臂底盘
// public RotateBi(angle: number) {
// if (this.Bi) {
// this.Bi.rotate(Axis.Y, angle, Space.LOCAL);
// }
// }
// 旋转消防车举臂角度
// public RotateAroundAxisX(angle: number) {
// if (this.Bi1) {
// this.Bi1.rotate(Axis.X, angle, Space.LOCAL);
// }
// }
// 高喷车喷头前一节举臂
// public RotateBi6(angle: number) {
// if (this.Bi6) {
// this.Bi6.rotate(Axis.X, angle, Space.LOCAL);
// }
// }
// 自动旋转Bi
// public AutoRotateBi() {
// // this.center.position.set(10, 0, 10);
// // const lookPosBox = this.targetPoint.subtract(this.box.absolutePosition).normalize();
// // lookPosBox.y = 0;
// // const q0 = Quaternion.FromLookDirectionLH(lookPosBox, Vector3.Up());
// // if (!this.box.absoluteRotationQuaternion.equalsWithEpsilon(q0, 0.01)) {
// // this.box.rotate(Axis.Y, 0.005, Space.LOCAL)
// // }
// // const lookPos = this.targetPoint.subtract(this.Bi.absolutePosition).normalize();
// // lookPos.y = 0;
// // const q1 = Quaternion.FromLookDirectionLH(lookPos, Vector3.Up());
// // if (!this.Bi.absoluteRotationQuaternion.equalsWithEpsilon(q1, 0.01)) {
// // this.Bi.rotate(Axis.Y, 0.005, Space.LOCAL)
// // }
// // const absoluteRotationQuaternion = Quaternion.FromLookDirectionLH(lookPos, Vector3.Up());
// // const absoluteRotationQuaternionOffset = absoluteRotationQuaternion.subtract(this.root.absoluteRotationQuaternion);
// // this.Bi.addRotation(0, absoluteRotationQuaternionOffset.toEulerAngles().y, 0);
// // this.armActionState = ArmActionState.Bi2;
// // this.Bi.rotationQuaternion = Quaternion.Slerp(this.Bi.rotationQuaternion, absoluteRotationQuaternionOffset.normalize(), this.deltaTime * 10);// TODO需要设置世界旋转
// // if (this.Bi.rotationQuaternion.equalsWithEpsilon(rotation, 0.1)) {
// // this.Bi.rotationQuaternion = rotation;
// // // this.armActionState = ArmActionState.Bi2;
// // console.log("旋转地盘结束");
// // const line = MeshBuilder.CreateLines('line', { points: [this.targetPoint, this.Bi.absolutePosition] });
// // line.color = Color3.Red();
// // }
// // const v1 = (new Vector3(this.targetPoint.x, this.Bi.position.y, this.targetPoint.z).subtract(this.Bi.position)).normalize();
// // const v2 = this.root.forward;
// // const targetDir = Vector3.Cross(v1, v2).y > 0 ? 1 : -1;
// // const targetAngle = Math.acos(Vector3.Dot(v1, v2)) * 180 / Math.PI * targetDir;
// // const currentAngle = this.Bi.rotationQuaternion.toEulerAngles().y * 180 / Math.PI;
// // // console.log(this.Bi.rotationQuaternion.equalsWithEpsilon(new Quaternion(-rotation.x, -rotation.y, -rotation.z, rotation.w), 0.001));
// // if (Math.abs(targetAngle - currentAngle) > 0.5) {
// // const speedDir = (targetAngle - currentAngle) >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
// // this.RotateBi(speedDir * 0.01);
// // } else {
// // this.armActionState = ArmActionState.Bi2;
// // }
// }
// public AutoRotateBi1() {
// // const d2E = Math.floor(Vector3.Distance(this.Bi6.absolutePosition, this.Bi.absolutePosition)) + 15;//臂长
// // const d2T = Math.floor(Vector3.Distance(this.Bi.absolutePosition, this.targetPoint));//臂底端到目标的距离
// // const distance = Math.round(Vector3.Distance(this.Bi6.absolutePosition, this.targetPoint)); //Bi6到目标距离
// // const v1 = (new Vector3(this.targetPoint.x, this.targetPoint.y, this.targetPoint.z).subtract(this.Bi1.position)).normalize();
// // const v2 = this.Bi.forward.normalize();
// // const targetDir = Vector3.Cross(v1, v2).x > 0 ? -1 : 1;
// // const lookPos = this.targetPoint.subtract(this.Bi1.position).normalize();
// // const rotation = Quaternion.FromLookDirectionRH(lookPos, this.Bi1.up);
// // this.Bi1.rotationQuaternion = Quaternion.Slerp(this.Bi1.rotationQuaternion, new Quaternion(rotation.x, rotation.y, rotation.z, rotation.w), this.deltaTime * 10);
// // const targetAngle = Math.acos(Vector3.Dot(v1, v2)) * 180 / Math.PI * targetDir;
// // const currentAngle = this.Bi1.rotationQuaternion.toEulerAngles().x * 180 / Math.PI;
// // console.log(currentAngle,);
// // console.log(targetAngle, "=================");
// // if (Math.abs(targetAngle - currentAngle) > 0.5) {
// // const speedDir = (targetAngle - currentAngle) >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
// // this.RotateBi1(speedDir * 0.01);
// // } else {
// // this.armActionState = ArmActionState.Bi6;
// // }
// // console.log(distance, '')
// // if (d2E < d2T) {
