diff --git a/src/app/ui/dangerous/dangerous.component.scss b/src/app/ui/dangerous/dangerous.component.scss
index f68c763..3c70771 100644
--- a/src/app/ui/dangerous/dangerous.component.scss
+++ b/src/app/ui/dangerous/dangerous.component.scss
@@ -35,6 +35,28 @@
// flex: 20%;
width: 16%;
border-right: 1px solid #26b5fb;
+ div{
+ white-space: nowrap;/*一行显示*/
+ overflow: hidden;/*超出部分隐藏*/
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;/*用...代替超出部分*/
+ width: 100%;
+ height:46px;
+ line-height:46px;
+ letter-spacing: 3px;
+ font-size: 20px;
+ color: white;
+ // padding-left: 5px;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ span{
+ margin-left: 6px;
+ }
+ }
+ div:hover{
+ background-color: #e6963c;
+ }
+ .divselected{
+ background-color: #e88108;
+ }
width: 100%;
@@ -73,14 +95,14 @@
border-bottom: 1px solid #26b5fb;
width: 100%;
+ tr:nth-child(2){
+ margin-top: 8px;
+ }
- .size{
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- }
z-index: 3000;
@@ -94,12 +116,16 @@
background: #063659;
opacity: 0.9;
border: 1px solid #26b5fb;
+ div{
+ float: left;
+ }
width: 100%;
height: 32px;
line-height: 32px;
text-align: center;
- border-bottom: 1px solid #26b5fb;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #ff4949;
+ font-size: 18px;
position: relative;
color: red;
@@ -117,10 +143,11 @@
width: 100%;
- height: 100%;
+ height: 468px;
+ display: flex;
height: 100%;
- width: 24%;
+ flex: 2;
border-right:1px solid #26b5fb;
width: 100%;
@@ -135,7 +162,29 @@
background: #041f33;
+ .right{
+ flex: 8;
+ height: 468px;
+ color: white;
+ letter-spacing: 2px;
+ padding: 5px 8px;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ position: relative;
+ z-index: 100;
+ width: 120px;
+ height: 20px;
+ position: absolute;
+ z-index: 101;
+ left: 6px;
+ top: 0;
diff --git a/src/app/ui/dangerous/dangerous.component.ts b/src/app/ui/dangerous/dangerous.component.ts
index 11c0e4e..3fe0e24 100644
--- a/src/app/ui/dangerous/dangerous.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/ui/dangerous/dangerous.component.ts
@@ -12,50 +12,139 @@ export class DangerousComponent implements OnInit {
ngOnInit(): void {
- //地图范围圆圈
- circle = new AMap.Circle({
- center: [109.656839, 23.098685],
- radius: 500, //半径
- strokeOpacity: 1,
- fillOpacity: 0.4,
- strokeStyle: 'dashed',
- strokeDasharray: [10, 10],
- // 线样式还支持 'dashed'
- fillColor: '#1791fc',
- zIndex: 50,
- })
+ selectedIndex = 0
+ typedata = [
+ {name:"爆炸品",details:[
+ {name:"点火绳",englishname:"Det donating Cords",molecularformula:"无",type:"点火绳"},
+ {name:"乙二硝胺",englishname:"Ethylene Dinitramine",molecularformula:"(CH2NHNO2)2",type:"炸药及爆炸性药品"},
+ {name:"导爆锁",englishname:"Detonating Cords",molecularformula:"无",type:"起爆器材"}
+ ]},
+ {name:"气体",details:[
+ {name:"乙炔",englishname:"Acetylene",molecularformula:"C2H2",type:"易燃气体"},
+ {name:"二氟氯甲烷",englishname:"Chlorodifluoromethane",molecularformula:"CHCF2",type:"非易燃无毒气体"},
+ {name:"二氧化硫",englishname:"Sulfur die oxIde",molecularformula:"SO2",type:"毒性气体"}
+ ]},
+ {name:"易燃液体",details:[
+ {name:"2-乙基-1-丁烯",englishname:"2-Ethyl-1-butene",molecularformula:"CH3CH2(C2Hb)CCH2",type:"低闪点液体",content:[
+ {data:"2-乙基-1-丁烯"},
+ {data:"无色液体,不溶于水,能溶于乙醇丙酮和乙醚。相对密度:0.69(20℃) ,沸点:62℃ ,闪点:<-20℃, 自燃点:315℃"},
+ {data:`易燃,遇热、明火、强氧化剂,均有引起燃烧爆炸的危险。其蒸气能与空气形成爆炸性混合物,遇火星易爆炸。`},
+ {data:"泡沫、二氧化碳、干粉、1211。"},
+ {data:"储存于阴凉通风仓间内,仓温不超过30℃,远离火种、热源,防止阳光直射。应与硝酸等氧化剂分仓间储存。不宜久储,以防聚合变质。搬运时应轻装轻卸,防止包装破损。"},
+ ]},
+ {name:"2-乙基丁醛",englishname:"Diethyl Acetaldehyde",molecularformula:"C212 CHCHO",type:"中闪点液体",content:[
+ {data:"2-乙基丁醛"},
+ {data:`无色液体,不溶于水。能与乙醇、乙燃醚混溶。
+ 相对密度:0.8164(20℃)
+ 凝固点:-89℃
+ 沸点:116.8℃
+ 闪点:21.1℃(开杯
+ 爆炸极限:1.2%~7.7%
+ 蒸气压:1.827kPa(20℃)`},
+ {data:`遇明火、高温、氧化剂,有引起燃烧爆
+ 炸的危险。`},
+ {data:`泡沫、干粉、二氧化碳、砂土。`},
+ {data:`包装要密封。储存于阴凉通风
+ 的仓间内,防止阳光直射,仓温不超过30℃,远离火
+ 种、热源。应与酸类、氧化剂分仓间存放,切勿混储混
+ 运。搬运时轻装轻卸,防止包装破损。不宜久储。若
+ 触及皮肤,应及时用水冲洗。`},
+ ]},
+ {name:"乙二醇一乙醚",englishname:"Ethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether",molecularformula:"CH2OHCH2OC2H5",type:"高闪点液体",content:[
+ {data:`乙二醇一乙醚`},
+ {data:`无色液体,几无气味。能与水和醇等
+ 大多数有机溶剂混溶。稍有毒,空气中的最高容许浓
+ 度为2.0×10-4。
+ 相对密度:0.9360(15℃)
+ 凝固点:-70
+ 沸点:135.1℃
+ 闪点:43℃
+ 自燃点:235℃
+ 爆炸极限:1.8%~14%
+ 蒸气压:506.6Pa(20℃)`},
+ {data:`遇明火、高温或氧化剂,有发生燃烧
+ 的危险。`},
+ {data:`泡沫、二氧化碳、砂土、干粉。`},
+ {data:`储存于阴凉通风仓间内,远离火
+ 种、热源。应与氧化剂分开堆放。包装要密封,防止损
+ 耗和变质。搬运时轻装轻卸,保持包装完整`},
+ ]}
+ ]},
+ {name:"易燃固体",details:[
+ {name:"N,N-二亚硝基五亚甲基四胺",englishname:"N,N- Dinitrosopentamethylene",molecularformula:"(CH2)(NO)2N",type:"一级易燃固体",content:[
+ {data:`N,N-二亚硝基五亚甲基四胺`},
+ {data:`淡黄色粉末或砂粒状固体。
+ 相对密度:1.4~1.4
+ 熔点:200℃(分解)`},
+ {data:`遇高温、明火或与酸(无机酸、有机酸)接触,容易引起剧烈燃烧。与氧化剂混和,能成为爆炸性混合物`},
+ {data:"水、砂土。"},
+ {data:"储存于阴凉通风干燥的库房内。远离火种及热源。严禁与无机酸、有机酸、碱性物质、氧化剂混储混运。要经常检查同库混放物质观其性能是否抵触。储存期最长不超过6个月(自出厂日起)。搬运时应轻装轻卸,防止摩擦、撞击引起燃烧"},
+ ]},
+ {name:"2,4-二亚硝基间苯二酚",englishname:"2,4- Dinitrosores",molecularformula:"C6H2(OH)2(NO)2",type:"二级易燃固体",content:[
+ {data:`2,4-二亚硝基间苯二酚`},
+ {data:`从50%乙醇中析出者,呈黄褐色叶片
+ 状结晶。
+ 不溶于水,其熔点为162~163℃
+ 熔点:168℃
+ 自燃点:115℃`},
+ {data:`受热或与氧化剂接触,有燃烧爆炸的
+ 危险。`},
+ {data:`砂土、二氧化碳、雾状水。`},
+ {data:`储存于阴凉通风仓间内。最高仓温不宜超过30℃。远离火种及热源。应与氧化剂分仓间存放,与金属粉末及酸类隔离堆放。搬运时应轻装轻卸,防止猛撞引起爆炸。`},
+ ]},
+ {name:"乙基膦",englishname:"Ethylphosphine",molecularformula:"C2H5PH2",type:"一级易于自燃物质",content:[
+ {data:`乙基膦`},
+ {data:`无色液体。遇水分解。
+ 相对密度:<1
+ 沸点:25℃`},
+ {data:`在空气中能自燃,接触溴、氯和发烟
+ 硝酸会发生爆炸。遇浓硫酸会燃烧`},
+ {data:`干砂、干粉。禁止用水、泡沫`},
+ {data:`储存于阴凉干燥仓间内。
+ ]}
+ ]},
+ {name:"氧化物和有机过氧化物",details:[
+ {name:"三氟化溴",englishname:"Bromine Trifluoride",molecularformula:"BrF3",type:"一级氧化性物质"},
+ {name:"三氧化铬(无水)",englishname:"Chromic Anhydride",molecularformula:"CrO3",type:"二级氧化性物质"},
+ {name:"2,5-二甲基-2,5-双",englishname:"2,5- Dimethyl-2",molecularformula:"C16H30O4",type:"有机过氧化物"}
+ ]},
+ {name:"毒性物质",details:[
+ {name:"二氧化硒",englishname:"Selenium dioxide",molecularformula:"SeO2",type:"一级无机毒性物质"},
+ {name:"一氯乙醛",englishname:"Chloroacetaldehyde",molecularformula:"C2H3OCl",type:"一级有机毒性物质"},
+ {name:"一氧化铅",englishname:"Lead Oxide",molecularformula:"PbO",type:"二级无机毒性物质"}
+ ]},
+ {name:"化学毒剂",details:[
+ {name:"二氧二甲胺基氰磷酸乙酯化硒",englishname:"Tabun",molecularformula:"(CH3)2 NPOCNO2H5O",type:"化学毒剂"}
+ ]},
+ {name:"生物战剂",details:[
+ {name:"炭疽杆菌",englishname:"Bacillus Anthracis",molecularformula:"无",type:"生物战剂"}
+ ]},
+ {name:"杂项危险物质",details:[
+ {name:"乙二醇",englishname:"Ethylene Glycol",molecularformula:"HOCH2CH2OH",type:"杂项危险物质"}
+ ]},
+ ]
+ num = 0
+ clickNode(num){
+ this.num = num
+ }
+ detaildata = this.typedata[0].details
+ selectedDiv(index,item){
+ this.selectedIndex = index
+ this.detaildata = item.details
+ }
istype = true//默认选择危化品类型
- if(type ==1 ){
- this.istype = true
+ if(type == 1){
+ this.istype = true
this.istype = false
- setTimeout(() => {
- var satellite = new AMap.TileLayer.Satellite();
- var roadNet = new AMap.TileLayer.RoadNet();
- // 创建一个 icon
- var viaMarker = new AMap.Marker({
- position: new AMap.LngLat(116.38,39.92),
- // 将一张图片的地址设置为 icon
- icon: '//a.amap.com/jsapi_demos/static/demo-center/icons/dir-via-marker.png',
- // 设置了 icon 以后,设置 icon 的偏移量,以 icon 的 [center bottom] 为原点
- offset: new AMap.Pixel(-13, -30)
- });
- this.map = new AMap.Map('size',{
- center: [109.656839, 23.098685],//中心点坐标
- zoom: 16,
- layers:[
- satellite,
- // roadNet
- ]
- });
- this.circle.setMap(this.map)
- this.map.add([viaMarker]);
- // this.map.setFitView([ circle ])
- }, 0);
@@ -64,7 +153,107 @@ export class DangerousComponent implements OnInit {
this.isOpen = false
- openDetails(){
+ detailNode = null
+ openDetails(item){
+ this.detailNode = item
this.isOpen = true
+ this.num = 0
+ selector: 'app-gis',
+ templateUrl: './gis.html',
+ styleUrls: ['./dangerous.component.scss']
+export class GisComponent implements OnInit {
+ constructor() { }
+ map:any //地图
+ ngOnInit(): void {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ this.creatMap()
+ }, 0);
+ }
+ markerIcon = new AMap.Icon({
+ image:"//a.amap.com/jsapi_demos/static/demo-center/icons/poi-marker-default.png",
+ size: new AMap.Size(52, 52), //图标大小
+ imageSize: new AMap.Size(26,36)
+ })
+ //地图范围圆圈
+ circle = new AMap.Circle({
+ center: [109.660144, 23.100172],
+ radius: 500, //半径
+ strokeOpacity: 1,
+ fillOpacity: 0.4,
+ strokeStyle: 'dashed',
+ strokeDasharray: [10, 10],
+ // 线样式还支持 'dashed'
+ fillColor: '#1791fc',
+ zIndex: 50,
+ })
+ creatMap(){
+ var satellite = new AMap.TileLayer.Satellite();
+ var roadNet = new AMap.TileLayer.RoadNet();
+ // 创建一个 icon
+ var startIcon = new AMap.Icon({
+ // 图标尺寸
+ // size: new AMap.Size(150, 60),
+ // 图标的取图地址
+ image: '../../../assets/images/fire.png',
+ // // 图标所用图片大小
+ imageSize: new AMap.Size(60, 60),
+ // // 图标取图偏移量
+ // imageOffset: new AMap.Pixel(-9, -3)
+ });
+ var viaMarker = new AMap.Marker({
+ position: new AMap.LngLat(109.660144, 23.100172),
+ icon: startIcon,
+ offset: new AMap.Pixel(-20, -30)
+ });
+ let marker1 = new AMap.Marker({
+ icon: this.markerIcon,
+ position: [109.644436,23.101842],
+ offset: new AMap.Pixel(-7, -34)
+ });
+ let marker2 = new AMap.Marker({
+ icon: this.markerIcon,
+ position: [109.666768,23.104276],
+ offset: new AMap.Pixel(0, -20)
+ });
+ let marker3 = new AMap.Marker({
+ icon: this.markerIcon,
+ position: [109.660118,23.095472],
+ offset: new AMap.Pixel(-13, -8)
+ });
+ this.map = new AMap.Map('size',{
+ center: [109.661536,23.098726],//中心点坐标
+ zoom: 15.8,
+ layers:[
+ satellite,
+ roadNet
+ ]
+ });
+ this.circle.setMap(this.map);//增加范围圆圈
+ this.map.add([viaMarker]);//火源标点
+ marker1.setMap(this.map);
+ marker2.setMap(this.map);
+ marker3.setMap(this.map);
+ }
+ //范围选择
+ rangevalue = 500
+ rangeSelect(e){
+ this.circle.setRadius(Number(this.rangevalue))
+ this.circle.setMap(this.map);//增加范围圆圈
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/app/ui/dangerous/gis.html b/src/app/ui/dangerous/gis.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4a8e15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/ui/dangerous/gis.html
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
diff --git a/src/app/ui/plan-assistance/plan-assistance.component.html b/src/app/ui/plan-assistance/plan-assistance.component.html
index 5abcce6..dfabde3 100644
--- a/src/app/ui/plan-assistance/plan-assistance.component.html
+++ b/src/app/ui/plan-assistance/plan-assistance.component.html
@@ -1,11 +1,95 @@
diff --git a/src/app/ui/plan-assistance/plan-assistance.component.scss b/src/app/ui/plan-assistance/plan-assistance.component.scss
index 379ad01..c1ea7e3 100644
--- a/src/app/ui/plan-assistance/plan-assistance.component.scss
+++ b/src/app/ui/plan-assistance/plan-assistance.component.scss
@@ -7,14 +7,230 @@
display: flex;
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height: 100%;
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flex: 1;
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+//下方 车辆信息 UI
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+ p { flex: 1; text-align: center; line-height: 35px; }
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+.rightStorey {
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+ transition: margin-right 0.5s;
+.closeRight {
+ margin-right: -300px;
+ transition: margin-right 0.5s;
+//右侧语音 UI
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+ width: 310px;
+ height: 320px;
+ z-index: 11;
+ box-sizing: border-box;
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+ background: url('../../../assets/images/输入框.png');
+ background-size: 100% 100%;
+ color: #30bbec;
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+ label {
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+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/app/ui/plan-assistance/plan-assistance.component.ts b/src/app/ui/plan-assistance/plan-assistance.component.ts
index 643c99c..e31df47 100644
--- a/src/app/ui/plan-assistance/plan-assistance.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/ui/plan-assistance/plan-assistance.component.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
-import { Component, OnInit, AfterViewInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
+import { Component, OnInit, AfterViewInit, ViewChild, } from '@angular/core';
import { WorkingAreaComponent } from 'src/app/working-area/working-area.component';
+import {CanvasShareDataService} from '../../canvas-share-data.service';
+import * as ObjectID from 'bson-objectid';
selector: 'app-plan-assistance',