// // // todo 直接指向目标点
// // this.armActionState = ArmActionState.Bi6;
// // } else {
// // // 根据距离上调或下调
// // if (distance < 15) {
// // this.RotateBi1(-this.deltaTime);
// // } else if (distance > 15) {
// // this.RotateBi1(this.deltaTime);
// // } else {
// // this.armActionState = ArmActionState.Bi6;
// // }
// // }
// }
// public AutoRotateBi6() {
// // const v1 = (new Vector3(this.targetPoint.x, this.targetPoint.y, this.targetPoint.z).subtract(this.Bi6.position)).normalize();
// // const v2 = this.Bi.forward.normalize();
// // const targetDir = Vector3.Cross(v1, v2).x > 0 ? -1 : 1;
// // const targetAngle = Math.acos(Vector3.Dot(v1, v2)) * 180 / Math.PI * targetDir;
// // const currentAngle = this.Bi6.rotationQuaternion.toEulerAngles().x * 180 / Math.PI;
// // const test = Vector3.GetAngleBetweenVectors(v1, this.Bi1.forward.normalize(), this.Bi1.up.normalize()) * 180 / Math.PI;
// // const isUp = Math.abs(this.Bi6.rotationQuaternion.toEulerAngles().y) < 0.1 && Math.abs(this.Bi6.rotationQuaternion.toEulerAngles().z) < 0.1;
// // const isZero = test - currentAngle > 0;
// // if (test - currentAngle < 0.5 && isZero && isUp) {
// // // this.armActionState = ArmActionState.Pentou;
// // } else {
// // if (isUp) {
// // if (isZero) {
// // this.RotateBi6(0.01);
// // console.log("0");
// // } else {
// // this.RotateBi6(-0.01);
// // console.log("1");
// // }
// // } else {
// // this.RotateBi6(-0.01);
// // console.log("2");
// // }
// // }
// // console.log(test, 'Angle', isUp);
// // console.log(currentAngle, this.Bi6.rotationQuaternion.toEulerAngles().y, this.Bi6.rotationQuaternion.toEulerAngles().z);
// }
// // 移动举臂
// public AutoTranlateBi(tranlateMesh: Mesh, nextState: ArmActionState) {
// //#region 自动伸臂
// const d2E = Math.floor(Vector3.Distance(this.Bi6.absolutePosition, this.Bi.absolutePosition)) + 15;//臂长
// const d2T = Math.floor(Vector3.Distance(this.Bi.absolutePosition, this.targetPoint));//臂底端到目标的距离
// // console.log("当前臂长:", d2E, d2T);
// // 臂长小于目标距离,伸臂
// if (d2E < d2T) {
// tranlateMesh.translate(Axis.Z, this.deltaTime * this.speed, Space.LOCAL);
// if (tranlateMesh.position.z > this.maxArmlength) {
// tranlateMesh.position.z = this.maxArmlength;
// this.armActionState = nextState;
// } else if (tranlateMesh.position.z < this.minArmlength) {
// tranlateMesh.position.z = this.minArmlength;
// this.armActionState = nextState;
// }
// }
// else if (d2E > d2T) {
// tranlateMesh.translate(Axis.Z, -this.deltaTime * this.speed, Space.LOCAL);
// if (tranlateMesh.position.z > this.maxArmlength) {
// tranlateMesh.position.z = this.maxArmlength;
// this.armActionState = nextState;
// } else if (tranlateMesh.position.z < this.minArmlength) {
// tranlateMesh.position.z = this.minArmlength;
// this.armActionState = nextState;
// }
// }
// else {
// this.armActionState = nextState;
// }
// //#endregion
// }
export class Keyboard {
public ArrowLeft = false;
public ArrowRight = false;
public ShiftKey = false;
public w = false;
public a = false;
public s = false;
public d = false;
public u = false;
public j = false;
public h = false;
public k = false;
public W = false;
public S = false;
public U = false;
public J = false;
public AddKey = false;
public SubKey = false;
private static instance: Keyboard = new Keyboard();
public static get Instance(): Keyboard {
return this.instance;
private constructor() {
// 添加快捷键
document.addEventListener('keydown', (e: KeyboardEvent) => {
if (e.key == null) {
let key = e.key.toLocaleLowerCase();
// console.log(key);
if (key == "w" && e.shiftKey) {
this.W = true;
} else if (key == "w") {
this.w = true;
if (key == "s" && e.shiftKey) {
this.S = true;
} else if (key == "s") {
this.s = true;
if (key == "u" && e.shiftKey) {
this.U = true;
} else if (key == "u") {
this.u = true;
if (key == "j" && e.shiftKey) {
this.J = true;
} else if (key == "j") {
this.j = true;
if (key == "arrowleft") {
this.ArrowLeft = true;
if (key == "arrowright") {
this.ArrowRight = true;
if (key == "a") {
this.a = true;
if (key == "d") {
this.d = true;
if (key == "h") {
this.h = true;
if (key == "k") {
this.k = true;
if (key == "=") {
this.AddKey = true;
if (key == "-") {
this.SubKey = true;
if (key == "shift") {
if (this.w == true) {
this.W = true;
this.w = false;
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