@@ -7,1115 +9,6641 @@ import { WorkingAreaComponent } from 'src/app/working-area/working-area.componen
styleUrls: ['./plan-assistance.component.scss']
export class PlanAssistanceComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
- constructor() { }
+ constructor(public canvasData: CanvasShareDataService) { }
workingArea: WorkingAreaComponent;
demoData = [
- TemplateId: null,
- FloorId: null,
+ Id: '5f670ceae03abe3856d87d3e',
+ Name: '消防泵房',
Angle: 0,
- Color: 0,
+ Color: '80',
+ Point: {
+ x: 538.0725371265185,
+ y: 790.8249488152024
+ },
+ Width: 32,
+ Border: null,
+ Height: 32,
Enabled: true,
- FillMode: 0,
- FireElementId: 0,
+ FloorId: '5f670bb79e91f4410005f564',
+ DrawMode: 0,
+ FillMode: 1,
+ GameMode: 0,
+ ImageUrl: '/api/Objects/PlanPlatform/5e7c0ff1bb3cf106508afaed.png',
FixedSize: false,
CanConnection: true,
ConnectionObjs: [],
- Height: 32,
- Width: 32,
- Id: '5f67f92238f13cd2048cae9d',
- ImageUrl: './assets/images/地上消火栓.png',
- InteractiveMode: 0,
- MultiPoint: null,
- Point: {
- x: 1295,
- y: 1237
- },
- Name: '地上消火栓0',
- PropertyInfos: null,
- Border: null,
- DrawMode: null,
Thickness: 0,
- IsFromBuilding: false,
- GameMode: 0
+ MultiPoint: null,
+ TemplateId: '5e7c0ff961550e2754d461b9',
+ FireElementId: '5e7967a80814180f1c1ecaa4',
+ PropertyInfos: [
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '名称/编号',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: ''
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '位置',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: ''
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: '张',
+ PropertyName: '图片',
+ PropertyType: 4,
+ PropertyValue: '5'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: null,
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: false,
+ Visible: false,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: null,
+ RuleValue: null,
+ PhysicalUnit: null,
+ PropertyName: '图片',
+ PropertyType: 3,
+ PropertyValue: '/api/Objects/WebPlan2D/5f67042b9e91f4410005f55c/5f670d5c8db9a325049fa971.jpg'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: null,
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: false,
+ Visible: false,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: null,
+ RuleValue: null,
+ PhysicalUnit: null,
+ PropertyName: '图片',
+ PropertyType: 3,
+ PropertyValue: '/api/Objects/WebPlan2D/5f67042b9e91f4410005f55c/5f670d638db9a325049fa972.jpg'
+ }
+ ],
+ IsFromBuilding: true,
+ InteractiveMode: 0
- TemplateId: null,
- FloorId: null,
+ Id: '5f670dd3e03abe3856d87d3f',
+ Name: '地上消火栓',
Angle: 0,
- Color: 0,
+ Color: '#066eed80',
+ Point: {
+ x: -854.3835678799273,
+ y: 688.1144590593601
+ },
+ Width: 32,
+ Border: {
+ w: 0,
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0,
+ z: 0
+ },
+ Height: 32,
Enabled: true,
- FillMode: 0,
- FireElementId: 0,
+ FloorId: '5f670bb79e91f4410005f564',
+ DrawMode: 0,
+ FillMode: 1,
+ GameMode: 0,
+ ImageUrl: '/api/Objects/PlanPlatform/5e7aaebaefc8471c94ff19eb.png',
FixedSize: false,
CanConnection: true,
ConnectionObjs: [],
- Height: 32,
- Width: 32,
- Id: '5f67f92238f13cd2048cae9e',
- ImageUrl: './assets/images/地上消火栓.png',
- InteractiveMode: 0,
- MultiPoint: null,
- Point: {
- x: 2117,
- y: 981
- },
- Name: '地上消火栓1',
- PropertyInfos: null,
- Border: null,
- DrawMode: null,
Thickness: 0,
- IsFromBuilding: false,
- GameMode: 0
+ MultiPoint: null,
+ TemplateId: '5e7aaef87ba7ea2e4ce5a550',
+ FireElementId: '5e7967810814180f1c1ecaa2',
+ PropertyInfos: [
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '名称/编号',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: '1'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '牙口',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: '65*2/100'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '管径',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: 'DN200'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: 'MPa',
+ PropertyName: '压力',
+ PropertyType: 2,
+ PropertyValue: '0.12'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '开关类型',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: '扳手'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '管网形式',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: '环状'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: '张',
+ PropertyName: '图片',
+ PropertyType: 4,
+ PropertyValue: '5'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: null,
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: false,
+ Visible: false,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: null,
+ RuleValue: null,
+ PhysicalUnit: null,
+ PropertyName: '图片',
+ PropertyType: 3,
+ PropertyValue: '/api/Objects/WebPlan2D/5f67042b9e91f4410005f55c/5f6711aa8db9a325049fa973.jpg'
+ }
+ ],
+ IsFromBuilding: true,
+ InteractiveMode: 0
- TemplateId: null,
- FloorId: null,
+ Id: '5f6711f5e03abe3856d87d43',
+ Name: '泡沫栓',
Angle: 0,
- Color: 0,
+ Color: '#066eed80',
+ Point: {
+ x: -539.9645631808662,
+ y: 271.248256281619
+ },
+ Width: 32,
+ Border: {
+ w: 0,
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0,
+ z: 0
+ },
+ Height: 32,
Enabled: true,
- FillMode: 0,
- FireElementId: 0,
+ FloorId: '5f670bb79e91f4410005f564',
+ DrawMode: 0,
+ FillMode: 1,
+ GameMode: 0,
+ ImageUrl: '/api/Objects/PlanPlatform/5e7b3a628121c2286c0cb294.png',
FixedSize: false,
CanConnection: true,
ConnectionObjs: [],
- Height: 32,
- Width: 32,
- Id: '5f67f92238f13cd2048cae9f',
- ImageUrl: './assets/images/地上消火栓.png',
- InteractiveMode: 0,
- MultiPoint: null,
- Point: {
- x: 2117,
- y: 607
- },
- Name: '地上消火栓2',
- PropertyInfos: null,
- Border: null,
- DrawMode: null,
Thickness: 0,
- IsFromBuilding: false,
- GameMode: 0
+ MultiPoint: null,
+ TemplateId: '5e7b3a6a0137e12020bd7f7f',
+ FireElementId: '5e796b4a0814180f1c1ecabb',
+ PropertyInfos: [
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '名称/编号',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: '1'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '型号',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: 'PS100-65*2'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '出口',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: '法兰'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: '张',
+ PropertyName: '图片',
+ PropertyType: 4,
+ PropertyValue: '5'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: null,
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: false,
+ Visible: false,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: null,
+ RuleValue: null,
+ PhysicalUnit: null,
+ PropertyName: '图片',
+ PropertyType: 3,
+ PropertyValue: '/api/Objects/WebPlan2D/5f67042b9e91f4410005f55c/5f6715768db9a325049fa974.jpg'
+ }
+ ],
+ IsFromBuilding: true,
+ InteractiveMode: 0
- TemplateId: null,
- FloorId: null,
+ Id: '5f67128ae03abe3856d87d44',
+ Name: '地上消火栓',
Angle: 0,
- Color: 0,
+ Color: '#066eed80',
+ Point: {
+ x: -563.1123674185176,
+ y: 272.12837517909185
+ },
+ Width: 32,
+ Border: {
+ w: 0,
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0,
+ z: 0
+ },
+ Height: 32,
Enabled: true,
- FillMode: 0,
- FireElementId: 0,
+ FloorId: '5f670bb79e91f4410005f564',
+ DrawMode: 0,
+ FillMode: 1,
+ GameMode: 0,
+ ImageUrl: '/api/Objects/PlanPlatform/5e7aaebaefc8471c94ff19eb.png',
+ CompanyId: '5f67042b9e91f4410005f55c',
FixedSize: false,
CanConnection: true,
ConnectionObjs: [],
- Height: 32,
- Width: 32,
- Id: '5f67f92238f13cd2048caea0',
- ImageUrl: './assets/images/地上消火栓.png',
- InteractiveMode: 0,
- MultiPoint: null,
- Point: {
- x: 2117,
- y: 66
- },
- Name: '地上消火栓3',
- PropertyInfos: null,
- Border: null,
- DrawMode: null,
Thickness: 0,
- IsFromBuilding: false,
- GameMode: 0
+ BuildingId: '5f6704859e91f4410005f55f',
+ MultiPoint: null,
+ TemplateId: '5e7aaef87ba7ea2e4ce5a550',
+ FireElementId: '5e7967810814180f1c1ecaa2',
+ PropertyInfos: [
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '名称/编号',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: '2'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '牙口',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: '65*2/100'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '管径',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: 'DN200'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: 'MPa',
+ PropertyName: '压力',
+ PropertyType: 2,
+ PropertyValue: '0.12'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '开关类型',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: '扳手'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '管网形式',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: '环状'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: '张',
+ PropertyName: '图片',
+ PropertyType: 4,
+ PropertyValue: '5'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: null,
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: false,
+ Visible: false,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: null,
+ RuleValue: null,
+ PhysicalUnit: null,
+ PropertyName: '图片',
+ PropertyType: 3,
+ PropertyValue: '/api/Objects/WebPlan2D/5f67042b9e91f4410005f55c/5f6711aa8db9a325049fa973.jpg'
+ }
+ ],
+ IsFromBuilding: true,
+ InteractiveMode: 0
- TemplateId: null,
- FloorId: null,
+ Id: '5f671330e03abe3856d87d45',
+ Name: '地上消火栓',
Angle: 0,
- Color: 0,
+ Color: '#066eed80',
+ Point: {
+ x: -51.57937113008251,
+ y: 271.9224183841443
+ },
+ Width: 32,
+ Border: {
+ w: 0,
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0,
+ z: 0
+ },
+ Height: 32,
Enabled: true,
- FillMode: 0,
- FireElementId: 0,
+ FloorId: '5f670bb79e91f4410005f564',
+ DrawMode: 0,
+ FillMode: 1,
+ GameMode: 0,
+ ImageUrl: '/api/Objects/PlanPlatform/5e7aaebaefc8471c94ff19eb.png',
+ CompanyId: '5f67042b9e91f4410005f55c',
FixedSize: false,
CanConnection: true,
ConnectionObjs: [],
- Height: 32,
- Width: 32,
- Id: '5f67f92238f13cd2048caea1',
- ImageUrl: './assets/images/地上消火栓.png',
- InteractiveMode: 0,
- MultiPoint: null,
- Point: {
- x: 2117,
- y: -230
- },
- Name: '地上消火栓4',
- PropertyInfos: null,
- Border: null,
- DrawMode: null,
Thickness: 0,
- IsFromBuilding: false,
- GameMode: 0
+ BuildingId: '5f6704859e91f4410005f55f',
+ MultiPoint: null,
+ TemplateId: '5e7aaef87ba7ea2e4ce5a550',
+ FireElementId: '5e7967810814180f1c1ecaa2',
+ PropertyInfos: [
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '名称/编号',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: '3'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '牙口',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: '65*2/100'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '管径',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: 'DN200'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: 'MPa',
+ PropertyName: '压力',
+ PropertyType: 2,
+ PropertyValue: '0.12'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '开关类型',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: '扳手'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '管网形式',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: '环状'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: '张',
+ PropertyName: '图片',
+ PropertyType: 4,
+ PropertyValue: '5'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: null,
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: false,
+ Visible: false,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: null,
+ RuleValue: null,
+ PhysicalUnit: null,
+ PropertyName: '图片',
+ PropertyType: 3,
+ PropertyValue: '/api/Objects/WebPlan2D/5f67042b9e91f4410005f55c/5f6711aa8db9a325049fa973.jpg'
+ }
+ ],
+ IsFromBuilding: true,
+ InteractiveMode: 0
- TemplateId: null,
- FloorId: null,
+ Id: '5f671341e03abe3856d87d47',
+ Name: '地上消火栓',
Angle: 0,
- Color: 0,
+ Color: '#066eed80',
+ Point: {
+ x: 299.11560093170795,
+ y: 5.1063714995351575
+ },
+ Width: 32,
+ Border: {
+ w: 0,
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0,
+ z: 0
+ },
+ Height: 32,
Enabled: true,
- FillMode: 0,
- FireElementId: 0,
+ FloorId: '5f670bb79e91f4410005f564',
+ DrawMode: 0,
+ FillMode: 1,
+ GameMode: 0,
+ ImageUrl: '/api/Objects/PlanPlatform/5e7aaebaefc8471c94ff19eb.png',
+ CompanyId: '5f67042b9e91f4410005f55c',
FixedSize: false,
CanConnection: true,
ConnectionObjs: [],
- Height: 32,
- Width: 32,
- Id: '5f67f92238f13cd2048caea2',
- ImageUrl: './assets/images/地上消火栓.png',
- InteractiveMode: 0,
- MultiPoint: null,
- Point: {
- x: 1450,
- y: -410
- },
- Name: '地上消火栓5',
- PropertyInfos: null,
- Border: null,
- DrawMode: null,
Thickness: 0,
- IsFromBuilding: false,
- GameMode: 0
+ BuildingId: '5f6704859e91f4410005f55f',
+ MultiPoint: null,
+ TemplateId: '5e7aaef87ba7ea2e4ce5a550',
+ FireElementId: '5e7967810814180f1c1ecaa2',
+ PropertyInfos: [
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '名称/编号',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: '4'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '牙口',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: '65*2/100'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '管径',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: 'DN200'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: 'MPa',
+ PropertyName: '压力',
+ PropertyType: 2,
+ PropertyValue: '0.12'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '开关类型',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: '扳手'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '管网形式',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: '环状'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: '',
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: true,
+ Visible: true,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ PhysicalUnit: '张',
+ PropertyName: '图片',
+ PropertyType: 4,
+ PropertyValue: '5'
+ },
+ {
+ Tag: null,
+ Order: 0,
+ Enabled: false,
+ Visible: false,
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: null,
+ RuleValue: null,
+ PhysicalUnit: null,
+ PropertyName: '图片',
+ PropertyType: 3,
+ PropertyValue: '/api/Objects/WebPlan2D/5f67042b9e91f4410005f55c/5f6711aa8db9a325049fa973.jpg'
+ }
+ ],
+ IsFromBuilding: true,
+ InteractiveMode: 0
- TemplateId: null,
- FloorId: null,
+ Id: '5f671357e03abe3856d87d49',
+ Name: '地上消火栓',
Angle: 0,
- Color: 0,
+ Color: '#066eed80',
+ Point: {
+ x: 500.9012712134421,
+ y: 432.9232113342218
+ },
+ Width: 32,
+ Border: {
+ w: 0,
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0,
+ z: 0
+ },
+ Height: 32,
Enabled: true,
- FillMode: 0,
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+ InteractiveMode: 0,
+ MultiPoint: null,
+ Point: {
+ x: 1295,
+ y: 1237
+ Name: '泡沫消防车',
+ PropertyInfos: [
+ {
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+ Order: 0,
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '名称/编号',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: '钦南区新兴消防',
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ Tag: '',
+ Visible: true
+ }
+ ],
+ Border: null,
+ DrawMode: null,
+ Thickness: 0,
+ IsFromBuilding: false,
+ GameMode: 2
+ };
+ // 所有车辆信息
+ allCarsData = [
TemplateId: null,
FloorId: null,
@@ -1125,25 +6653,46 @@ export class PlanAssistanceComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
FillMode: 0,
FireElementId: 0,
FixedSize: false,
- CanConnection: true,
- ConnectionObjs: [],
Height: 32,
Width: 32,
- Id: '5f67f92238f13cd2048caec3',
- ImageUrl: './assets/images/泡沫栓.png',
+ Id: ObjectID.default.generate(),
+ ImageUrl: './assets/images/水罐消防车.png',
InteractiveMode: 0,
MultiPoint: null,
Point: {
- x: 2875,
- y: 233
+ x: 1295,
+ y: 1237
- Name: '泡沫栓11',
- PropertyInfos: null,
+ Name: '水罐消防车',
+ FireTeamName: '港北区解放路消防救援站', // 所属消防队
+ ReachTime: 0, // 到场剩余时间
+ WaterYield: '8t', // 载水量
+ Foam: '0t', // 载泡沫
+ PeopleNum: 6, // 载人数
+ Tonnage: '10t', // 吨位
+ Assignment: '供液', // 执行任务
+ LinkCar: '', // 连接车辆
+ WaterOccupy: '', // 水源占用
+ PropertyInfos: [
+ {
+ Enabled: true,
+ Order: 0,
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '名称/编号',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: '港北区解放路消防救援站',
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ Tag: '',
+ Visible: true
+ }
+ ],
Border: null,
DrawMode: null,
Thickness: 0,
IsFromBuilding: false,
- GameMode: 0
+ GameMode: 2
TemplateId: null,
@@ -1154,25 +6703,46 @@ export class PlanAssistanceComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
FillMode: 0,
FireElementId: 0,
FixedSize: false,
- CanConnection: true,
- ConnectionObjs: [],
Height: 32,
Width: 32,
- Id: '5f67f92238f13cd2048caec4',
- ImageUrl: './assets/images/泡沫栓.png',
+ Id: ObjectID.default.generate(),
+ ImageUrl: './assets/images/泡沫消防车.png',
InteractiveMode: 0,
MultiPoint: null,
Point: {
- x: 1981,
- y: 265
+ x: 1295,
+ y: 1237
- Name: '泡沫栓12',
- PropertyInfos: null,
+ Name: '水罐泡沫消防车',
+ FireTeamName: '港北区解放路消防救援站', // 所属消防队
+ ReachTime: 0, // 到场剩余时间
+ WaterYield: '10t', // 载水量
+ Foam: '2t', // 载泡沫
+ PeopleNum: 6, // 载人数
+ Tonnage: '12t', // 吨位
+ Assignment: '灭火', // 执行任务
+ LinkCar: '', // 连接车辆
+ WaterOccupy: '', // 水源占用
+ PropertyInfos: [
+ {
+ Enabled: true,
+ Order: 0,
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '名称/编号',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: '港北区解放路消防救援站',
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ Tag: '',
+ Visible: true
+ }
+ ],
Border: null,
DrawMode: null,
Thickness: 0,
IsFromBuilding: false,
- GameMode: 0
+ GameMode: 2
TemplateId: null,
@@ -1183,25 +6753,46 @@ export class PlanAssistanceComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
FillMode: 0,
FireElementId: 0,
FixedSize: false,
- CanConnection: true,
- ConnectionObjs: [],
Height: 32,
Width: 32,
- Id: '5f67f92238f13cd2048caec5',
- ImageUrl: './assets/images/泡沫栓.png',
+ Id: ObjectID.default.generate(),
+ ImageUrl: './assets/images/泡沫消防车.png',
InteractiveMode: 0,
MultiPoint: null,
Point: {
- x: 1570,
- y: 265
+ x: 1295,
+ y: 1237
- Name: '泡沫栓13',
- PropertyInfos: null,
+ Name: '水罐泡沫消防车',
+ FireTeamName: '港北区解放路消防救援站', // 所属消防队
+ ReachTime: 0, // 到场剩余时间
+ WaterYield: '4t', // 载水量
+ Foam: '1t', // 载泡沫
+ PeopleNum: 6, // 载人数
+ Tonnage: '6t', // 吨位
+ Assignment: '灭火', // 执行任务
+ LinkCar: '', // 连接车辆
+ WaterOccupy: '', // 水源占用
+ PropertyInfos: [
+ {
+ Enabled: true,
+ Order: 0,
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '名称/编号',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: '港北区解放路消防救援站',
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ Tag: '',
+ Visible: true
+ }
+ ],
Border: null,
DrawMode: null,
Thickness: 0,
IsFromBuilding: false,
- GameMode: 0
+ GameMode: 2
TemplateId: null,
@@ -1212,25 +6803,46 @@ export class PlanAssistanceComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
FillMode: 0,
FireElementId: 0,
FixedSize: false,
- CanConnection: true,
- ConnectionObjs: [],
Height: 32,
Width: 32,
- Id: '5f67f92238f13cd2048caec6',
- ImageUrl: './assets/images/泡沫栓.png',
+ Id: ObjectID.default.generate(),
+ ImageUrl: './assets/images/压缩空气泡沫消防车.png',
InteractiveMode: 0,
MultiPoint: null,
Point: {
- x: 93,
- y: -362
+ x: 1295,
+ y: 1237
- Name: '泡沫栓14',
- PropertyInfos: null,
+ Name: '举高喷射消防车',
+ FireTeamName: '港北区解放路消防救援站', // 所属消防队
+ ReachTime: 0, // 到场剩余时间
+ WaterYield: '18t', // 载水量
+ Foam: '2t', // 载泡沫
+ PeopleNum: 6, // 载人数
+ Tonnage: '20t', // 吨位
+ Assignment: '灭火', // 执行任务
+ LinkCar: '', // 连接车辆
+ WaterOccupy: '', // 水源占用
+ PropertyInfos: [
+ {
+ Enabled: true,
+ Order: 0,
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '名称/编号',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: '港北区解放路消防救援站',
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ Tag: '',
+ Visible: true
+ }
+ ],
Border: null,
DrawMode: null,
Thickness: 0,
IsFromBuilding: false,
- GameMode: 0
+ GameMode: 2
TemplateId: null,
@@ -1241,25 +6853,46 @@ export class PlanAssistanceComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
FillMode: 0,
FireElementId: 0,
FixedSize: false,
- CanConnection: true,
- ConnectionObjs: [],
Height: 32,
Width: 32,
- Id: '5f67f92238f13cd2048caec7',
- ImageUrl: './assets/images/固定水泡.png',
+ Id: ObjectID.default.generate(),
+ ImageUrl: './assets/images/水罐消防车.png',
InteractiveMode: 0,
MultiPoint: null,
Point: {
- x: 1892,
+ x: 1295,
y: 1237
- Name: '固定水泡0',
- PropertyInfos: null,
+ Name: '水罐消防车',
+ FireTeamName: '八塘消防救援站', // 所属消防队
+ ReachTime: 3, // 到场剩余时间
+ WaterYield: '12t', // 载水量
+ Foam: '0t', // 载泡沫
+ PeopleNum: 6, // 载人数
+ Tonnage: '14t', // 吨位
+ Assignment: '冷却', // 执行任务
+ LinkCar: '', // 连接车辆
+ WaterOccupy: '', // 水源占用
+ PropertyInfos: [
+ {
+ Enabled: true,
+ Order: 0,
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '名称/编号',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: '八塘消防救援站',
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ Tag: '',
+ Visible: true
+ }
+ ],
Border: null,
DrawMode: null,
Thickness: 0,
IsFromBuilding: false,
- GameMode: 0
+ GameMode: 2
TemplateId: null,
@@ -1270,25 +6903,46 @@ export class PlanAssistanceComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
FillMode: 0,
FireElementId: 0,
FixedSize: false,
- CanConnection: true,
- ConnectionObjs: [],
Height: 32,
Width: 32,
- Id: '5f67f92238f13cd2048caec8',
- ImageUrl: './assets/images/固定水泡.png',
+ Id: ObjectID.default.generate(),
+ ImageUrl: './assets/images/泡沫消防车.png',
InteractiveMode: 0,
MultiPoint: null,
Point: {
- x: 1993,
- y: -452
+ x: 1295,
+ y: 1237
- Name: '固定水泡1',
- PropertyInfos: null,
+ Name: '水罐泡沫消防车',
+ FireTeamName: '八塘消防救援站', // 所属消防队
+ ReachTime: 3, // 到场剩余时间
+ WaterYield: '6t', // 载水量
+ Foam: '2t', // 载泡沫
+ PeopleNum: 6, // 载人数
+ Tonnage: '8t', // 吨位
+ Assignment: '冷却', // 执行任务
+ LinkCar: '', // 连接车辆
+ WaterOccupy: '', // 水源占用
+ PropertyInfos: [
+ {
+ Enabled: true,
+ Order: 0,
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '名称/编号',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: '八塘消防救援站',
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ Tag: '',
+ Visible: true
+ }
+ ],
Border: null,
DrawMode: null,
Thickness: 0,
IsFromBuilding: false,
- GameMode: 0
+ GameMode: 2
TemplateId: null,
@@ -1299,25 +6953,46 @@ export class PlanAssistanceComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
FillMode: 0,
FireElementId: 0,
FixedSize: false,
- CanConnection: true,
- ConnectionObjs: [],
Height: 32,
Width: 32,
- Id: '5f67f92238f13cd2048caec9',
- ImageUrl: './assets/images/固定水泡.png',
+ Id: ObjectID.default.generate(),
+ ImageUrl: './assets/images/泡沫消防车.png',
InteractiveMode: 0,
MultiPoint: null,
Point: {
- x: -536,
- y: 1014
+ x: 1295,
+ y: 1237
- Name: '固定水泡2',
- PropertyInfos: null,
+ Name: '水罐泡沫消防车',
+ FireTeamName: '八塘消防救援站', // 所属消防队
+ ReachTime: 3, // 到场剩余时间
+ WaterYield: '3t', // 载水量
+ Foam: '1t', // 载泡沫
+ PeopleNum: 8, // 载人数
+ Tonnage: '5t', // 吨位
+ Assignment: '堵截', // 执行任务
+ LinkCar: '', // 连接车辆
+ WaterOccupy: '', // 水源占用
+ PropertyInfos: [
+ {
+ Enabled: true,
+ Order: 0,
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '名称/编号',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: '八塘消防救援站',
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ Tag: '',
+ Visible: true
+ }
+ ],
Border: null,
DrawMode: null,
Thickness: 0,
IsFromBuilding: false,
- GameMode: 0
+ GameMode: 2
TemplateId: null,
@@ -1328,25 +7003,46 @@ export class PlanAssistanceComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
FillMode: 0,
FireElementId: 0,
FixedSize: false,
- CanConnection: true,
- ConnectionObjs: [],
Height: 32,
Width: 32,
- Id: '5f67f92238f13cd2048caeca',
- ImageUrl: './assets/images/固定水泡.png',
+ Id: ObjectID.default.generate(),
+ ImageUrl: './assets/images/压缩空气泡沫消防车.png',
InteractiveMode: 0,
MultiPoint: null,
Point: {
- x: -354,
- y: 1014
+ x: 1295,
+ y: 1237
- Name: '固定水泡3',
- PropertyInfos: null,
+ Name: '举高喷射消防车',
+ FireTeamName: '八塘消防救援站', // 所属消防队
+ ReachTime: 4, // 到场剩余时间
+ WaterYield: '16t', // 载水量
+ Foam: '2t', // 载泡沫
+ PeopleNum: 4, // 载人数
+ Tonnage: '18t', // 吨位
+ Assignment: '灭火', // 执行任务
+ LinkCar: '', // 连接车辆
+ WaterOccupy: '', // 水源占用
+ PropertyInfos: [
+ {
+ Enabled: true,
+ Order: 0,
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '名称/编号',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: '八塘消防救援站',
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ Tag: '',
+ Visible: true
+ }
+ ],
Border: null,
DrawMode: null,
Thickness: 0,
IsFromBuilding: false,
- GameMode: 0
+ GameMode: 2
TemplateId: null,
@@ -1357,25 +7053,46 @@ export class PlanAssistanceComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
FillMode: 0,
FireElementId: 0,
FixedSize: false,
- CanConnection: true,
- ConnectionObjs: [],
Height: 32,
Width: 32,
- Id: '5f67f92238f13cd2048caecb',
- ImageUrl: './assets/images/固定水泡.png',
+ Id: ObjectID.default.generate(),
+ ImageUrl: './assets/images/泡沫消防车.png',
InteractiveMode: 0,
MultiPoint: null,
Point: {
- x: -22,
- y: 1014
+ x: 1295,
+ y: 1237
- Name: '固定水泡4',
- PropertyInfos: null,
+ Name: '水罐泡沫消防车',
+ FireTeamName: '龚州消防救援站', // 所属消防队
+ ReachTime: 11, // 到场剩余时间
+ WaterYield: '6t', // 载水量
+ Foam: '2t', // 载泡沫
+ PeopleNum: 6, // 载人数
+ Tonnage: '8t', // 吨位
+ Assignment: '供液', // 执行任务
+ LinkCar: '', // 连接车辆
+ WaterOccupy: '', // 水源占用
+ PropertyInfos: [
+ {
+ Enabled: true,
+ Order: 0,
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '名称/编号',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: '龚州消防救援站',
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ Tag: '',
+ Visible: true
+ }
+ ],
Border: null,
DrawMode: null,
Thickness: 0,
IsFromBuilding: false,
- GameMode: 0
+ GameMode: 2
TemplateId: null,
@@ -1386,25 +7103,46 @@ export class PlanAssistanceComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
FillMode: 0,
FireElementId: 0,
FixedSize: false,
- CanConnection: true,
- ConnectionObjs: [],
Height: 32,
Width: 32,
- Id: '5f67f92238f13cd2048caecc',
- ImageUrl: './assets/images/固定水泡.png',
+ Id: ObjectID.default.generate(),
+ ImageUrl: './assets/images/泡沫消防车.png',
InteractiveMode: 0,
MultiPoint: null,
Point: {
- x: 41,
- y: 437
+ x: 1295,
+ y: 1237
- Name: '固定水泡5',
- PropertyInfos: null,
+ Name: '水罐泡沫消防车',
+ FireTeamName: '龚州消防救援站', // 所属消防队
+ ReachTime: 15, // 到场剩余时间
+ WaterYield: '5t', // 载水量
+ Foam: '1t', // 载泡沫
+ PeopleNum: 6, // 载人数
+ Tonnage: '7t', // 吨位
+ Assignment: '供液', // 执行任务
+ LinkCar: '', // 连接车辆
+ WaterOccupy: '', // 水源占用
+ PropertyInfos: [
+ {
+ Enabled: true,
+ Order: 0,
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '名称/编号',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: '龚州消防救援站',
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ Tag: '',
+ Visible: true
+ }
+ ],
Border: null,
DrawMode: null,
Thickness: 0,
IsFromBuilding: false,
- GameMode: 0
+ GameMode: 2
TemplateId: null,
@@ -1415,25 +7153,46 @@ export class PlanAssistanceComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
FillMode: 0,
FireElementId: 0,
FixedSize: false,
- CanConnection: true,
- ConnectionObjs: [],
Height: 32,
Width: 32,
- Id: '5f67f92238f13cd2048caecd',
- ImageUrl: './assets/images/固定水泡.png',
+ Id: ObjectID.default.generate(),
+ ImageUrl: './assets/images/泡沫消防车.png',
InteractiveMode: 0,
MultiPoint: null,
Point: {
- x: -592,
- y: 437
+ x: 1295,
+ y: 1237
- Name: '固定水泡6',
- PropertyInfos: null,
+ Name: '水罐泡沫消防车',
+ FireTeamName: '龚州消防救援站', // 所属消防队
+ ReachTime: 15, // 到场剩余时间
+ WaterYield: '3t', // 载水量
+ Foam: '1t', // 载泡沫
+ PeopleNum: 6, // 载人数
+ Tonnage: '5t', // 吨位
+ Assignment: '供液', // 执行任务
+ LinkCar: '', // 连接车辆
+ WaterOccupy: '', // 水源占用
+ PropertyInfos: [
+ {
+ Enabled: true,
+ Order: 0,
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '名称/编号',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: '龚州消防救援站',
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ Tag: '',
+ Visible: true
+ }
+ ],
Border: null,
DrawMode: null,
Thickness: 0,
IsFromBuilding: false,
- GameMode: 0
+ GameMode: 2
TemplateId: null,
@@ -1444,76 +7203,103 @@ export class PlanAssistanceComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
FillMode: 0,
FireElementId: 0,
FixedSize: false,
- CanConnection: true,
- ConnectionObjs: [],
Height: 32,
Width: 32,
- Id: '5f67f92238f13cd2048caece',
- ImageUrl: './assets/images/固定水泡.png',
+ Id: ObjectID.default.generate(),
+ ImageUrl: './assets/images/压缩空气泡沫消防车.png',
InteractiveMode: 0,
MultiPoint: null,
Point: {
- x: 1363,
- y: 289
+ x: 1295,
+ y: 1237
- Name: '固定水泡7',
- PropertyInfos: null,
+ Name: '举高喷射消防车',
+ FireTeamName: '龚州消防救援站', // 所属消防队
+ ReachTime: 15, // 到场剩余时间
+ WaterYield: '18t', // 载水量
+ Foam: '2t', // 载泡沫
+ PeopleNum: 4, // 载人数
+ Tonnage: '20t', // 吨位
+ Assignment: '灭火', // 执行任务
+ LinkCar: '', // 连接车辆
+ WaterOccupy: '', // 水源占用
+ PropertyInfos: [
+ {
+ Enabled: true,
+ Order: 0,
+ PhysicalUnit: '',
+ PropertyName: '名称/编号',
+ PropertyType: 0,
+ PropertyValue: '龚州消防救援站',
+ Required: false,
+ RuleName: '',
+ RuleValue: '',
+ Tag: '',
+ Visible: true
+ }
+ ],
Border: null,
DrawMode: null,
Thickness: 0,
IsFromBuilding: false,
- GameMode: 0
+ GameMode: 2
- tempCarData = {
- TemplateId: null,
- FloorId: null,
- Angle: 0,
- Color: 0,
- Enabled: true,
- FillMode: 0,
- FireElementId: 0,
- FixedSize: false,
- CanConnection: true,
- ConnectionObjs: [],
- Height: 32,
- Width: 32,
- Id: '5f67f92238f13cd2048cae9d',
- ImageUrl: './assets/images/泡沫消防车.png',
- InteractiveMode: 0,
- MultiPoint: null,
- Point: {
- x: 1295,
- y: 1237
- },
- Name: '泡沫消防车',
- PropertyInfos: [
- {
- Enabled: true,
- Order: 0,
- PhysicalUnit: '',
- PropertyName: '名称/编号',
- PropertyType: 0,
- PropertyValue: '钦南区新兴消防',
- Required: false,
- RuleName: '',
- RuleValue: '',
- Tag: '',
- Visible: true
- }
- ],
- Border: null,
- DrawMode: null,
- Thickness: 0,
- IsFromBuilding: false,
- GameMode: 2
- };
+ bottomIsShow = false; // 底部车辆信息是否展示
+ rightIsShow = true; // 右侧楼层是否展示
+ rightSayIsShow = false; // 右侧语音是否展示
ngOnInit(): void {
+ const that = this;
+ window.setTimeout(() => {
+ document.getElementById('center').oncontextmenu = function(event) {
+ that.workingArea.cancelPaint();
+ event.preventDefault();
+ };
+ });
ngAfterViewInit(): void {
this.workingArea.loadDemoScene(this.demoData, 0.149);
+ // 开始绘制
+ plot(e) {
+ }
+ // 选择 车辆
+ selectCar(e) {
+ console.log(e);
+ this.canvasData.selectCar = e;
+ this.bottomIsShow = true;
+ }
+ // 倒计时结束
+ handleEvent(e, item) {
+ console.log(e, item);
+ }
+ // 关闭 底部车辆信息
+ closeBottom() {
+ this.bottomIsShow = false;
+ }
+ // 打开 右侧楼层
+ openRight() {
+ this.rightIsShow = true;
+ }
+ // 关闭 右侧楼层
+ closeRight() {
+ this.rightIsShow = false;
+ }
+ // 打开 关闭 右侧语音
+ toggleSay() {
+ this.rightSayIsShow = !this.rightSayIsShow;
+ }
diff --git a/src/app/ui/plan/collection-tools.component.html b/src/app/ui/plan/collection-tools.component.html
index 7cca24a..2fcbec8 100644
--- a/src/app/ui/plan/collection-tools.component.html
+++ b/src/app/ui/plan/collection-tools.component.html
@@ -225,17 +225,17 @@
- visibility
+ visibility
diff --git a/src/app/ui/plan/collection-tools.component.scss b/src/app/ui/plan/collection-tools.component.scss
index af85a09..8af5ded 100644
--- a/src/app/ui/plan/collection-tools.component.scss
+++ b/src/app/ui/plan/collection-tools.component.scss
@@ -361,6 +361,7 @@
position: absolute;
right: 6px;
+ z-index: 1000;
diff --git a/src/app/ui/plan/collection-tools.component.ts b/src/app/ui/plan/collection-tools.component.ts
index 86eb500..233f1f6 100644
--- a/src/app/ui/plan/collection-tools.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/ui/plan/collection-tools.component.ts
@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ export class planComponent implements OnInit {
- clickTreeNode(node){
+ clickTreeNode(node,e){
}else if(this.canvasData.originaleveryStoreyData.data[node.id]){
@@ -583,8 +583,8 @@ export class planComponent implements OnInit {
- clickLookItem(node){
+ clickLookItem(node,e){
+ // e.stopPropation()
for(let key in this.storeyData.data){
if(key == node.id){
@@ -615,8 +615,25 @@ export class planComponent implements OnInit {
+ const nodes = this.treeControl.dataNodes;
+ const expandNodes = [];
+ nodes.forEach((item) => {
+ if(item.expandable && this.treeControl.isExpanded(item)){
+ expandNodes.push(item.id);
+ }
+ });
this.dataSource.data = [...this.dataSource.data]
- this.treeControl.expandAll()
+ let newNodes = this.treeControl.dataNodes;
+ newNodes = newNodes.filter(n => {
+ return expandNodes.indexOf(n.id) >= 0;
+ });
+ newNodes.forEach(item => {
+ this.treeControl.expand(item);
+ });
let iconVisibleArr:any = []
diff --git a/src/app/ui/ui.module.ts b/src/app/ui/ui.module.ts
index e7da62d..0533da8 100644
--- a/src/app/ui/ui.module.ts
+++ b/src/app/ui/ui.module.ts
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ import { MatFormFieldModule } from '@angular/material/form-field';
import { MatPaginatorIntl } from '@angular/material/paginator';
import { PersonaldataComponent } from '../pages/personaldata/personaldata.component';
import { ChangepasswordComponent } from './changepassword/changepassword.component';
-import { IsnoPipe } from '../pipes/boolean.pipe';
+import { IsnoPipe, SafeHtmlPipe } from '../pipes/boolean.pipe';
import {ConfirmpswDirective} from './changepassword/equal-validator.directive'
import { TimePipe } from '../pipes/time.pipe';
import { FileUploadModule } from 'ng2-file-upload'
@@ -58,14 +58,14 @@ import {leftFunctionalDomainComponent,editPlaneFigureComponent,addDisposalNodeCo
import { saveOneDialog, saveTwoDialog } from './collection-tools/save';
import { planComponent } from './plan/collection-tools.component';
import { DisposalNodeComponent } from './disposal-node/disposal-node.component';
-import { DangerousComponent } from './dangerous/dangerous.component';
+import { DangerousComponent, GisComponent } from './dangerous/dangerous.component';
import { SimilarPlansComponent } from './similar-plans/similar-plans.component';
import { RealCasesComponent } from './real-cases/real-cases.component';
import { PlanAssistanceComponent } from './plan-assistance/plan-assistance.component';
- declarations: [UiComponent,PersonaldataComponent, ChangepasswordComponent,IsnoPipe,ConfirmpswDirective,TimePipe, CollectionToolsComponent,WorkingAreaComponent,CreateBuilding,EditBuilding,leftFunctionalDomainComponent,editPlaneFigureComponent,ViewDetails,saveOneDialog,saveTwoDialog,addDisposalNodeComponent,editDisposalNodeComponent, DisposalNodeComponent, DangerousComponent, SimilarPlansComponent, RealCasesComponent, PlanAssistanceComponent,planComponent],
+ declarations: [SafeHtmlPipe,GisComponent,UiComponent,PersonaldataComponent, ChangepasswordComponent,IsnoPipe,ConfirmpswDirective,TimePipe, CollectionToolsComponent,WorkingAreaComponent,CreateBuilding,EditBuilding,leftFunctionalDomainComponent,editPlaneFigureComponent,ViewDetails,saveOneDialog,saveTwoDialog,addDisposalNodeComponent,editDisposalNodeComponent, DisposalNodeComponent, DangerousComponent, SimilarPlansComponent, RealCasesComponent, PlanAssistanceComponent,planComponent],
imports: [
diff --git a/src/app/working-area/working-area.component.ts b/src/app/working-area/working-area.component.ts
index b49a02e..a570f65 100644
--- a/src/app/working-area/working-area.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/working-area/working-area.component.ts
@@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ export class WorkingAreaComponent extends EventEmitter implements OnInit, AfterV
// 是否登录
public verificationURL = '/ui/plan'; // 验证url地址是否为验证页面
+ count = 0;
isLogin() {
const token = sessionStorage.getItem('token'); // 判断 是否登录状态
if (token) {
@@ -387,6 +388,7 @@ export class WorkingAreaComponent extends EventEmitter implements OnInit, AfterV
const floorData = this.canvasData.originaleveryStoreyData.data;
const buildingData = this.canvasData.originalcompanyBuildingData.data;
const floor = this.canvasData.selectStorey;
+ console.log(JSON.stringify(buildingData));
// // key=>属性名 data[key]=>属性值
Object.keys(floorData).forEach((key) => {
switch (floorData[key].InteractiveMode) {
@@ -472,9 +474,6 @@ export class WorkingAreaComponent extends EventEmitter implements OnInit, AfterV
IsFromBuilding: false,
GameMode: 2
- const tempCar = new Car(tempData, this);
- tempCar.setParent(this.app.stage);
- tempCar.position.set(25, 25);
const tempData2 = {
TemplateId: null,
@@ -519,15 +518,27 @@ export class WorkingAreaComponent extends EventEmitter implements OnInit, AfterV
IsFromBuilding: false,
GameMode: 2
- const tempCar2 = new Car(tempData2, this);
- tempCar2.setParent(this.app.stage);
- tempCar2.position.set(25, 50);
- // 开始绘制管线
- this.beginPaintPipeline();
+ this.ShowCarIcon(tempData);
+ this.ShowCarIcon(tempData2);
+ this.ShowCarIcon(tempData);
+ this.ShowCarIcon(tempData2);
+ this.ShowCarIcon(tempData);
+ this.ShowCarIcon(tempData2);
+ // // 开始绘制管线
+ // this.beginPaintPipeline();
// this.beginPaintingArrows();
+ /**
+ * 显示车辆图标
+ * @param data
+ */
+ public ShowCarIcon(data: any) {
+ this.count++;
+ const tempCar2 = new Car(data, this);
+ tempCar2.setParent(this.app.stage);
+ tempCar2.position.set(25, this.count * 25);
+ }
* @param id 图标ID
diff --git a/src/assets/images/direction.png b/src/assets/images/direction.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46e0bec
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/images/direction.png differ
diff --git a/src/assets/images/route.png b/src/assets/images/route.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8445226
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/images/route.png differ
diff --git a/src/index.html b/src/index.html
index ebc3ab9..b039ca4 100644
--- a/src/index.html
+++ b/src/index.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@